Chapter 5

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I looked around to see for cloths for him and my lovely mate waved her hand and got cloths for him to wear.  As he changed back to human form he bowed deeply at my mate and said my queen. Which in turn made her spew out her tea and cough. “Brother what brings you here and how did you find me? No one can find this place.” I said with concern and laughter in my voice. “I can answer that.” Shonna said to us. “Because you are my mate your brother is kin so he will be able to find me. Same goes with my sister and her husband and their kids. It’s a simple but effective spell. This way when someone I like or someone, I know won’t get barbequed on my barrier. I’m quite proud of it myself.” She said and poured herself another cup of tea and liquor in it. “Impressive. Are you a wolf or a witch?” Raffie asked. “Both, but not sure on what my true genetics are. My twin and I were born and with our mothers last breath she took to wolf souls and merged them into us. But something tells me that you are not here to meet me. I will leave you two alone. So, the two of you can talk.” She said and walked out of the room, and into her garden. We both turn to watcher out in the garden when something weird happened. Her garden grew higher to where we could not see her. “Brother does she not know who she is?” Raffie asked. The look in his eyes were of aww and amazement. “Brother, I don’t know who she is. So how do you know who she is?” I asked as my eyes pull together in a frown. “Remember dad before he went missing looking for our sister.” He said and all I did was nod along. “Well remember when our sister came back with blood all over her and her saying they took him. Well… that was the False Moon Pack. I found this out by going to the elders and they gave me texts about the False Moon Pack. And their history about pissing off the fae.” “Okay what does this have to do with my mate?” I wondered pursing my lips moving to the stove to get some more water to heat up for more tea and to get coffee started for my brother when I realized that I didn’t know where to find the coffee. My brother went to help me when he saw the back of the photo labeled, the one who tried to get back to his family but died. My heart flipped over when he flipped over the picture. As he seen our father in the picture with my mate and her sister. Raffie I watched as my brother is looking for something to drink when I looked at the photos there on the table. And the one photo that caught my eye was the only photo that was flipped over. The lable on that photo the one that tried to get back to his family but died 1996. So I flipped it over and seen my father with two girls laughing and riding him like a horse. This made my blood boil so bad that electric arcs came off, of my body. And thunder started to boom like some one was hitting a base drum. The rain started pouring down in sheets. The only thing was that the wind didn’t howl. I looked up with anger, fear, and tears coming down in a silent cry of rage. “Brother contain yourself. Please I just found out today about this picture we need my mate to come in and explain. Just try to be calm.” Rex said softly knowing when I’m like this. Just raising my voice to try to calm him down could set him off. The house started to moan and creak. Then the shaking started. It was like an earthquake. I looked up in question. “I’m not doing this.” I said quickly snapping out of my anger and grief. Looking at my brother then we looked at the darkness outside and the plants withering in an astonishing rate. We both opend the door to see two women yelling at each other. With each wave of the hand they were attacking each other like they were going to kill each other. I looked at my brother scared and confused on what’s going on. But he was on the ground going crazy hitting the ground causing lighting to strike him over and over. “Brother what is going on?” I asked as I touched his shoulder to remind him I’m there. “My mate is… Fighting herself.” Rex said to me. “Rex! Brother! Get out of her head now!” I yelled at him and did the only thing I could do was get him out of there. As soon as I got myself and my brother out of the shield. A flash of smoke and it was the same girl but different. With a younger version of her and a man. “Alpha Luna thank you for coming so fast she is having a flash back I think I was in her head when it started. The things they did to her the things she wanted to do to them…” He was yammering on like he lost his mind. “Alpha I Raffie his brother sorry to meet you during this.” I said and looked panicked when the luna ran into the fight. “Please call me Jason. My mate is her twin sister and knows what to do. She will be alright. Ash be careful when you go through. You may see stuff that you may not want to know about your aunt. Her flash backs are worse and worse. Use your powers and speed to help your mother. I can not go in there for fear of getting hurt.” Jason said to me and his daughter. He turned to my brother griped his shoulders and said words that I only though my father knew.  “Stay strong, stay calm, peace is flowing through you. Understand my words and feel the air around you and help fight for your mate through her nightmare.”  He ran off. Shocked from all hell I look at this alpha. With wide eyes realizing I have seen him before, or someone like him. “You met my father not me.” He said and chuckled. “before you ask. Yes, my father, and your father were friends. Best friends once your brother came to my pack looking for his mate and his father. He found both but one is alive with very bad memories. The only good memories of their old pack were of your father. It is impressive that your brother is her second chance mate. She will have to tell you her story. Right now if you want you can help your brother my wife and daughter. Though I have a question for you.  Will you take the leadership or will your brother?” With that said he left to get the pack away from the area. Shaking my head and getting ready to go back in there when I seen my brother fly in the air and slam into the shield. Sky “Sister come back to me please.” I said to her mind when snow came through to me. “She is out of control I cant help her. Today is the anniversary of the day she lost out pup.” Snow said as she wined in pain. “Ash do you have the tranquilizer ready?” I shouted to her I look up and see that she dodged another tree. She nodded at me and I looked over at Rex and shouted for him to tackle her. That’s when a boom of thunder lifted Ash and I off our feet and we both used our training to get balance and use the elements to direct the blow away from here. As soon as we caught our breath a lighting blast came for us. To only be deflected to Rex and his brother. Then out of no were the storm died down to almost nothing and realized that Rex was holding his hand with Shonna and used his ability to calm her down. Next thing I know is that the dart of tranquilizer was in her neck as soon as she was shifting to her primal source. “Ash did you see that coming?” I asked her as she floated next to me and landed. “Yes mom I read her thoughts and seen what was coming. I heard her scream as she was trying to stop herself from changing.” Ash said and I nodded my understanding. I turned to Rex and his brother.  So this is part of the Thunder clan Jason told me about. “Rex and your brother get Shonna inside of the house now. Before she comes to.” I said and walked in the house to get it set up for her on the couch. “Raffie carful with her ankles they are raw and probably still broke from childhood.” Rex said to what must be his brother Raffie. But what shocked me the most was the fact that he knew about her ankles but not the curse she was forced into. “Boys I think its time I tell you something. And Rex this will not be easy to hear. I hope you can hold your questions and anger for the end.” I said and made tea coffee and other drinks as Ash got food out of the fridge and started to cook. As I gather my thoughts, I let Jason know it is safe and sound. Told him to come over any time but I’m not leaving her alone right now.  
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