Chapter 4

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"Baron?" I almost screamed at the sight of him as I pushed my door open. The broken lock explained how they got in.   He was sitting on my favorite couch in a black jean and black shirt—the only color I had ever seen him wear—, legs crossed, cigarette in one hand and the other hand flexing a gun carefully.  Baron was a tall and big man. He was not fat per se, but all those large muscles and heavy looking chest made him look bigger than most guys—Lucas excluded. He had chestnut brown curly hair, and otherwise his mean and murderous personality, he was a very handsome man with black eyes and a very pointed nose.  When we had first met, we were both really attracted to each other, but that attraction soon faded after I had seen the way he treated a client that owed him. He hung the man's legs facing up on a chain and had his goon pour cold water on his body for 6 hours straight. I saw how ruthless Baron could be, and little did I know that soon enough, I would be experiencing his ruthlessness too.  As usual, he was not alone. His minions/ goons occupied almost everywhere in my small living room/ kitchen. Some sat on the couch, and some leaned against the wall and on the fridge. I could see from the corner of my eye one of them eating an apple casually, their fearful gazes all on me.  They all looked like all they needed was a go-ahead from their master to pounce on me.  "Chris," he called, his deep scary voice booming across the room. "just the person I wanted to see. Please come in."  The way he said it made me feel like a stranger in my own house. I swallowed hard and took a few tentative steps inside. My heart thumping loudly in my chest, I had expected his visit, yet it managed to catch me off guard. As I moved to stand in front of him, his phone rang.  He picked the call and simply said, "Yes, she's here, you can come now." He put the phone back down and took a long sniff of his cigarette before he spoke. "That was the Marcus, he helped me keep an eye on you today. "What? you had someone keep an eye on me all day?" I yelled, feeling my anger level rise.  "Of course, you owe me remember?" he took another sniff of his cigarette.  The man that I had found attractive that night a few months ago was long gone. Right here was a man who only cared about one thing, getting his money back.  I cleared my throat softly before I started speaking, "Look Baron, I know I was due to renew the payment three days ago—"  "—four—" he corrected sharply, the muscles in his jaw ticking. "Sorry, four days ago," I continued carefully. "and trust me, I have been trying to get a job. But you know how hard that is here in Califonia. All I'm asking for is just a few more days, and I promise. I'll come give it to you myself."  "Really?" he asked, his eyes softening. I wondered if something had finally touched his cold soul.  "Yes, I swear. I'll come give it to you myself." I said in a soft pleading tone.  "You should have just said so beautiful," I hated that nickname from him, but I put up a fake smile, not wanting to do anything to ruin this, "In that case, boys, let's go."  He stood up to leave, but they did not move an inch. Immediately he stood up, I felt terribly small and insignificant below him. I took a few steps back, but instead of heading to the door, he walked directly toward me, in slow strides.  I kept walking back until I felt the cold and smooth surface of the wall on my back. He did not stop either until we were merely breaths from each other.  He threw the cigarette that was dangling from his lips on the floor, and from the smoke that came up, I knew it would leave a small hole in the rug. His free hand trapped me against the wall, and the other caressed the gun lightly against my face.  My breath hitched up in fear, and my eyes widened. From where I stood, I could see the amused look on the faces of the goons behind us. Some were even lightly chuckling. Even Baron had an Evil grin on his face. And I felt like I was the only one that did not see any humor in the situation. But then again, I was the one who had a gun toying across her face in the hands of a maniacal loan shark.  With him so close, I could see how handsome he really was, and he had a nice smell. If we met at a club like this I would definitely have allowed him to take me home, but this was so different. And with each second, I felt my hatred for him growing.  "You must think I'm stupid right?" he asked, his voice thick and soaked in anger.  I shook my head, unable to form words with the cold metal muzzle carelessly going up and down my neck.  "f*****g answer me when I ask a question." he exploded, "do you f*****g think I'm stupid?" "No Baron, I would never think that way." I managed to stutter, my lips trembling, and my hands shaking.  "You look like a scared little kitten." he snickered. "I should kill you, but I just like you too much," he said in a soft voice. But there was no way I was falling for that again. "You know I like you right?" he asked. This is not how you treat someone you like, I screamed—in my head. I slowly nodded. The thought of using my taser came to my mind, it was right here in my purse, but that did not seem like a smart idea. He had a gun, his goons probably did too, and I knew they would not think twice about wasting all those bullets on me if I did anything stupid.   He drew closer to me, completely covering the space between us, and nibbled on my neck softly, which I found disgusting but I did not dare resist. I had other plans for how my night would end that did not involve me being carried out in a body bag. "You like me too, don't you," he muffled against my neck. I did not want to get him more rilled up than he already was, but the last thing I needed was for this man to think I had any sort of romantic feeling toward him. I had thrown away any and every ounce of attraction I felt toward him the day he showed me his true colors.  I just kept still as he shamelessly romanticized me in front of his goons. He trailed kisses up my collarbone to my neck and my ear. The gun was no longer dancing in front of my face but that did not make me feel any more relaxed because it was now against his hands and my waist. Any small mistake or sudden movements and—boom.  I forced my fisted hands to remain by my side. If he were not holding the gun so close, he would have known the pain of being kicked in the balls hard enough to burst them. But I let that thought slide. We don't want to do anything stupid, remember? I reminded myself.  I was not a fan of hot baths, but I was going to soak myself in a hot bath for two hours straight with all the skin disinfectants I would find to get the feeling of him off my body when this was over. What made this even more humiliating was the fact that behind us his goons were enjoying the show. They all looked at us intently, eyes unmoving as if their lives depended on watching their boss being a disgusting ass.  "You didn't answer," he said firmly, looking up. His eyes were fiery with pure lust and hunger. He brought the gun back up and used it to tip my chin up. My breath hitched up again, terrified of what he would do with it.  "Of course, I do," I lied and put on a fake smile, hoping he would see the anger and hate in my eyes as passion for him. He smirked, obviously satisfied with my answer. He leaned back down and nuzzled my ear, "Why don't we make a deal?" he asked, running his hand up and down my waist still with the gun in his hand.  Anything to get you off me. I squirmed into the wall wishing it would move and take me away from this asshole's reach. "Tell me," I said trying to sound calm. Meanwhile, inside I was bubbling up on the verge of exploding.  "I'll let go of the debt—" finally something I wanted to hear, "—if you agree to be mine,"  "What?" I do not remember where the strength came from, but I pushed him off me. I pushed him so hard he staggered back a bit. "What the hell do you mean by that." He looked surprised, and the lust on his face was easily replaced by anger. He took a step back to me before he spoke. "I mean you either be mine to f**k or, I want the full amount of my money," he said annoyance dripping from his tone. "today,"  "But that was not our agreement," I yelled, not caring that he could easily smash me into the wall with the length of his hand or better yet load my brains with the weapon in his hand.  He gripped my chin hard and forced me to look up to him. I could feel my legs rising from the floor slowly with the way he was lifting me up. "I f*****g decide what the agreement is. And right now, I decide that I want you to be my f*****g w***e or give me the complete amount today." he literally spat out.  Droplets of saliva splattered on my face, which was the most sickening. "I'll never be yours," I shot back, " whatever feelings I had, I threw them away already. So go f**k yourself."  Before I could realize what was happening, he pulled my hair tightly and sent me flying across the room to the feet of one of his goons. I landed with my back on the floor and let out a loud scream. I tried to get up, but I felt a large foot pressing my head back to the ground. "Let go of me, you asshole," I cried as I fought against the grip.   From where I was struggling on the floor, Baron came into view. I could see the bulge in his pants and the pained expression on his face from where I lay on the floor. He yanked a hand through his hair and leaned down to join me, the gun still in his hand. He looked up to the goon with his feet over my head, causing him to remove his feet from my head.  My head was pounding and my back ached with severe pain as I tried to get my balance. But as a propped my hand up to sit up, Baron held my hand in his hair again. This time twisting and turning until the grip reached the root of my hair.  "Let go of me Baron,' I screamed in pain, all my efforts to let loose were futile if anything his grip only tightened.  "One last chance," he growled, ""  "No, you f*****g monster," it was my turn to throw saliva all over his face, "I will never be yours," I expected him to unload the contents of his gun on me as I said the words, or even throw me to another angle of the room. But what I did not expect, was for him to simply let go of my hair and straighten up.  From the ground where I was, I could still see the pained expression of rejection on his face. He put his gun behind his back and turned around toward the door.  As he reached the door, he turned around to look at me. Hatred and anger seeping from his eyes, "Rainbow waters, 6 pm with the full amount. Or I won't be so lenient with your life the next time we meet."  This is you being lenient?  I thought, giving him a matching scowl and clutching my almost broken back. He gave me one last look, then he said, "boys, trash the place," and disappeared into the night.    
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