Chapter XII

1612 Words

"I think I like you more..." My jaw dropped. I felt like all of a sudden, butterflies were tickling my stomach right now. "Because you act maturely but on the inside, you are childish." He chortled and continued eating. I felt like someone had thrown me a bucket of ice with water. My ears panted with the words he just spat. I processed his words in my head and snapped back to dart him with a glare. This man... This freaking man is such an... "Asshole," I said, couldn't help but retort with the remark. Sebastian stopped mid-way and glanced at me with amusement in his eyes. "Feisty as always, Ms. Merrywheather." I squinted my eyes at him and took the fork to stab the meat whilst looking at him. I don't care if he would fire me at this moment. The mere fact that he insulted what I just

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