Chapter 10

2015 Words
Mia's POV We arrive at the meeting room, it's after we arrive that I realize we are late, the elders are already seated, the Alpha makers and the Alpha's family. Wonder how I know them? Gavin speaks to me through a mindlink telling who each of them are. He takes my hand and wants to sit with me in the front row but I hear someone yell. "Leave her, let her sit alone. You are in a panel, when you are freed to be with her, you can then sit with her. For now you two have to sit differently." I widen my eyes upon hearing this, Gavin releases my hand reluctantly, he gives me a pitiful gaze before leaving my side to sit on the front row. I move over to the direction the man who seems to be the most senior pointed out for me. Beside me on the next row of benches is Emma. She's folding her arms across her chest and staring at me with these sort of bad eyes. When our eyes collide, she blinks several times then smirks before turning away, I pout my lips looking away. I look around and the room is occupied with about twenty plus people. I thought we were complete? All of a sudden, the same man that came to call me for this meeting walks in, he tells me he is the Beta, he must be Gavin's brother or cousin, what of a sister? "No," my wolf snaps. "He doesn't have a sister, that's his brother, Alpha Achilles, that's what they call him." Surprise watches over me, my lips part apart as I'm told of this. It's ridiculous that he should be the younger brother yet he is the Alpha, when he is not a twin brother of Gavin. "There is some riGavinry going on between them, he wants to become the Alpha and his parents love him more than Gavin, they wish there was a chance for him to actualize his dreams." "Ooh, no wonder he doesn't speak of his brother in friendly terms." I recall once he had to talk and it connected his brother, his tone and the expression on his face changed. It was so obvious. "Why is trying to be the Alpha and not satisfied with his position?" I ask my wolf who knows more than me. It has linked with Gavin, actualizing all the basic information about his family which I don't know yet. "Gavin isn't seen as qualified, he hasn't met his fated mate before now and his parents thought he was cursed, that's why they approved a secret wife for him but she had to remain a secret because the Alpha couldn't marry someone who is not his mate, not like it doesn't happens, but it's uncommon. They somewhat feared that one day he might meet his real mate, Gavin thought he was never gonna, that's why he made a marriage promise to Emma, which is what she's still standing by today. " I nod my head in wonder, I have now uncovered the reason Emma wants to die for this position. "So is it true he's a real serial killer?" "Yes and no," she replies. I wish I had questioned my wolf on all of this before now. She seems to know more than what I ever thought she would know but since I ignored her absentmindedly, she decided to keep mute. I grow confused by this double answer, seeking an explanation. "He's a serial killer out of the frustration of not finding his mate, at that time he suffered from severe mental illness, he joined a gang and he believed that after falling for a girl, then discovering she wasn't the one, he had to wipe her off to clear a space in his life for the one that will become his mate and that's what he kept doing. He couldn't kill Emma because being secretly married to him, she was his only hope if at the end of the day, he doesn't discover a fated mate but he never gave up on the search, although he didn't let Emma know in order not to upset her. That's why he came to your pack for the festival. " I breathe so hard, trying to bring back my mind to the present world and to the meeting which has already started, something must have been said to me or about me as I see everyone looking towards my direction. "What's that?" I ask deep within me. Like a magic Alpha Gavin stands up, he turns around to face my direction. "I'm rooting for her." By his gaze in my direction, I realize he's talking about me. "No," Emma protests. "Son, you will ditch that girl they call Mia, she's not fit to become the Luna, I will never sign up for a girl who hails from the Mayweather Pack, we are great riGavins and from the research I made yesterday about her, she's rejected by her family, seen as an outcast, the daughter of a Mistress, her father wasn't married to her father, she's a taboo! " "Mom!" Gavin yells. "What are you saying?" He scolds her. "Don't say that about my mate. You don't know better than the moon goddess." "Who says she's your mate?" The Alpha comes in. "Are you sure she didn't use her charm on you? I heard many girls from the pack who are not wanted are heavily into charms to catch unsuspecting young men of high hierarchy." I gasp, losing my mind. Has it gone up to this level? His tone is the most mocking of all, I look towards Achilles' direction, he's even more puzzled than me, Emma is grinning, nodding her head, the Luna laughs so hard but silently. Some of the pack elders are in support of this. The only group of persons who act so neutral in this midst are the Alpha makers, they make no sign of support or opposition, they are probably waiting to know the truth and make their final decision, just so sad that their decision will be fueled by the decision of the majority votes from the elders. Tears form in my eyes and want to stream down but I wipe them off with the back of my palms. "Stay strong!" I hear a voice speak to me, it might be from the moon goddess because my wolf doesn't speak this way, it sounds so real but I'm quite sure it's not from the physical world, none of those sitting here said that. I heave a sigh of relief. Those two words come with a deep strength I never expected to get. I sit up, supporting my chin with my left hand, giving each of them a serious look as they are making fun and mockery of me. "Was this meeting intended for fun or for serious business?" I watch as Achilles rises to scold, Gavin shoots him a deadly glance. "Who authorized you to speak in this gathering, are you the Alpha? Do you want to climb onto authority over my head?" Gavin's deadly voice fills the room with a deadly vibe, I shift unconsciously backward. Something tells me that it's gonna happen, just a blink and Gavin is on top of Achilles, punching him on the face, Achilles exchanges some punches with him, they scatter the arrangement of the benches, all of the Alpha makers who sat on them scurry to the back to avoid getting hurt. "Hey, come separate them!" One of them shouts to their parents to come separate but the Luna laughs. "It's the fight of Alphas," she chuckles. What should be her joy here when her two sons are hurting each other throwing punches at each other? I thought Gavin was going to beat Achilles to a coma, that's what I thought but both are equals, with some redness on their faces from the punches. "This is seriously a waste of time, I wish I got the power, I would have separated them." I intend saying to myself, not realizing it had gone to the hearing of most people around. They then look at me with surprise, like no one is doing anything and I want to go separate. "As I said, it's the fight of Alphas." Gavin rises up in a flash from Achilles. His furious eyes go directly towards his mom, she holds tight to her mate. "What did you just say, mom?" He thunders. "Why would you give false credit to Achilles when you know he isn't the Alpha, he's not even fit to become one. What are you trying to achieve by this?" "Son, you dare not shout at your mother that way!" His dad cautions. I sit tight, holding myself as I watch what's going on, this time around deciding not to say anything. It could be used against me. Achilles, when Gavin didn't expect to throw a retaliatory punch on him on the head, Gavin turns around in a flash, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up, his eyes turns yellow, with all his strength, he pushes Achilles and he tumbles along the scattered row of seats. The pain turns his eyes red, he picks one of the benches and attempts to throw towards Gavin. The fight becomes so deadly and rough that no one can separate without returning with either an injured skin or broken limb. Everyone in here scurries outside for safety, as we are rushing, I happen to collide sideways with the Alpha in an effort to avoid the bench flying towards my direction, it's here I realize the intense hatred Gavin's dad has for me, even his wife. He pushes me back towards the direction the bench is coming, I'm lucky my hands pushed the bench as I stretched them out in panic, closing my eyes. The moon goddess is being good to me, lest it would hit me so badly. I turn around to look at him, as he's outside. I wish I could give him a word but he would surely call for my punishment, the only thing I give to him are my eyes, they say whatever my mouth can't speak. As Gavin and Achilles fight, this takes my mind to Emma, my riGavin. I'd been attempting to run away from her but now I'm left alone, not by Gavin's side, she might come up against me. "Watch!" I hear a scream, the next is a blow on my head. I grow faint. In that faintness, I hear what seems to be laughter and no one needs to tell me from who they are coming from. "Fight her back!" My wolf urges with so much anger, as soon as the dizziness swipes away a bit, I charge towards her with the strength in me, I'm going with anger, I always felt that if two of us happened to fight each other, I wouldn't be able to defeat her because I did see myself as an Omega. Something washes that thought from my brain and mind today. "You're the Alpha's daughter and an Alpha wolf, no matter how people look down on you, that's who you are." I hear this speaking to my inner hearing. I close my eyes, breathe in some energy and throw Emma a punch that sends her to the floor, rolling. I can't believe my eyes, she starts to bleed from her nose as she falls to the ground. Amazing how she would start to bleed with just one blow I gave her, then I realized that my punch had landed on her nose. She rolls a little bit, spreading the stream of blood a little on the floor. She manages to stagger up, growls and races towards me, I stand quite prepared for her, my punch this time around ends up almost blinding her, the Alpha and Luna call the guards, they take hold of me, taking me away to where I don't know. "Mia!" I hear someone scream my name and it's Gavin.
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