Chapter 3

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At the end of the week the contract was duly signed and legally registered. Mariana was in and out constantly and when she was at home, was on the phone most of the time. She chased me out of the room whenever she was and so I had no idea of who she was talking to, or about what, but her calls obviously concerned me and my new life to come. She kept me busy getting our possessions ready for the move to the new home and informed me that we would move into it as two sisters, one of them severely disabled. I would, of course, be the disabled one. Soon, all of our old furniture and appliances had been sold and she’d ordered everything for our new home. The next big surprise came when one evening she told me to pack a change of my remaining male clothing, as we were taking a very quick trip to Germany the next day. I was to be measured for my Latowski chastity belt! We were wealthy enough to afford it on short notice, but I was stunned at the rapidity of this happening. Two days later we were in Dusseldorf at a five star hotel, then the next day took a 45 minute train ride out to the Latowski studio, arriving just after mid-day. Within two hours, the very comprehensive measurements had been taken and we were informed that the construction of my belt would take 12 weeks. It would be everything and more than I wanted, I was assured. It was certainly expensive enough and made of a considerably thicker gauge of steel than used on any of their other belts, just to ensure that there would be no escape possible and any restraints connected to it, would be truly secure. We returned to Dusseldorf with me still in a stunned haze, stayed the night at the hotel, then the next day we returned home, a trip that took nearly 18 hours. I was happy to be back and continued getting ready for the move, trying to forget that I was soon to be properly secured in a real chastity belt. A day after our return, Mariana held a yard sale to sell all of my remaining male clothing and most of the female clothing I had accumulated saying that it soon wouldn’t fit me. During this period, our lives continued much as in the past, and I was kept locked in my most rigid corsets and braces all the time. She also ensured that I slept wearing a corset, this locked on over my firmest panty girdles, complete with the rigid cup and in-dwelling catheter underneath, effectively keeping me in a make-shift chastity belt. During the times she wasn’t on the phone or busy with other things to do with our coming move, Mariana made appointments at her beauty salon to have all of my body hair and eyebrows removed by laser and when she was satisfied that this initial treatment had been fully accomplished, she made other appointments. Although I’d messed around with make-up in the past, now I had no choice in the matter. Lipstick and liner, eye liner, eyebrows and my new lips were embedded in my flesh, being a most unpleasant and painful process that many times had me in a state of gasping tears and misery while it was being done. My already long hair was soon styled my into a more feminine look. Neither of us was particularly happy with the result, but she said it would grow out soon enough and allow better styling, but eventually it wouldn’t be important. They also pierced my ears and put ‘training studs’ in, then I was given long, artificial fingernails that made it difficult to use my hands as I was used to. I also received my first pedicure and so it was already nearly impossible to go back to the way things were before. Mariana told me that this was only just the very beginning of what she had planned for my transformation. CHAPTER 3 The Doctor’s Office The week after all this had been done we went to see the doctor. Mistress told me to dress in only my cup and control briefs, a front zip, all-in-one corset, stockings, low heels and a shirt-waist dress because I would be in and out of what I was wearing several times during the day. I was not to put on my leg or back braces and neither would I use my wheelchair. She added that this would probably be the last opportunity I would have to walk normally and that thrilled me because one of my fondest dreams was to use the braces and/or a wheelchair full time and have no option but to be confined in them. When we arrived and entered the doctor’s office, Mistress told me to be seated while she checked in with the receptionist. I now only called her that and didn’t speak unless she gave permission, and so nodded and walked to the row of chairs to one side and sat down, carefully smoothing out the skirt of my dress while she went to the window, checked in, then came back to sit beside me. It seemed like we waited forever, but the nurse eventually called us and I couldn’t help notice she called Mistress’s name, not mine. A moment later she led us down a long hall to the very back of the building and unlocked the door at the end, then motioned us inside. I later found out that this room was only used for treating ‘special patients’ into which category I most definitely fit. The nurse spoke to Mistress, completely ignoring me “Have her strip to the skin and hop up on the table. I’ll be back in a moment to get her into the stirrups.” The room looked very much like a normal examining area, but the table was far different than what it should have looked like! Of course, I was used to seeing stirrups on an examining table, folded up and out of the way, but these were not only down and ready for use, they were much more elaborate than I had ever seen. Each had the normal, long shiny steel trough that the patient’s calves would lay in, but in addition, there were several heavy, padded leather straps that obviously would hold the legs securely in position. Along the sides of the table there were also many more of the same type straps. Mistress turned to me. “Well, get undressed, Charli! Everything comes off.” I quickly stripped off my outer clothes and she unlocked the belt around my corset when I got to that point, then I hesitated at removing my control brief and cup. Mistress snapped at me. “Everything, Charli!” Once divested of all my clothing, I stepped up on the stool and sat on the end of the examining table. The black vinyl covering was cold on my bare buttocks and I shivered with nervousness. A few minutes later the nurse returned and I wanted so badly to ask her for a gown, but Mistress had not given me permission to speak and I didn’t think I would be allowed the opportunity anyway. The nurse didn’t say a word, but motioned that I lay back fully on the table and move up so that my head was right at its top end. She was a model of efficiency when she lifted my legs into the cold steel stirrups and strapped them tightly into place, then quickly flipped the other wide belts around my waist, chest, forehead and two around each arm, then quickly drew them all tight through locking ratchets. I was helpless and more than slightly terrified when she adjusted the stirrups higher then farther apart and I had never felt more exposed, helpless and vulnerable. The only movement I was now capable of was the shivering that had become even more violent, and cold had nothing whatsoever to do with it. She turned to Mistress. “Dr. Powers will be with you in a moment,” then motioned at me and added, “she’s going to be a cute one, with the proper training. It still amazes me what can be done with them.” My mind raced and I think that was the first time that I actually began to understand that I had agreed to let Mistress do anything to me she desired. After what seemed like hours, Dr. Powers finally came into the room and I wasn’t at all surprised by this point that the doctor was a woman, and a very formidable appearing one at that. It was obvious by the way she and Mistress greeted each other that they had met before and it was soon even more evident from their conversation that they’d discussed me and my future at great length. I tried to listen in to their conversation, but they were speaking softly and I only picked up the occasional words ... corsets, braces, restraints, chastity belt, milking, Iron Lung and cuirass, curare. They completely ignored me until Mistress glanced over and realized I was straining to hear what they were saying. “Maybe we’d better talk somewhere else where she can’t hear us.” “No need.” the doctor replied with a smile, “I can take care of eavesdropping very easily.” She came to the examining table and I heard her open one of the drawers under me, then rummage around a little. The drawer closed and when she lifted her hands I saw that she held something quite bulky and made of black leather. At first I thought it was a bag or case of some kind, but it had straps with buckles and pads, a row of lacing up the back, and steel rings attached in several places. At the front were three long tubes with one ending in a bulb of the type used with a blood pressure cuff. The bag was the size of a human head and when she moved to the end of the examining table, the realization hit me that I was soon going to placed in a Discipline Helmet! Unfastening the strap across my forehead, she slipped something soft into each of my ears, then before I realized what was happening, lifted my head slightly and drew the leather helmet down over my skull and face. It was moved around until the openings over my eyes and mouth were in position, but I could still feel something on the inside, pressing on my nose. She adjusted the fit a little until I felt two tubes push uncomfortably far up into my nostrils, then with a firm pressure she turned my head to the wall and began tightening the laces running from the crown of the helmet to the base of its long neck tube. It was actually reasonably comfortable, thanks to the layer of soft leather that lined the inside, and there was another of thick, resilient padding between the inner lining and the outer layer. While she tightened the laces from the top down, the helmet moulded itself firmly onto my head and face, and finally down and around my neck. She tied them off, then turned my head back to the position that left me staring at the ceiling again. I felt her attach something to the sides and top of the helmet; straps from the table, then these were tightened and when she stepped back I was unable to move my head at all. She reached over and pulled a wide strap with large, soft pads across my eyes and quickly buckled the strap to the helmet. I was now blind and deaf, then came the next surprise... something touched my lips, pushing against them and when I opened my mouth slightly, her fingers forced it open further. It was soft and rubbery; I discovered when it was pushed deeply into my mouth, feeling like a heavy, deflated balloon. Once she was satisfied that it was properly installed, I felt another padded leather strap press against my lips when she tightened it also at the sides of my helmet. For a moment I explored the balloon with my tongue, trying to push it out of the away, but it was now strapped firmly in place and so remained an annoying and inescapable presence.
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