Chapter 3 moving in

1134 Words
My Work shift felt like it took for ever to end but as soon as it did I ran home and showered. picked out the best clothes I had which happened to be a black tank top, a long flowing teal skirt and some black flip flops with little bits of glitter on the straps. I combed out my hair added some product and scrunched it so it would be wavy an applied a bit of make up. I didn’t want to look over dressed but for some reason I wanted Blake to notice me. Once I was satisfied I looked at my self over in the mirror, I thought I looked really pretty. *you look amazing* startled I turned to look and see if there was any one else in the bathroom with me. There wasn’t … that was weird, the voice sounded like the voice I heard in my dream the other night but that would be impossible. I brushed it off the heat of the summer must be getting to me. I grabbed my back pack shoved all of my stuff into it made sure my envelope with my rent money was there. Checked my cot to make sure I wasn’t leaving anything behind, I looked around at what was my home for so many years. I felt kinda sad to be leaving it, felt like I was leaving jasmine behind to. I grabbed my locket again gave it a kiss and whispered “here to a new adventure jasmine” and left to go meet Blake. I made it to the apartment just a little before 6. Standing there leaning up against the fence waiting for Blake the sun felt amazing on my skin. I leaned back further against the fence an closed my eyes for a few seconds soaking up the sun and letting it heat my skin. I was a bit pale because I never really showed my skin. Always hid my self under baggy sweaters, I was rather skinny and hated people always making comments about “eating a burger”. Maybe I could tan out side more get a nice colour… Maybe Blake would like it?. Why was I so obsessed with this man for, it’s like I couldn’t I get him out of my head. I have seen nice looking men before but something about Blake just clicked. His muscles, that mystery tattoo, his green eyes, I wonder how soft his lips felt… “Hi summer, glad you made it.” I shot my eyes open embarrassed and blushing. “Looks like work tired you out, you ready to sign some papers and get your keys?” He asked “Definitely! I’m more then ready.” Ugh why did everything I say sound so stupid, he probably thought I was just some dumb charity case kid at this point. I imagined my self barring my face in my hands for being so stupid and followed him to the apartment door again. He unlocked it and when I walked in it was fully furnished, but it definitely wasn’t a few days ago. I wonder if someone else was supposed to move in but decided not to “Um is this someone else’s stuff” I asked “No it comes with the apartment, i couldn’t get all the furniture in before the viewings. I hope you don’t mind. Everything is brand new.” He must have seen the shocked look on my face, I wasn’t the best at hiding my emotions. “Well happy birthday to me” I whispered to my self “oh, happy birthday summer, you have any plans?” I loved the way my name sounded coming from his lips. Wait how did he hear me? Maybe I said it louder then I thought. “Not really just going to relax and get settled in tonight” I said nervously secretly wish he was my plans tonight. “Well here are the papers and the keys, I’ll take first months rent and you’ll be all set. I live in the rest of the house so if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” Wait there was no one but me an him living here? I didn’t mind though would give me more of a chance to see him and see if he had a girl friend or not. After signing papers and handing over money he left. Suddenly I missed his presence and his smell the way he looked at me when he thought I wouldn’t notice. This place felt so big with just me in it being use to sharing a space with so many people it’s felt really lonely. Even still I was happy to have my own place, I walked over to the dresser that was tucked away in the far side of the room and put away the little bit of stuff I had, and laid on the bed it was so much better the the cots we had at the shelter. I felt like I was sinking into it, I Turned on the tv threw on an old movie and before I knew it I was sleeping. I woke suddenly in so much pain more pain then I could ever have imagined. I ran to the bathroom and threw up for what felt like hours. The pain wouldn’t go away, I tried to make it to the dresser to grab some Motrin but couldn’t stand up. I crawled my way to the shower turned on the water and crawled in fully dressed. Hoping the warm water would ease some of this pain. It felt like every bone in my body was breaking then re healing it self over an over again. I must have passed out again because when I came to I was dried off my clothes were changed and I was back in my bed. I wondered how I got here but I didn’t have time to think as the pain took over again, jumping from my bed I ran to the bathroom worried I might be sick again. I don’t know how long I sat there but I was screaming in pain rolled up tight in a ball rocking back n forth just praying that it would end. Before I knew it Blake was standing in my door way, normally I would have been freaked out but I was happy that someone was here. Even if I didn’t want Blake to see me this way at least I wasn’t alone. He picked me up laid me on the bed and brought me some kind of tea I took a few sips I was about to ask him to call the emergency number but before I knew it I was sleeping again.
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