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“Dude where have you been? You’re late. Again.” George, my best friend, said to me. “And you’re filthy as usual, what do you do?” he asked. I just laughed, “Give me ten minutes, I’ll be ready,” I concluded and went upstairs to take a shower. When I accepted Kathleen’s offer I clearly did it on impulse and didn’t think it through enough to get my ducks in a row. I didn’t think it would be so much work or that it would be coinciding with my other plans in running my father’s company. I wasn’t even expecting to meet a girl I’m willing to compromise my anonymity in running the company. But when I laid my eyes on her fiery red hair and her captivating blue eyes, it’s like all my logic senses when out the door. Getting into the shower, I kept wondering what was wrong with me. This never happens, I don’t get captivated by girls let alone accept a job that I don’t necessarily need. She’s all I can think of, remembering every movement, her perfectly manicured nails as she held on the coffee cup, how her rosy lips parted when she sipped the coffee, how her blue eyes looked up at me, how her cheeks turned pink when I complimented her eyes and how she has the most beautiful smile. Letting out a shaky breath, yet I had the most amazing week with her, shopping for second hand furniture and doing painting and a few adjustments in the shop, she even created a stage where upcoming artist can showcase their talent. Passing out flyers to announce the reopening of the new and improved Sunnyside Café, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson seemed impressed with the changes she was making and seemed so proud of her. “Lorenzo! Jeez what are you washing, we’re way past being fashionably late,” George shouted from my living room, bringing me back from my head. This is not happening to me, she’s completely messing with my routine and system. Getting out of the shower I went to my closet to find a suit to wear, I was to have a meeting with Mr. Brown to discuss his contribution in building the new homeless shelter. Turner and Son’s LLC is a construction and demolition company, we gained out popularity and investors from building the tallest building in the city. Once my dad did the launching on live TV the requests came pouring in both for construction and demolition which made my dad really rich and popular, I really didn’t like the lime light I appreciated a more hands on approach most people just think of me as another worker or the manager, it helps to be on site because then you can make sure things run smoothly and to your liking. Settled for the white dress shirt, and a navy-blue Armani suit, blue to me projected confidence and power, putting on cologne and heading downstairs. “Finally, princess,” came George’s response, “had a nice bubble bath?” he teased. I raised an eyebrow in response and walked past him and out the door. “Give me the keys, we’re late and you drive like a grandma,” I said to George. He hesitated, “Lorenzo this is my baby. Just take care of her. Please.” He said giving me puppy dog eyes. “Uh huh,” I said smirking. “What was that smile! I saw that,” he said as he entered the car. “Let’s just go.” I said with finality. We got to the building in almost ten minutes with a whiny George about how I almost killed us a couple of times. “I got us here in one piece though, didn’t I?” I said firmly just to get him to shut up. We entered the building and I have to admit this was one of our finest work yet. The marble floor and the material used was the best that there was. “Hello Mr. Turner,” said the short brunet who came to walk beside me, my dad’s personal assistant, Sara Foxx was her name. “Lorenzo, Mr. Turner is my dad,” I corrected her for like the hundredth time. “Sorry force of habit. Mr. Brown and Mr. Turner have been waiting for you for almost five minutes. Mr. Turner is not really happy,” said the fast-talking Sara. “Didn’t expect any less,” I said softly as we entered the elevator to the tenth floor. When we reached Sara guided me to the conference room in use. Walking towards the direction with George in tow, we entered the room making everyone’s eyes turn to us. “Sorry I’m late. I was meeting with Nicolas Booth who seemed so interested in this project,” I said as I took a seat next to my dad. This caught Mr. Brown’s attention, I used Nicolas Booth intentionally because he was the Mayor’s advisor and everyone wants to be associated with powerful people. “You gentlemen have not reached an agreement yet have you?” I asked looking around the table. “No son we haven’t. As a matter of fact, Mr. brown here wanted to back out of the deal.” My father said. “Oh, guess then our business is done here,” I bluffed. As if on que my phone buzzer, I took it out and smiled on seeing Kathleen’s name on the screen. I looked up from my phone straight at Mr. Brown, “Nice meeting you Richard, since you’re backing out I’ll accept Nick’s offer,” I said and was about to stand when Mr. Brown blurted out, “Wait! I’ll sign the contract.” We signed the contract and concluded the main business of the day, people started shaking hands and sharing smiles. George approached me and whispered, “When did you talk to the Mayor’s advisor?” “I didn’t.” I whispered back. Taking out my phone to read Kathleen’s message, Hey, just wanted to confirm if you’ll be free to play at tomorrow’s grand opening. It read. See you tomorrow. I texted back, putting my phone back in my pocket when I saw my das approaching me. “You, Lorenzo are lucky you closed that deal. That gets you off the hook for being late,” said my dad, “did you really talk to Nick?” he asked. “What do you think dad?” I asked him. He laughed hugging me, “I taught you well.” He said. “Which reminds me, your mother wants you to come over for dinner sometime. She hasn’t seen you in a long time and she thinks I’m over working you, so for my sake just drop by the house before she kills me.” He told me, “I sure will.” I said. Satisfied with my answer he left, leaving me and George alone. “We should go out tonight to celebrate your success you know, get you laid maybe,” he said putting his hand across my shoulder. “I really don’t like going out, we could stay in. I have all the best liquor in my liquor cabinet,” I suggested. “We always stay in. Today we’re doing my thing.” He complained, “Be ready by 8pm. I’ll pick you up,” he said as he walked out the door. I guess a change in scenery would do me some good. I thought as I walked out. Looking at my watch in the elevator, it’s only 12 noon. I didn’t have any other work to do so I’d go change into my usual sweatpants and hoodie and go to sing at the street, which is pretty much what I do, more for fun than anything else. At some point I did think of joining a band but then again, I couldn’t find the perfect one, I just decided to go to different places to perform more like a street artist. It is a fun way to associate with people from all walks of life. Today I was feeling more like outdoors so I went to a park to perform, capturing a good crowd. I was having fun until the cops threatened to give me a ticket, took the money the onlookers had donated and gave to a homeless guy by the park and went to prepare to go out with George. Took another shower I was really sweaty and decided to go with a pair of jeans, a t shirt and sneakers, all black, didn’t see a need for a sweater considering I’ll be in a club full of sweaty people rubbing against each other, left my hair messy and went to prepare myself a grilled sandwich. At exactly 8 George was ringing my doorbell and we were ready to go. Once in the car I asked the burning question, “where are we going?” “Somewhere where you’re going to have fun. You clearly don’t remember the meaning of the word,” George responded more cocky than usual. The drive wasn’t long, Shimmering, said the big letters in front of the club. “Isn’t this the newly opened club?” I asked, George smirked, “And here I thought you didn’t know fun.” “We actually built this building that’s how I know,” I said to him. George just shrugged and said, “My friend owns the club so we won’t have trouble entering.” The club was packed and crowded, guess it’s part of the grand opening, then I saw her and stopped, the red hair, the silver dress that seemed to look perfect on her. Seated on the counter sipping a beer, looking around when our eyes met, “Kathleen,” I whispered. 
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