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Abby and Aiden were back home by sunset, and they could not stop going on and on about how much fun they had with Zoey that Sunday. I was tempted to share how much fun I had too but it did not seem like a very smart idea to share with 5-year-olds how s*x with their dad s***h my new boyfriend felt.   I could not help but give a girlish giggle as I remembered all the events that happened today. It was a very eventful day, that is if you would count staying in bed with Lucas and marathon s*x all day. I wanted more than anything to tell someone how I was feeling, and holding it in was tearing me apart.  I could not share it with Lucas, since everything I was going to say revolved around him, the kids were not an option, Emma was not even around, and even if she were and we had not bonded close enough that I could share what an orgasm from Lucas's c**k felt like.  There was only one person on the entire planet that would give anything to hear me talk about stuff that other ordinary people would find weird, my darling crazy hot as fire best friend. I put the kids to bed after an early dinner while Lucas went to work in his home office. I rushed upstairs, locked my bedroom door, and dived on my bed ready to share some juicy gossip with Celine like we were 16-year-olds talking about the new boy we had a crush on.  "Hey baby girl," she said in a happy tone as she picked up on the first ring. I was glad to see that she was happy too for some reason, that was a major plus for me.  "Hey best f*****g friend," I practically yelled in excitement.  "You're happy," she said without a hint of doubt.  "That I am," I giggled. "Tell me something good girl,"  "Well, it depends," I sat up on my bed playing with the hem of my nightdress.  "On?"  "Whether or not you think s*x—amazing s*x—with my boss is good news."  "s*x is always good news," she said happily.  "Well, then I think it is safe to say I have the best news ever,"   Her excited scream rang through the phone, and I had to push the phone away from my ear for a second. "You're not f*****g playing with me right?"  "Not for a second,"  "Oh my god," she cried, "I am so proud of you baby, I have never been so proud of you."  "Really? What about the other things I have done to make you proud." I teased "You know what I mean," she laughed. "I can't believe you finally got drilled." "You do know I was not a virgin, right?" I reminded her.  "If you have s*x once with a mediocre orgasm and a guy you met twice at the club then yes you are still a virgin to me," she said sweetly.  "First off, I would have you know I have had s*x more than once before, also how on earth do you even know it was a mediocore orgasm?"  "I was at your apartment that morning when you hurried him out, poor guy. I don't remember his face or care about his name, but as he struggled to put his clothes on, I do remember thinking 'how does he walk around with a Weiner like that?' and no not in a good way."  "You are just the worst," I said before I burst out laughing.  "That's why you love me, also I've never heard you sound so excited about f*****g any dude before,"  "That's because he's not just any dude, he's my freaking boyfriend," I squealed the last part.  "Shut. the. f**k. up." "That's right C, I still cannot believe it myself, but yes I said yes to being his girlfriend," I let out a small sigh of relief. It felt so good to finally say that out loud, to someone that was not Lucas.  "We are celebrating this tomorrow, I cannot believe this. I take back every bad thing I ever said about him." she cried happily. "Now tell me, how was it. I want to hear every single detail,"  "Celine!" I cried and covered my face in embarrassment.  "What?! I just want to know," she feigned innocence  "You are just a pervert," I said shaking my head.  "I know, it's why we're the perfect best friends."  A knock on my door drew my attention from what I was going to say to her. I did not need to check to see who it was, only one person would come to my door so late. Celine kept rattling off all the things she wanted us to do on Monday, while I tried to fix myself hurriedly in the mirror.  I was in just my nightdress without a robe to cover up, and my hair was still in the braid I had put it before the kids came home. Any other night I would not bother to care what I looked like with Lucas coming into my room, but not tonight. He was probably here to just say good night, but still, I felt like I had to look good for him. You cannot blame a girl.  "Are you even listening to me?" Celine asked just as the light knock came again.  "Yup," I said and brushed back the loose strands from my braid one last time.  "What was the last thing I said?" she asked pulling out the usual card she used whenever I was not listening to her.  "Said?" I shrugged.  "Uhhh," she groaned. "I hate you right now,"  "Just joking." I laughed and put on some perfume quickly, "You said tomorrow at your offfice during your lunch break tommorrow, and something bout a toast." I stalked to the door and took a deep breath before placing my hand on the handle.  "I said we are making a toast to the end of mediocre orgasms, for me and you," she emphasized.  "Noted, but I am not calling it that tomorrow." I pulled the door open to find Lucas waiting in a pair of Pj pants and just his robe that made him look sexy as sin.  "Hey," he said in his deep voice. From the expression on his face, I knew I probably had drool dripping off my chin at the sight of him.  "Um...C..." I managed to stutter, as my s*x clenched. "I have to go, I need to handle something,"  "Is that a sign for you need to go suck his c**k?" she laughed and I was more than thankful that it was not on the speaker option.  "Good night Celine," I said with a sigh, as Lucas watched me carefully.  "I love you and do make sure to use a love glove. MuWah!" "I love you too," I shook my head and ended the call, and looked back at Lucas who had not stopped staring at me since.  "I'm sorry," I smiled shyly, "Best friend issues,"  "You don't have to apologize," he said and stepped closer. "I came to say goodnight to you." "Oh um..."  "But I think I'm about to change my mind on that," he said, gluing his eyes to my visibly hardened n*****s through the thin satin nightdress. A small blush formed on my cheeks when he stepped closer and wrapped his hand around me.  "I thought you have to get to work very early tomorrow," I asked cupped my breast through the dress. "Now that thought is just vexing," he growled and trailed hot kisses down my neck to my shoulder. I did not realize he had backed me up further inside the room until he kicked the door close.  He tilted his head down, capturing my mouth in his in a hot and passionate. I dug my fingers in his hair, holding myself up as I stood on my toes. His fingers made light trails down to my thighs, pushing my dress up and cupping my butt cheeks hard. "There's nothing I want more than to bury my c**k in you tonight," he said in harsh pants.  "I want that too," I mumbled against his lips. "But you have to work," I tilted my head up and gave him a small smile.  "I do, but I still want to have you this close to me." he gripped my ass tighter and brushed his lips on mine. "Do you want to sleep here in my room?" I blurted before I had the chance to hold it back.  "How do you read my mind so well," his face widened into a broad smile.  "Hmm?"  "I was going to ask you the same thing," he released his from his hold and put his hand behind his head with a small smile. "I thought it would be too big a step since you know we're still new and all."  "I would have you know that I have thought about cuddling up with you in this very bed more times than you can imagine," I gave him a small smile, and tipped my toes up to kiss him on his chin.  He released a small sigh of relief and lifted me in his large arms. "Well I guess we should make that a reality tonight." he dropped me on the bed slowly and crawled over me. With one hand holding himself up, he trailed kisses all over my body. His kisses sent shivers coursing through me and I could not help but giggle and writhe underneath him.  "Why don't you come by the office tomorrow," he said when he finally settled in beside me on the bed. We laid on our sides, my back to him and his big arms wrapped around my waist. I felt almost small and almost insignificant given our very big difference in sizes. But the way he held me, and kissed my neck every now and then made me feel more protected than I had ever felt in a long long while.  'Am I even allowed to do that?" "If the CEO says you can," he said with pride.  "I'm seeing Celine tomorrow, according to her we need to have a celebration," I threaded my fingers in his. "What are you celebrating?" he asked, his voice reflecting his interest.  "Trust me, you don't want to know." I laughed as I remembered my conversation with Celine.  "Tell me,"  "The end of mediocre orgasms," I said as my lips curled up in an amused smile.  "Your best friend is a handful," he laughed. "but I can clear out my schedule for Wednesday for you," he insisted.  "You don't have to, you're already clearing out Saturday for the picnic,' i reminded him.  "That's for the twins, this is for you," he kissed my shoulders.  "You know I won't fit into that space." I said, admitting the real reason I was refusing, "Multi-billionaire biotech companies, aren't my thing. I would not even know my way around."  "That's why you have me to show you around. But it's okay, I won't press it, I'll wait until you feel comfortable enough to go on a date with me," he said in a rather calm voice.  I turned sharply to look at him, "That was you asking me on a date?"  "I know," he said with a sheepish smile, "very unconventional. It's been too long since I felt like this with anyone, and I probably sound like a rusty old robot. But I just wanted to have you around even..."  I pressed my lips on his, cutting him off before he finished his statement. He looked surprised but did not pull away and soon enough he melted into the kiss. "I'm sorry I said no," I said when I pulled back, "I was just a little nervous about going there."  "That's fine, It's normal, but I assure you my employees are well behaved and very respectful," he said in a reassuring tone. "How about next week?"  "Anytime you're ready I'll be glad to have you."  'We still have a long way to go, and it's still our first day," I let out a small sigh, and shook my head, "I just cannot believe today is real," It all felt too good to be real. I had never been given something I wanted this bad before in my entire life, and I could not help but wonder if it would all disappear into thin air the moment I drifted asleep.  "Does this make it feel any more real?' he made a trail of wet kisses down my back.  "A little," I breathed, "but nothing would beat, waking up tomorrow to this warmth I'm feeling right now."  "'We don't have to deal with all the planning today, right now all I want to do is fall asleep knowing you are now mine and in my arms,"  *** *** ***  "God I just love the weather today," Celine cried as she slid on to her stool next to me inside the bar she had dragged me to for our celebrations.  "Is that why we're ordering beer bottles at a bar on a Monday afternoon?" I shot her a rueful look.  "Don't look at me like that," she wagged her finger in my face, "I'm leaving tomorrow for my getaway with Alex, I'm not leaving without celebrating..." "Do not say the words," I warned her with a sharp look.  "Okay, but we're still celebrating it." the waiter came over with our beer orders. "I cannot believe you are making me do this, I have to get the kids from school you know that right?' I shot her a sharp look.  "That's why I'm only letting you have only one glass" she clinked her glass against mine and took her first sip., "you're welcome," "Are you going to tell me about Alex now, or do I still have to beg a little more," I said after the burn from the beer subsided.  "What can I say?' he clasped her hands together, as her eyes tinged like a child that just got his dream Christmas present. "He is just the best human I have ever met."  'Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" I asked in surprise.  "Haha, very funny," she said with a fake sweet smile.  "What happened to humans are the shittiest, most uncivilized creatures to walk the earth' Celine." I quirked my brows, "or wait," I thought of another one of her favorite lines, "Where's the 'Christinne, you are my best human in the whole world'?"  "Alex f****d that Celine out of my system, ps you will always be my favorite person," she said with a coy smile, "This Celine is the one that would be sending you hot as f**k, back to back pictures from Ibiza," she grinned.  "Shut up,"  "Yup best friend. I'm spending the rest of my week in Ibiza with Alexander. Now you see why we need to celebrate today. It's like we both found happiness at the same time," she laughed.  "I'm so happy for you," I said with a broad smile, and lifted my glass, just as the mirrorlike doors opened. I tipped my head back trying to endure the burn of the harsh alcohol going down my throat a second time, but as I brought my head back down, the sight of someone sitting at the other end of the bar caught my attention through the mirror glass of the door.  I could not tell if it was male or female, seeing as the person had their side facing me, and wore a black hoodie that hid their face. I tried to shrug the uneasy feeling that crawled up my skin at the sight of the mystery person but it was not going away.   I shook my head, feeling silly about the way they made me feel, whoever they were. I mentally berated myself for feeling that way about someone I had never even met before. I managed to tear my eyes away from him or her and turned back to Celine.  "You know I just realized we're both shagging our boss's" she laughed, "and they're both single hot millionaire's"  "Billionaire," I corrected, but that's not what matters to me, I'm just so happy to be his girlfriend. We're going on a picinic this weekend, we'll tell them about our reationship there." "You are already a major part of their lives, plus I don't know how he got to achieve that but they are well-behaved kids. I'm sure they would not have a hard accepting you as their dad's girlfriend." "I can only hope so too,"  As we talked for the next hour, I could not shake off the creepy feeling that someone was watching me. I tried to put it off, but it was harder to achieve that, especially with the weird person sitting only a few seats away. I was thankful when Celine said it was time to leave. Maybe a change of environment would help shake off the eerie way I was feeling.  But as I walked with her back to her office building just a few blocks away from where I had parked, it became even more unwavering. I refused to pay attention to it since Celine who was the more instinctive person among us was completely oblivious to my concerns.  I must be paranoid. I thought as we approached the building.  Celine and I said our goodbyes and promised to call each other more often during her trip. I watched her disappear into the office building, and dug out my keys from my purse, ready to take the long drive back home and pick the kids up from school.  I placed the car on automatic reverse as I always did when I needed to, but something caught my eyes in the side mirror again. It was the person in the black hoodie again, standing at a distance on the far end of the busy road.  Now that they were standing, I could easily figure out that it was a female, but she was too far for me to see her face or recognise it. I could see though, that her unwavering gaze was focused in my direction. Fear gripped my heart as I realized my instincts had been right all afternoon.  Someone was really following me. 
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