The Queen called Gipsy

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'Sometimes I think love is a burden, just a tight shackles binding you someone...... Other times, I convince myself it's all the dummies in your brain fumbling things up for you, every reaction you make is just some combination of hormones....... But then I remember that I don't really know love." Hidden words from a Heart broken Queen... Qn. Gypsy _____ Gypsy ________ Somewhere in the vast Cosmo. Snow fell lightly on the roofs of houses quietly When suddenly Dong! Dong! Loud sounds reverberated throughout The Large quiet capital as Carriages moved solemnly towards a large, picturesque Castle that seem to tower in everything. The Palace was built in exceedingly a grand fashion, with bricks alone as large as doors, and castle rods as thick as gates. This was Castle Kaiser! The home of the World’s greatest force and haven to all humans. Legend has it that generations ago, this was where the greatest and last show down happened against Humans And greedy Dragons!. Everyone knew that Dragons where Greedy Lustful creatures, that ate human babies as cookies and would always destroy a whole family when they rob just to cut all roots form growing to take back their treasures. But ever since the Ancient Battle Era, 10,000 years ago, there haven’t been anything else on dragons except the constant folklores from ballads about the evil dragon defiling the pure princess. Which always ended with bolts of anger from the listeners, no matter how much they heard these stories the women would always breakdown in fear and anger. While the men would clench their fist and with some righteous conviction, wished they were alive then, so that they’ll put a sword to all those winged bastards hearts. But this isn’t about Dragons, or wars…. And certainly not about ballads and the common folks. This is about the Royal highness, The New Queen, and today was specially all about her. This was the Royal selection day, to choose who amongst the most handsome literate men, good in sword fighting and excellent in leadership; to honored greatly and be called The First Gentleman. So Carriages, filled with luster and grandeur all rush from their respective fiefdoms towards this royal castle. No matter how bustling and jittery they were on the road, immediately they passed through the large perfect gate that acted as a line between humans and saints, they all quieted down and acted all time low. Inside the castle, high up in one of the see through courtrooms, Two breathtaking women were discussing happily like weaver birds while looking interestingly at the new incomers. It goes without saying that they were opening criticizing the royals rushing in. If any random person glanced at the two of them, he would immediately say they were a sister pair sent down from the heavens, a feast for the eyes. The two women had the same, Ombre Platinum soft hair that fell over their shoulders, down to their curvy waist, and even followed down past the slope of their buttocks. Their eyes brought out the true purpose of the light blue color, making all who gleamed a look bow in deep infatuation. Their faces, sculptured uniquely by the heavens with perfect eyebrows and straight nose donning on them to further emphasize their beauty. In fact everything about both of them was made out of a perfect carving even their smiles…. But then an obvious difference could be noticed between both women, the younger one was obviously a maiden with an air of immaturity around her, her hair was deeper but slicker than the older woman and she had an innocent inquisitive face, making every man that saw her filled with a fervent wish to posses and protect this Fairy with everything they’ve got. The older woman had a more defined figure, with her well rounded breast and hips sticking in out to further entice the hearts and minds of both men and women. Whether purposely or unconsciously, no matter what dress she wore, always pushed out her well proportioned assets. But then her face in the crowd would always be crouched up in a frown, giving her a cold and unapproaching look. In fact most man had made it their life time effort to woo this ice cold lady to a smile, but had always ended up disappointed, with the ones that ‘went too far’ even punished…. Making all of them to give up regrettable and push forward for the next best one. “Look at that one then, Tessa. His called Fernand, a High Rank 2 Lord! He won the last inheritance battle with only a Sword and his Flaming right hand!” The older woman said “Mum, Because he is a High Rank Lord, doesn’t make him that qualified at all to take my hand in marriage, don’t you forget I am younger than him and yet I am a High Rank Lord too in the order! Something he would never reach in the next 5 years.” The younger one replied in a haughty tone without bothering to look down to the incoming man. “My daughter is now becoming naughty isn’t she, if you did not have your mother here to lead you through and constantly give you some guidance, did you think you could have broke through and reached such a high order? Humph, it was all because of yours truly” The older woman, who turned out to be the mother of the younger, said with a cute pout. “This……. This bastard can really be so shameless and lustful! How stupid of him to think he can gain my daughter’s hand in marriage with his almost 60 year old self! He is toad trying to eat a swan’s meat. I remember he was in attendance in my own time, before I even gave birth to you!" The Mother, Gipsy frowned in anger while pointing her index towards an indistinct figure of a large.. *Ahem* somewhat shaven man strotting out of his carriage. Guards! Go down now, and tactfully stop that man…….. Yes the balding one coming out of his carriage…. Give some flimsy excuse and stop him from attending this selection by all means necessary!” Two of the stoic figures moved out the shadows and moved out, ‘Isn’t she going too far, truly shielding her child like a mother crane’ “Mum! Why don’t you believe me? You should know I don’t have any interest in most people, only someone like Sir Liam or High Lord Chase, can move my heart….. a little bit.” “Seriously lovely, don’t always set your sights that high okay….. you know I would not lie to you. Grand order Knights in shiny armor don’t exist. At least the ones that would wholeheartedly love you without cause,” Her mother, Gipsy contradicted herself with a sad frown, making the former bright room turn gloomy all of a sudden. Noticing she had dozed out she excused herself and left after saying “Go and prepare yourself dear, the feast would begin come dusk. My daughter has to look the cutest and brightest for her own wedding, right?”
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