
298 Words
(COMPLETED BOOK) Book Two of A Bloodline's Struggle Series Things are sweet for Ida. She has loads of friends and the guy she has crushed on for over six months since he came to her school, is planning her eighteenth with her bestfriends. Once plans are made for Ida to spend three days camping with her crush and friends at a metal festival, she only hopes her parents and their past's don't stop her. So all packed up and ready to go after a long lecture from her parents about being safe due to what happened to them, she hits the road and life is even better than it was before. Everything good though has to come to an end, and that's exactly what happens when someone close to her heart betrays her and her friends, leading them all into the clutches of Alistair and Ashley's secret son. So here we go again, almost eighteen years later and the demons from all corners of Australia are demanding her blood. Only it's one demon in particular and that demon also happens to be Max, yet Alistair's secret son refuses to tell him Ida's whereabouts when Ida starts to grown on him. With all of the knowledge Ida knows from her parent's past, will it be enough to get her and her friends out alive? (Keep an eye out for the new update to this book. Only a few minor changes will happen with this one since the first one is the main one I want to change around. I mean for me personally it wasn't brutal enough... Anywhooooo I hope you're all doing well as you read this at whatever time in your life you decide to and please feel free to let me know what you think xx.)
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