Ep 1

156 Words
2020 has been a crazy year and it’s understandable if reading business books has slipped down your priority list. It means you’ve probably missed on some of the gems in this list. There are all types of books for everyone from casual readers to book devourers; case studies, step-by-step guides, and leadership advice. I’m on the devourer side and have learned from hundreds of business books in my life. Ranking books is always highly subjective and I’ve come up with a simple formula to order these books. Like movies, the first people to review are super fans or know the creator personally. I account for that by giving extra weight to the number of reviews then normalize to give a score out of 100. This isn’t a list of my favorite books but based on the views of the highly engaged readers of Goodreads.com. I hope you find something that resonates with you!
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