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Prior to the start of Turmoil... “It seems you are much uninformed indeed, I heard a trusted party say that Multiple Earls' titled children and even the Favoured children of the 42 marquises and 6 dukes are all in attendance, you see that stage high up? It was set especially for them. Though it’s tinted so we can’t see what is going on there, I believe they are looking down at us… mocking us…they are right, there is no way we can marry Queen Clover. I shouldn’t have come with such gusto and boast” “So, then why are you still here,” the previous Baron asked in a taunt “Brother, we are the same, we still clinch to the last thread of hope, that maybe she would see us in a different light! Our Queen Fairy would never discriminate this way, someone so pure wouldn’t follow this dark world!” “Yes! That’s right” Another round of senseless discussion issued as they waited for the start of the Selection. Benighted to them; The previous Queen, Gipsy stood silently as she listen to the talks of both high and low stages. ‘I was right, they don't even mention me anymore... Sigh, what fickle life.’ She grumbled inwardly. She spoke to the only guard following her in a quiet tone. “I know what you want to ask, Edward. And I accept... ‘Palace Knights aren’t meant to contest in this selection? Don't forget it was a Queen that instated this rule... And am a Queen. Because you've been a good friend and helper to my daughter, I will turn a blind eye to it and allow you to participate, on the premise that you'll protect her when the selection starts.” “Thank you, my Queen!! I swear with my life that no one would ever harm her highness” the knight, Edward bowed in perfect etiquette, though a blooming smile appeared on his face. Edward was chosen to protect Clover since he showed a great aptitude to control Mana Energy when he was just 15, ten years passed with a blink now, but several things happened with them being so close to each other, these feelings grew quietly in Edward's heart. But as a Palace knight, he could only stare helplessly as the woman he loves marries another, then he’ll still be tasked with protecting her every time. This torture was what he couldn’t handle, so he had defiled the rules and moved to ask the Queen for permission. Who knew this would happen. Truly a blessing! "Right. It's almost evening right?... Open the curtains, let it begin" She exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding and moved forward to the stage... Amidst cheers from drunk men... Some in happiness and giddiness, others in wine. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Bloodline of Dukes and Earls, Warriors and Knights either by Blessing or Virtue, welcome... I'll skip through why you were all invited, since of course, you know. The rules and procedures for a Smooth and Happy End— Which is ever after —that we all want. So without further ado, let's..." The quieted hall peeked their ear up, wondering why This scary and powerful Queen would suddenly stop right in the middle of her speech and gaze at the sky, and was that dread on her face?... "THE SKY!!! WHAT ABOMINATION IS THAT!" the guards shouted in fright, causing everyone to spill out of the hall and move out to witness this peculiar sight themselves. The scene was, truly spectacular. A Dark space wider than a hundred feet unexpectedly materialized like a tear in the sky. From it, a pair of large scaly hands adjoined with 5 claws each held each side of the Void and enlarged the space within. Everyone watched in amazement as a head shot out from the enlarged space with a grin..... A large scaly head with boring fangs pointing out. Gipsy abruptly felt her heart clench and her hands shaking in nervousness... "EVERYONE!!.. GET OUT OF IMMEDIATELY....... THAT'S, A, DRAGON!." “...” “...” “RUN!!” The place immediately turned into a disordered 'every man for himself' zone as women naturally started screaming and children bawling their eyes out. "It's happening again. The scene from 10,000 years ago is happening today. Curse the gods for making me alive to see it!" The Earl children and other higher-ups were scared shitless! They all moved faster than their legs could carry them towards the Castle... Remembering the bedtime stories they were told about the castle being the last stronghold for mankind. "Oho!? So this world still has mighty masters? Ke Ke Ke Ke, Mortals, eh? Bow in terror while awaiting your judgment. Flee? Fight? Don't think too much of yourselves, only your knees can save you now." And space was suddenly ripped apart to bring to sight hundreds of similar Winged Demons, with the breath of Netherlands and Height reaching the skies. — — — ____ GYPSY _____ “You want to fight, to flee? Don’t think too much about yourselves, you all are nothing, the only thing to do is kneel in submission for this master here, your knees are your only saving grace." Gipsy watched the dragon pass smoothly through the void with a mocking voice. To their astonishment, this 50m Pure Azure Dragon morphed into its human form, A young man with striking figures and sunset eyes. This face though still had this contempt scorn on it, even its eyes flashed with murderous intent. All Gypsy saw in its eyes was a mixture of something close to a battle fanatic, a look of bliss and a look filled with disgust.
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