Chapter 12

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Mia's POV "We are heading to your estate?" "Yes, I want to use the underground. Most of these huge estates have a well-built underground system, tunnels for cars to pass through. There's nothing to really worry about again after we descended the staircase to the main tunnel which appears to be constructed for cars. Gavin takes me by the hand, proving a perfect gentleman. "Do you have people living in the other estate?" "Yeah, a few people who are my advocates, cousins and aunties, don't worry, you won't be bored." I swallow the lump in my throat. "It's okay, I believe you." He smiles, happy that I have decided to trust him. The next few minutes, I spend admiring the scenario down here, it's grander than up, the railings and the floor is made with steel. I haven't come across such an awesome place before. I take out my phone which had been with me right before the meeting started, but Gavin takes hold of it. "I'll not permit you to take a video here!" "Why, what?" "Most people don't know that I have underground here, so it's kind of like a secret. I don't want it to get to the ears or eyes of people. That's why." "Oh, okay." He proved strict there. Since he has asked me not to take a video of it, I use my eyes in admiration, always hoping to have this place in mind. We walk through the tunnel to another part which is filled with new cars. "They are yours?" I ask. "Yes, they are mine. To avoid paying too much taxes, I kept them here." "Yes, I do." I smile. The next moment we are up here. I had envisaged coming up into a room, inside of the estate but as we ascended to the garden, there's a particular room on it which to people is like a changing room. No one is right here, so no one would think where we are coming from. "This is the only spot of connection between the other estate and here?" "No, there are several other places but I wanted you to see this beautiful garden I have here." By this time, I'd begun to get hungry, almost feeling faint like when I'm on my period, then I recall I haven't eaten solid food since yesterday. A red apple some distance away attracts me, I leave Gavin and all he is saying is to go after the apple. "Hope it's not poisonous?" I laugh at my own foolishness. This is a garden filled with fruit trees, flowers and other green plants which could serve as food, medicine and for beauty. Gavin smiles as I say this, no one would afford not softening up. "Wooh!" I found a bench, a wooden one with the backrest. I raise my eyes to the sky, thanking the moon goddess. I start munching my apple, with no care in the world. The sweet scent and taste rushes down my throat, I moan. "Is it every time you moan?" Gavin asks and I chuckle. He extends his hand, I refuse to give. "I want to spend a little time here, permit me please." "No, I wouldn't!" His authoritative voice vibrates. Returned back to his stern attitude? I wonder how he gets to switch from one character to the other so soon, it's so amusing and shocking at the same time. "I haven't eaten good food since yesterday, it's that how you starve your mate or do you think I'm a robot that doesn't need food?" I tease, recalling the events of yesterday and that of today, it's not his fault not to have eaten. I love the way things turned out to be like this, who would guess what might happen. Luna might pay someone to poison my food, it's something even her husband or Emma can do because the food will be cooked from the kitchen by the same chef. Gavin shows concern as I confess I haven't eaten. He carries me in his arms like a baby, walking me out of the garden still with my apples in hand. I crunch it softly and gently, closing my eyes at interGavins to feel the taste so well, with his side, he opens the door of the first room we come upon. After getting in, I choke with what my eyes are seeing. Everything in here is made of gold and silver, including the stairs, the floor, the walls and the ceiling. "Is this what it looks like everywhere in this estate?" I would stop breathing if he says yes but to my expectation, he replies with a no. "Everywhere is of high quality but since this is my wing of the estate, I made it superior to other places for a quiet distinction to take place. So you love it?" I nod my head vehemently. "Who wouldn't love such a grand place as this?" "Thanks baby. I'll be going on two tours today, so you will miss me." I cup his cheeks and give him a kiss. "May my kiss always go with you, remember me and not another girl." I pray silently inside of me, the same way Emma is trying to grab his attention, I know there might be some girls out there who would do the same. "I need to introduce you to my staff, so they serve you well and also my cousins and other relatives here." "How would you do that? By this time of the day, I thought they should be out for work?" "The staff are here but I'll use a video conference for the intro with my family." "Okay." His chambers in this part of the estate are grander than that which his dad sent me away from. I'm so cool here. I wait in his room, the one he has designated for both of us as he goes out to check out the staff, to see if things are going on smoothly. I fall to the red velvet covered bed. One thing I've noticed is that all the beds are covered with a comfortable red velvet, designed with gold even from the other estate. I wouldn't doubt him if he told me red is his favorite color. My clothes, shoes and every other thing he bought for me at the other estate is brought here by his servants. As I'm nursing my beautiful thoughts of this new environment which is giving me so much peace, I hear a knock on the door. Since I'm not in the other estate, I'm not afraid of knocks, I no longer suspect it's Emma. The door opens and two maidens walk in with all of my belongings, they weren't much yet because yesterday was just my first day and Gavin would have kept buying more things. "I assume this is all?" "No, ma'am." I twist my face in a funny style. "You don't mean it!" They smile at me. "We have some left outside, we will be getting those now." They chorus in unison. "Okay," I reply, proving indifferent. I'm their mistress, being over familiar coupled with my young age, I'd lose all respect. "Please be fast." Gavin arrives soon after they had brought in everything. He grins with satisfaction. "Now you have peace!" "My mind tells me that Emma might come here when she realizes you are here with me." "No, I have absolute control over here and she can't take your place in my life as well. No matter how she tries, she wouldn't be able to climb up to your position as my fated mate." "Hmm," I heaved a sigh of relief. Rising up, I roll the luggage to a more comfortable place, another set of maids comes in to arrange them into the wardrobes. "Let's excuse them, wouldn't you love to eat?" Gavin asks. "Of course, I would." I walk with Gavin to the dining room where all the staff, as I didn't expect, come to greet me, numbering thirty. There are others as Gavin lets me know but these are the ones I would be dealing with most often, that's why he had to introduce them to me. I receive their greetings with a smile and ask them their names. With this part done, we move straight to the meals. I know it's not ethical but I'm going to take both breakfast and lunch. I have starved a lot, I'll need to double up for that place I didn't eat. The waitress brings in a large tray filled with varieties of food. "Are we going to eat all of these?" I ask her. "No ma'am, the custom here is that we bring at least eight varieties if you didn't tell us a particular meal to be prepared. With this, you get to choose the one you want to eat. Scope it out into the empty dishes, at the end of the meal, the remaining will be returned back to the refrigerator." "Okay, I understand it." "Alright, ma' am. I hope you will enjoy the meals." "Prepared by you?" She smiles and shakes her head. "No, the chef. I'm just the waitress. Ready to serve......" "It's okay, Bianca. You may return to your work now. Thank you." Gavin declares in such an amusing tone that I can't help laughing. I know that she feels bad but it's not intentional. Gavin might have known her as a talkative, that's why he needed to dismiss her that way. She turns and walks away, I hope I set my eyes on her some other times to explain things. I wouldn't want anyone seeing me as mean here.
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