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Chapter twenty six  Heat gently caressed my skin as the wind combed her fingers through my hair giving me a slight shiver. I felt the sheets get pulled up to cover my bare body. My subconscious purred with the attention or lack of. My eye lids fluttered open like doors to Elysium. To my delight, River sat there... just as bare as I. His hand tracing shapes on my pale skin. "Morning." I rasped out, my voice laced with laziness. "Good morning." He said back as he was clearly more awake than I. He caressed my body slightly moving the sheets down. "I'm sore..." I admitted to which he replied with a sheepish laugh. "Marry me." He said out of the blue. "I admit that I'm sore and then you tell me to marry you?" I asked, looking at him. I sat up and draped the sheets around me. "Marry me." He said again. "Are you serious." I asked. "Yes. I've never been more serious." He said. "Don't you think it's a bit early. Your only 18." I pointed out. "No. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He sat up with me and cupped my face. "Marry me. If you want to. If you don't want to I under...." I cut him off with a kiss. I put all my emotion in the kiss. "Yes." I pulled back and smiled at him. "Yes you don't want too..." "No you i***t, yes I'll marry you!" I laughed. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you." I said back. ..Alice Adams.. River. What an asshole. He just wanted my mom for her money. He doesn't deserve he. I need to get rid of him. It's a good thing I'm smart. My plan was simple. 1. Convince the rogue King I was his mate. 2. Make him him kill River. 3. Get Rose. 4. Take her far away so that she's all mine. Oh my sweet Rose. My Rose. .. Rose Gold.. We walked into the dining room hand in hand. Our bodies closer than usual. I smiled and then cleared my throat with a 'ahem'. "Guys we have news." River announced. I was about to say something when there was a sudden explosion that filled the air. All the doors were suddenly slammed shut. The lights went off. The others quickly lit the candles with brisk haste. Then everything came crashing in. ... Chapter twenty seven Please follow me and vote. Don't forget to comment and share. Please enjoy and if you have any suggestions please comment it. ..... Everything came crashing in. The girls screamed. River pushed me behind him along with Andrea. Rogues started to pour in like water from a crack in a dam. Their eyes red in the urge of blood lust. We were so unprepared. The other vampires sprang into action. It was five of us against them. We were outnumbered by a lot. I didn't think we would make out alive. We had to protect River, Andrea and Isabella. I was being circled. In one swift movement I was thrown against the wall... I was in the next room looking at the newly reformed hole in the Wall . "Daddy!!!" I heard Andreas cries. I rushed to the room but I was too late. They took him. River was gone. I fell on my knees in defeat. My River was gone. ... "Get me everyone. Call the trackers and get a trace, a scent anything just find him." I roared. I lost him. I lost my beloved. I was going to kill the person who took him away from me. I was going to relish in their screams and bath in their blood. Andrea came into the room with tears streaming down her innocent face. She saw me and ran into my arms. I held her close to me. "Mom." Andrea whimpered and then pulled away. "Are you going to find Dad?" She asked me. "Yes honey. I am and the then we'll never let him go." I said to her. "Okay mom, I miss dad." She said sadly. "I know sweetheart, we'll find him, I promise you." I told her. I was going to find him and I was going to rip whoever took him to shreds. . →1week later← . I shot up from bed. How could I be so stupid. Elizabeth Blackwood One of the most powerful witches. And she owed me a favor. Plus she was a good friend. I saved her from hunters a lot time ago. I ran to my other and called her. Now to wait. . . . "Can you find him." I asked franticly. "Yes." Her hand hovered above the map. Suddenly something hit. I ran to the nearest trash can and threw up. Elizabeth came to me and help me. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. "Yea just find River." She didn't move but then put a hand on my stomach. "You are with child." My eyes widened. "Wh..what." I stuttered. "You are pregnant." She said. "How can you be so sure." I asked. "It's a gift. Let's find River." She went back and left me with this new source of information → 20 minutes later ← "I found him." She said. I'm coming for you River. ... Sorry guys for rushing but I only have two chapters left to finish and I have to push to plot. I love you guys ... Chapter twenty eight ..River Fyers.. One week. That's how long I've been here. She locked me up in chains and Left me here. My future f*****g daughter. I missed Rose so much. I honestly think I'm going to go crazy if I don't die first. "Well look who woke up." Alice finally showed. "Why Alice? " I asked again. Every time I asked she would walk away, flip her hair or send her so called "mate" to beat me. "Isn't it obvious. I want my Rose and the only way that's possible is if you are dead, so I think you should die." Damnation. This girl is a nut job. They say the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree but it looks like this Apple got run over with a f*****g lawnmower. Well s**t I'm screwed. . . . ..Rose Gold.. We got to the place. It was infested with rogues. They smelt us there and the howls of war went off. The fight started. The vampires descended from the trees. "Go find River." Tristan told me. I gave him a nod and was off. I wandered around in search of a scent or even the slightest clue for what I was looking for. Then I smelt him. My River. I killed the guard and found him. Hanging from chains. His body limp and he looked as if death had a grasp on him. I quickly bit myself and feed him my blood. I removed the chains and carried him away. But it was easy... too easy. River was asleep and healed. If he died now he would be a vampire. At least the vampire diaries got some things right. "Mom?" I heard a soft voice. I turned to see my beloved daughter Andrea. "Yes sweetheart." I answered. I picked her up and she looked at River with sadness. "Is dad going to be okay?" She asked quietly and nestled he face in the crook of my neck. "Yes sweetheart. He's going to be okay. He's just really tired. Go to sleep." I told her and rocked her to sleep. I heard her heart beat even out in a matter of minutes and she was out like a light. River started to stir. With my one free hand I caressed his face gently. His eyes fluttered open. "Rose." He crocked. "I'm here." I confirmed. "Alice she's the one." He stuttered. "What do you mean?" I asked. Was Alice taken as well? "She's behind it." "Wh-what?" I asked in shock. "She said it was to get me out of the picture. That you were hers. And that once I was gone she would let no one stand in her way." I was on the verge of tears. My daughter had tried to kill my beloved. The girl I brought up from birth. She tried to kill my River. And if she went as far as to work with werewolves there's no saying to which lengths she would go to. I tightened my grip on Rivers hand and on my sleeping daughter. Chapter twenty nine Hey guys. So I had published this chapter along time ago. I finished it and everything. So I got a message from a reader(thank God) (AngelysBayon) had asked me what happened to River and rose. I was extremely confused so I look at it a found out that there was a problem and w*****d didn't published it and it had to be restored because I was using two devices. I'm sorry about that. ❤❤❤ Here's the end. Oh and there was a mistake there's one child not two. It's been a one month since we found River and still no sign of Alice. It was worrying that she disappeared from existences. River still didn't know about me being pregnant. And I don't know how to tell him. I mean he just graduated from high school and is looking forward college. I can't just be like 'Hey you got me pregnant. Surprise!!!' What am I going to do? I have to do it now. It's now or never. I walked to our bedroom to see him reading letters for the different colleges he applied to. "Hey honey." He smiled instantly as his gaze met my face. "Hey love. So there's something I need to tell you." I said sitting in front of him. "What is it?" He asked. "I'm... I'm..." I stuttered. "What is it." He asked looking at me giving me his undivided attention. "I'mpregnant." I said really fast. "What?" He asked looking really confused. "I'm pregnant." I repeated. "What?" His eyes widened and he dropped the papers in his hand. Then went silent. "Say something." I told him. "That's great." He smiled widened and came to me and hugged me. He picked me up and spun me around. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. We're making the family bigger. Getting married. Once in the lifetime things." Wait a second once in a lifetime??? "What do you mean once in a lifetime things?" I asked. "Being married. I think you should only do it once." He said. "River I'm not gonna lie. I've been married before many times." I told him. "What?" He asked. "I mean I am a couple hundred years old. It would be sad if I wasn't." I said. "So while I was waiting you were busy f*****g someone else." He raised his voice. "Excuse me. You weren't born yet." I used the same tone. "I thought beloveds were important." he glared at me. "They are except we didn't believe in them until years ago. Beloveds are extremely rare." "So you've probably been with every vampire. Great the mother of my child is a whore." "Oh so now I'm a w***e!" "Yeah, You are." "No being a w***e would be leaving your pathetic ass and going to someone who can actually defend himself. Because you can't handle shit." "Really. I handled you being a blood sucking leech pretty well and you broken past." "Oh yeah. You handled my money pretty well to." I walked out of the room. I mean come on, I've been married. I'm a vampire. I'm gonna live forever so why should I wait for someone who wasn't even born. ... I was shooting arrows in the gym. I still can't believe River. It wasn't like him at at all. He never raised his voice at me and he never cursed. "You know." Someone said behind me. It was Lisa. "His eyes were darker than usual." She said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "We all know River to know that wasn't him." She said. "How can you be so sure?" I asked. "I just know." She said. I walked back to our room to find River on the floor with blood pooling beneath him. His heart was barely beating. I rushed to him. And gave him my blood. He drank it with gulps. "You probably shouldn't have done that." A voice said. It hide in the shadows. "Show yourself!" I demanded. It stepped out and revealed Alice. "Why?" I asked. "He doesn't deserve you." "You compelled him?" "Yes I did. But that's not what matters." "Then what does?" I asked. "That he is out of the picture." She took a stake out and tried to stab him. I took it quickly rammed it into her heart. I killed her. I killed my daughter. I killed the girl I brought up from birth. I held her body and sobbed. River came up and held me. It was over. But was it. Only time will tell. ... One Year Later Dear Diary Things have been different. I have experienced things I never imagined I would like the birth of my daughter who is known as Theia, my light. Well... My other light as I do love Andrea equally. Not a day goes that I don't miss my Alice. It's as if a piece of me died as well. River decided he was going to college and started 6 months ago and is a science major. I am very proud of him but with his next college experience he doesn't spend much time with us any more. Andrea feels it more with the fact that he's always been there for her, every step of the way. I am now a elder in the vampire world and have a bit to much influence... but time will tell what happens next. There's always a plot twist

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