Pursuers At Night

927 Words
"Stop being so jittery okay? gosh, you look like you've just seen a ghost" Hidden behind a caved-in the pillar, constructed to look like a carving of some sort... I raise my head to meet his and grind my teeth, "Vile creature! This was all because of you, you know. If my mother hears this..." "Enough about your mother... You forever remain a kid if you don't fix your bad dependences." I shut my mouth and, even though I didn't want to think about it, I just couldn't stop myself from mulling over his words. It might be true that I was too dependent on my mother's capabilities, surviving under her wings. But then, the fight with that beastly Dragon somewhat jerked me up to reality. Just what if there was a threat my mother couldn't deal with. What would happen then, if I'm alone, without her shied - no dome, to hide in. I've thoroughly thought about this yet haven't got the slightest clue About what to do. For one, I was... am too weak. For my peers and fellow generations, I could look at most people in scorn and disdain. But when compared to grand Masters that commune with my mother, there was no way to compare at all. Too weak. The only reason the Dukes flat out kissed my feet was only due to my mother, everything I had ever gotten was either directly or indirectly from her. But what was going to happen when she leaves. I mean, two days ago saw me talking about the perfect dress to take to the Opening Marriage Selection Ceremony and this night I find myself in the arms of another man, who I had never thought about or even knew existed. One I hadn't even thought about in my wildest fantasies. It was a near kill then, I don't know what would happen if my mother couldn't defeat the Dragon at the end. Well, one thing was sure, with its lascivious and lustful mind and soul, There wasn't a bit of doubt if he used all the beautiful women — I included — as something short of a breeding factory for demi dragons. This brought dread to me... one that gave me a sleepless night full of wide eyes nightmares. I hadn't even used an hour to clear my head before this misfortune of a man had shown up and everything went down south from his first sentence. „This was all because of YOU!" I condemn him, exasperated by his still composed look. "What the f*CK are you going on about. Look here, girl -" "I Am Not a Girl! What you see staring daggers at you is a grown-up woman whose marriage is just almost in due time, she's, —and by 'she' I mean Me!— is supposed to be preparing for the grand ceremony that happens just once in my life. But what have we here, an unrepentant sinner! whose aim is to demolish my life's labor!" I was almost screaming now, 'how dare he still keep that 'grown-up face about to admonish a kid ' and speak utterances at me, the Queen! "You hear yourself right now? If you believe yourself a woman, then by the gods, act like one. All I see is a kid throwing tantrums and spitting saliva all over my face. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter how 'grownup you look' if your character still smells like sh*t then you'll forever be looked upon as such, and yes, the same applies even when you're in such high authority. " silence followed, I kept low and refuse to say anything. To say the least, he was right about one thing. I've always hid my insecurities in my heart, Showing off a calm and collected look that never could define me. It tugged my heart when this man saw with a glance, all the dirt I hid in my heart-shaped box. "Can you at least let me down now?" "Right..." another silence ensued, " *sigh* Being rude and raucous, am cognizant of it all. Saying sorry have never been my thing so I hurt people even more whenever I don't apologize, it's just -" " quiet! You can mumble all you want later," Rudeus spoke in a hushed voice. "Why, You! Am certain now, you are a beast born without feelings! and I almost believed I could converse with —hmm" I was shocked stiff. His hand had already masked my mouth. " less chatter, listen carefully. They are close by," he said. I became frightened and my eyes darted around to make confirmations. "how could this! what gave out us away?" "Do you want to know," Rudeus gave an accusatory look, one filled with displeasure? tap! tap! I hear the sounds of footsteps to me Draw near n . "hehe, Dear goddess clover... where did you go, did we somehow disturb your catnapping? could it be that you're a little bit skittish, choosing to play hide and seek at this time of the night?" the voice was not even a slight bit respectful. Curses rang out and even filthy names weren't left out. "[ why aren't you leaving already? do you want to die!" I grab his collar and whisper in the smallest voice I could use, hearing myself, I realized then... I do sound like a cat. " I can't leave even if I want to. If you have anything that can get us out of here now would be the best time to use it."
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