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“Um, pardon me Your Highness”, the Kingdom’s jurist of religion interrupted before the council began. “May I ask why two young ladies are present in this kind of council?” “Oh my, I could ask the same thing, why is the jurist of religion is here in this kind of council”, Scarlet retorted. But General Homes held up his hand to silent his foster daughter. She reluctantly held her tongue. The jurist of religion, or what the people called him as Jury Thomas, or among the grassroot, his friendly title was called as Uncle Thomas. He was one of the ministers and jurists invited to this Warrior Circle council, the council that was often meant only for the hearings of the warriors and soldiers or upper echelon. He was sitting between General Collins and his son, Scholar Frederick. His aides. The Silverstorm Kingdom’s Generals would be aides to the ministers, nobles and jurists. They provided protection and at times, served as the confidante to these leaders and with that, the Generals and Captains’ men were at these leaders’ disposals if they required their strengths. And the ultimate aide to the leader, was General Homes to King Elias, the aide to the Royal King, the monarch. And under the wing of Homes were Scarlet and Lance who served as aides to Princess Fina. As Fina had yet to attain a General as her aide, she was settled with two Captains by her sides. Thomas’s eyes widened in fury at the remark thrown by Scarlet. He was still sore from those years, when Homes and Elias brought their little girls into councils and assemblies, that he only believed should be only attended by men. At first, like other men around him, they tolerated because well, Elias was King but also what could two little girls do. It was even endearing and enlightening in a tense setting. But unfortunately for men like Thomas, these girls were smart for their young age. Thomas remarked something that offended little Scarlet that time, and instead of crying, she pulled his tied hair. That raised chuckles from other leaders and even the Generals, Captains and Scholars. Ah, and using his position, his petty vengeance was to spread words. Spread wildfire. What a cursed child Scarlet was, and even had the audacity to advise back the King to reconsider keeping her close to the royal family. Homes almost punched him when he heard such foul words came out of a mouth of a so-called preacher. He had remained distant and kept low when interacting with Homes after that. He was still afraid of Homes. But he was more intimidated seeing those two girls now became two young ladies reveled by the grassroot. “They are both part of the army, Jury Thomas, if you are not aware”, the King answered coolly. But internally he wanted to sigh at such antics demonstrated by some men in these Kingdom’s administration. “Homes’ daughter is now Captain Scarlet. And my daughter would become the army’s Supreme Commander when she rules one day. They have been involved and contributed greatly in this Warrior Circle discussion ever since they attained that honour. Well, I don’t want to praise just because these two girls are such endearing children to me. You can ask the other Generals here on their achievements”. Scarlet and Fina tried to withhold their eyes from rolling at such dotingness expressed by the King in front of these men that just wanted them to be quiet. Thomas nodded tightly. “I apologize for my lack of awareness, Your Majesty. And for holding up everyone’s time. Please continue”. And so, they ran through the current affairs and issues and status reports of the Kingdom. And for those non-warriors who had never sat in the same room with either of these ladies was going to get a taste of their prowess. “Well, I would love us to hear the details of the battle royale event currently led by our Captain Scarlet here”, General Collins started to speak when his turn arrived. Scarlet managed a steel glare. He only smirked. The old man who was almost the same age as Homes, just as healthy as her adoptive father but there was something chilling about him. She had trained one time, only because she wanted to hasten her development and strength to rise through the rank as fast as she could. But he had made her bait, endured tortured from the enemy, broke her bones and made her witness brutal killings as part of her training. When Homes realized that, she had suffered strains in her health and mental state that she had to be put on house-arrest. While Homes was furious for Scarlet’s recklessness and impatience, he had no choice to take over her training more seriously before any other men broke her in such a way that was ill-mannered. Warrior’s training was unkind but Homes had always strived to weave wisdoms and good intentions when he taught the art of fighting and warfare. For Collins, he was only into manipulation and the sense of triumph to trump others with his wits. He had little values that aligned with Homes. And as a father, even though not by blood, he was rather upset that Scarlet agreed to consider Collins as a teacher. Maybe, another part was just envy that his little girl was close to another father-figure like man. “Why don’t you enlighten us, Captain?” Collins taunted. “I hope you’re not frolicking around with those dashing men. Remember, people pay tax for these”. She really wanted to strangle him. But the feeling diminished to indifference for the past councils they had been through. It was furthered diminished when she noticed her good friends, Lance and Fina, had the same feeling towards Collins. And then, there was Frederick, they could never fathom where he stood. Does he side with his Father? Does he have the same tenacity for sadism as his father? Or was he only moving through the motions as Collins’ pawns. They never really could approach him during social events. After all, his father was one of the ambitious Generals who wanted to be the aide to the King. And it was because he thought he could have ultimate influence over the monarch and hence the running of the Kingdom. But thankfully, God was merciful. And Homes was bestowed as the General to the King. And peace was managed to be achieved after all those battles and wars. But despites that, there were still restless people who craved the chaos, the war, because they benefitted from this worldly hellfire. War was a hell invented by the rotten humans who would be thrown to God’s Hell. They threw people who were innocent into their man-made, devil-influenced hellfire. And they merely sat back and watched on top of their worldly heavenly riches. “Ah and why don’t you stop supplying the small rebellions at the border with weaponry. I don’t think it’s that hard to diffuse the tension at the very far border here. Maybe if you use that golds to aid and offer peace, I think it would be a worthwhile investment”, Scarlet replied with rapid shots. “Think about it, that golds could be used to inject more into our welfare funds, better learning institutions, better schools, happy families. I’m getting tired knocking on widows’ houses and informing them and their children that their father or brother could not make it back, you know”, there was tightness at the last sentence. Scarlet was tired with deaths. It was inevitable in her line of works. But she really really hated seeing people disposed people like it was a piece of chess set. “Why don’t you do a cost-benefit analysis. Here, have a look, Mr. Treasurer”, Scarlet handed over a scroll to the Kingdom’s Treasurer presented. The bespectacled old man clumsily accepted the scroll and adjusted his spectacles and read through, while he counted the numbers in the scroll. But while Scarlet had faced such intensive and accelerated training and growth in her military competence, these Generals were not Generals for naught despites their intention and underhanded means of getting the positions. They still had years of experiences which Scarlet, Fina and Lance, the young ones did not have. Collins only replied, “Isn’t that such an accusation…” Lance threw another scroll on the table. “We have unfiltered report on the findings of the far border rebellion”, said Lance. Everyone on the table stared at the scroll thrown at the center. There was silence until the King spoke, “General Collins, you mean to tell me that the rebellion has not been subdued?” “My apology, sire. We are rather shorthanded”, Collins was rather careful when it came to the King. “Then, do you require more men? What can hasten the closure of this matter?” King Elias raised. He saw where Collins’ eyes landed onto. Scarlet expected as well. “If you allow me to obtain more advanced weaponry supplies to provide for my men, then I would believe it could finish…” “We can’t afford any more of this delay, Collins”, Homes spoke. That made everyone’s attention turned to him. Homes had such a way of commanding the room without meaning to. King Elias once told Fina and Scarlet, that he himself admired Homes’ great wit and strengths. But more importantly, his pure intention. He was self-less, he never did such action for his self-gratification and he only strived for the betterment of the Kingdom. And he read and prayed a lot. Maybe because of that, he was able to come up with plans and strategies that were unconventional and yet successful. “Can we freeze the trading activities and blocked the pathway near the far border for now?” Homes looked towards the King for permission. He didn’t bother asking for other people’s input. “But how would the far border people sustain themselves?” Thomas queried. “Do you not read anything aside from your tainted scripture?” Scarlet shot him. This was why he really hated those ladies, especially Scarlet. “Those far border people are self-sufficient tribe. This does not concern them except for the ruckus caused by those pesky rebellions which your aides could not handle them”. “That terrain is a more formidable enemy than any men in battle, I’ll have you know, Scarlet”, Collins stated with iciness. “And talking back ungracefully to a Jury is rather unbecoming for a Captain”. Ignoring the latter statement, Scarlet continued, “Which is why I don’t understand how come the battle is still ongoing on such brutal terrain. Someone or something is backing up those little folks. They could not survive for this long without a bit of assistance, especially when they can shoot our men”. “Or do you want me to roll out a wipeout operation?” Fina spoke. And that was another chilling idea brought out to the table. Scarlet and Lance even reeled back into their seats. It could stop the chaos at the far border they were discussing. But it could wipe out the terrain, the enemy, the warriors and the whole tribe there. Everything could be wiped out there. Collins tried to reign in his smile, delighted to hear such beautiful, unforgiving and inconsiderate plan. “I like your plan, Princess”, said Collins with a wicked smile. “Proceed with Homes’ plan”, the King cut, and the Treasurer and the Council Writer jotted down his commands. “Fina, as much as we can evacuate the tribe, convincing those people would be difficult and in the interest of times, Homes’ plan is the feasible one. And besides, I don’t want to do more damage to Nature as well by exploding the terrain. Have respect to the non-verbal beings”. Fina pouted instead. Scarlet and Lance quietly felt relieved as well. As much as they both worked and dealt with bloodbath, Fina had a higher tenacity for brutality. The King and the Queen told them that their daughter was very passionate. When she loves, she loved fiercely. And when she hates, she hated fearsomely. And the latter could blind her other senses. Which was why they were glad Scarlet and Lance and the other Ladies she befriended with were able to balance her out. Eventually, Fina’s turn arrived, or more specifically towards Scarlet and her battle royale matter. All the other men around were grinning and smirking to witness these two ladies fending for themselves in this table. “Any favourable men befitting to the Princess, Captain?” Collins had no qualm asking about it. ‘If there’s none, my son Frederick would love to court the beautiful heir”. “Do you want to listen to my report or not?” Scarlet snapped. “Carry on”, Collins grinned. Scarlet did not bother hiding her sigh. She hated councils been dragged out due to annoying conversations and trading snarky remarks with each other. She summarized the same findings she had discussed with the suitors beforehand. Letting their weaknesses exposed bare to the Warrior Councils. Letting them consider the knowledge they had now and gauging their next step of actions. Of course, Collins loved to interrupt in between as Scarlet read her report. Some questions were out of curiosity and some were out of spite, like the ones where they discussed about Neville. “Hm? The Prince you failed to assassinate is here, and part of the suitors?” Jury Thomas gasped, obviously not used to these. Scarlet merely replied, “This was already made known in the preliminary meeting before commencing the battle royale event”. “So, what are you going to do with that Prince? Let him court your dear friend?” “It’s all up to him honestly”, said Scarlet, not bothering putting up an air or act. “If he dies due to excessive training, then we all know the extent of his resolve. If he survived, well, if Princess Fina likes him as well, who can stop them? And besides, he can’t swim”. That raised gasps. And Collins looked very surprised at such revelation. The other Generals and Captains were whispering to their ministers, jurists and scholars, jotting down, started to adjust their seats and listened seriously. Scarlet internally swore. Her throat was straining from just reading the report. Thankfully, Lance took over the half portion of the reports about the suitors. Each suitor discussed, the council men scrutinized the findings. Questioning Scarlet’s next plan of action and Fina’s current feelings towards these suitors. They discussed other matters, trades and welfare where Scarlet, Lance and Fina questioned back, scrutinized those ministers and jurists’ way of handling, or possibly misappropriating people’s tax monies. “Now hold on, you’re proposing to cut down production of literatures? So, you can spend more on development on advance weaponry?” Lance raised when he heard the jurist of military’s research and weapon development suggested the idea on how to utilize the Kingdom’s current wealth. There were those favouring the funds to be prioritized in warfare provision. But Fina and Homes argued that this indicated that the Kingdom was still not used to peace and was asking for another war. Although, being prepared is good, there should be more faith put in maintaining peace. “How about instead of spending on development on weaponry, why don’t we spend more funds into teaching the people how to fight and defend themselves? No need to cut down the current publishing business. After all, I love my art and literature, don’t you agree?” Scarlet raised. “We’ll give our retired men a place in schools for them to educate the youths to teach them to take better care of the Kingdom”. On another side, the ministers and jurists that handled the kingdom’s welfare, learning and social growth of the people were nodding along with Scarlet and her group. “I agree”, said Fina. Followed by Lance and Homes. Some of the men eventually concurred. “Another matter”, Lance continued, “We need to increase controls at the port trading center and around ports in general. There are reported findings of illegal items being moved and about around our region. We do not condone trading of human slaves and unsolicited items. The number of crimes and victims involved been reported has decreased but there are still some on the loose”. Scarlet observed some of those men’s knuckles were clenching, out of the tense situation in general or the fear of being discovered for allowing these acts to take place. After all, she noticed some of these men were unusually wealthy for their positions. Not all money these men attained were clean ones, she wagered. Ah, there was just so much things to be cleansed off but there was only so little time. And so much they could handle at once. The Warrior Circle council today was one of the longest they had been through and very draining. When the King finally had his say on all the matters which were presented, he dismissed the session and slowly everyone took their leave. “Dear Princess”, Homes started as he, Fina, Scarlet and Lance exited through the same door. “Please refrain from exercising extreme measures when it comes to subduing issues”, he meant her wipeout operation. Fina only pouted, “Geez, but that was the only thing I could come up with to shut Sir Collins’ yapping”. Scarlet and Lance could only shake in amusement at Fina’s excuses. “Ah very well. I will exercise more patience when it comes to handling such remarks”, Fina resigned. Scarlet almost chuckled when Homes also shot her, “You too, Scarlet and Lance”. “Aye General Sir”, they both replied flatly.
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