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Lilian and Mia were already waiting for me at the mall on Friday morning after I dropped the kids off at school. I had chosen this mall because it was close to the kid's school and I could easily go and get them when we were done.  My mind had been working a thousand miles per hour after my encounter with that room. Every muscle in my body wanted me to take the lift upstairs to the third floor and find out what secrets my boyfriend was hiding behind those closed doors. And Lucas's words when he got back that afternoon did nothing to soothe me.  "It's an old storeroom," he said simply, managing to avoid my eyes as he spoke. I did not need more to know he was either not telling me the truth or giving me a half version of it. I spent most of the week finishing up with the sweaters I was making for the kids. At least that helped to keep my mind busy, it was still distracted by thoughts of what waited for me if I opened that door, but at least I was occupied enough to not venture too far.  Celine had not called after our last conversation on Monday, and while that might have been a good sign that things were finally going right between her and Alex, I could not shake off the feeling that my best friend was about to make a mistake she would regret.  Everything was just going so f*****g bad this week.  I was thankful though to see the welcoming smiles on Lilian and Mia's faces as I walked to the table where they sat, waiting for me. Lilian held Zoey in her hands and the way she cooed and babbled baby words excitedly at me as I reached their table just made me forget all of my worries for the moment.  "Well look who we have here," Lilian said, not bothering to lower her voice.  "If it isn't my soon-to-be sister-in-law," Mia completed, getting to her feet to grab me in a tight embrace, and I figured that was just what I needed to pull me out of the worry and confusion that had accompanied my week.  "Actually Lucas and I just want to keep it simple at the dating level for now," I choked out, trying to breathe through her tight hug.  "Nonsense," Lilian chuckled getting to her feet too, "You have that glow, the 'I'm having a good f**k' kind of glow and it was not there the last time I saw you," she passed Zoey to Mia and hugged me too.  "That does not mean you brother in law and I are going to get married," I said shaking my head in amusement, then a thought crossed my mind, "how do you know about us?"  "Mia cannot keep a secret from me," she said proudly and shot her a wink, "and before you fire bullets at her, I coerced her into telling me, I was just too excited, sorry." she passed me the extra glass of smoothie on the table as a supposed peace offering.  I pulled out a seat and dropped into it, taking a small sip, "just make sure Lucas does not find out, also I will only forgive you on one condition," I stretched my hand out gesturing for Zoey, I liked how she was already struggling to climb into my waiting arms.  "Why is everyone trying to snatch my child from me," Lilan faked a grumble and passed her to me.  "It's not our fault she is just the most adorable little princess anyone can meet," I cooed, letting her wrap her small hands around my forefinger. "Don't tell Abby I said that,"  "Lips are sealed," she said, joining in Mia's chuckle. "Hey little angel," I snuggled her close, rocking her gently, my ovaries were at a point of nearly exploding at all the baby sounds she was making, even though I could not make out a word, and I did not mind all the babbles of saliva being splattered all over my body as she spoke. "Can I feed her this?" I asked Lilian, holding the straw next to Zoey's mouth, she was already clawing at it with her tiny fists.  "It's too cold," she said digging into her diaper bag for a bottle, "that's for her," Zoey's attention quickly switched from my glass to the baby bottle Lilian handed her.  "So what are we doing first?" I asked turning to Mia and Lilian.  "We have all day to shop," Mia shrugged, pushing up her shades and taking a big sip from the smoothie in her hand, "first, you are telling us, how you are getting to shag my handsome hot as hell former asshole now turned gentleman of a brother," "You're developing an accent," I noted, trying not to frown at the reminder that thinking of Lucas brought to my mind.  "Her fiance is British," Lilian reminded me.  "Plus, I had two months to learn the accent," she flipped her long hair over her shoulders, "but you're not greasing your way out of this so easily, we want to hear all of it," Lilian and Mia gleamed with joy and excitement as they extracted every bit of information from me about my and Lucas's relationship and Lilian was more surprised at the fact he had asked me to be his girlfriend almost immediately. In both their opinions for Lucas, the term girlfriend was equal to wife and they were already making plans on what the supposed wedding would look like. I had to remind them that only one of us at the table was going to be getting married in a few weeks and that distraction worked to push the conversation to Mia.  The changing course of our conversation came with a new wave of awareness. My body sprang to life again as the unfamiliar, yet dreadful feeling of being watched settled within me again. I stiffened and the hairs on my back stood to a peak.  Through my distracted week, I had not gotten the time to worry about my unknown stalker. After almost breaking my arm the last time, they had not returned and I almost forgot what it felt like to have to watch my back every time I went out to the store or to get the kids. But now it was back.  The mall was large, it could have been any one of the people walking past all around us, but I could not shake off the feeling that this was not just any passerby.  Any doubts I harbored were completely washed away as I turned around slowly to see the familiar figure in an all-black outfit walking into one of the glass elevators behind us.  It was her.  I did not need to see her face or wait for her to turn around to know it was her. What the hell could she possibly want from me. I did not so much as know her, so why the f**k did she choose to keep terrorizing me.  Fear crept up my spine and I grabbed the wrist wrapped around Zoey with my free hand. That was the one that was hit when she had bumped into me that day at the kids' school. She wanted something that day, I knew for a fact that it was no coincidence that she walked right into me, bumping into me so hard, I lost my balance.  A finger snapping in my face made me spring back to the present. "We're right here," Lilian said, "it's rude to get lost thinking about him when we're right here talking to you."  "I'm sorry," I said forcing a nervous laugh. "I guess I cannot stay away from him as much as I thought I could."  "I can totally relate, so you're pardoned," Mia sucked in the last contents from her smoothie cup, "I was saying it's time to get shopping," "I was thinking the same thing," I smiled, fighting the urge to raise my head to look at the floor above us because I knew too damn well that she was watching. "Where do we begin?"  Lilian suggested we started with outfits for the kids. We walked into one of the outlets, Lilian shopping for Zoey, and me picking out something for the twins. Mia decided to be our third eye, showing us which outfit was too loud for which child, which was very useful especially when Lilan picked out a set of nail polish for Zoey.  "She's barely two years old Lilian," Mia squealed, seizing the pack from her and placing it back on the stand. "You have never heard the saying catch them young?" Lilian rolled her eyes but did not protest when Mia, pulled her away from the aisle of nail kits.  "Nobody's catching my innocent little niece at this young age, let her get to five and I'll be the one buying all of these for her,"  "Okay okay," she turned to face Zoey, who was now rolling her tiny fingers around my hair. "aunt Mia is mean,"  "Aunt is mean,'' the toddler babbled happily. In Abby's and Aiden's absence, I had almost forgotten her mimicking streaks. I managed a small smile, seeing as the duo now had their attention on me. I had not yet been able to shake the feeling of being followed even as we went from aisle to aisle in search of nice things for the kids.  "You look worried," Mia noted.  "Strawberry's are not my favorite," I lied, "the smoothie,"  "Oh I'm sorry," her face scrunched up in worry, "Do you need to go to the ladies'?"  "I'll be fine," I waved my hand brushing it off with a nervous smile, "I am not about to ruin our girls day out, and I'm having too much fun holding a certain toddler," I nibbled the smooth and soft skin on Zoey's neck, making her erupt in screams and giggles.  "Hey guys," Lilian called from the next aisle, "do you think this dress would suit Abby?" she held up a glittery pink ball gown.  "It's her favorite color, she would scream for it," I reached a hand out for the dress, managing to hold back my gasp at the price. Despite associating with a family as wealthy as Lucas's I could never get used to these luxury items or more precisely, their prices.  "Tell her it's from her favorite aunt," Lilian flipped her hair, throwing a wink to Mia who just shook her head, amused.  The rest of the shopping could not go on fast enough. All I wanted to do was run out as I felt like my mind was playing tricks on me. One minute I was looking at the woman in the black hoodie, the next minute, I was questioning my sanity because it felt like she would disappear into thin air.  Mia and Lilan easily mistook my discomfort for my upset stomach, which by the way, was only that way due to the creepiness and horror that rippled through me. I was thankful when Lilian suggested we called it a day after we walked out from one of the women's fashion outlets.  "But I want to shop for Lingerie's," Mia whined.  "Don't tell me you did not pick out any lingerie set in those 6 bags wrapped around your hands," Lilian said, quirking her brows towards Mia's bags.  "I did," she said with a sheepish grin, "but they are not nearly as sexy as the ones from Victoria's secret." "I don't think I'm feeling sexy enough for Victoria's secret right now," I clutched my stomach, giving a silent plea to end the shopping soon enough before I would go nuts.  "Nonsense," she chuckled, grabbing my arm and tugging lightly, her face easily smoothed into a pout and I got a chance to see the slight resemblance between her and Abby. "I promise it would cheer you up and we will be out in five minutes if you don't feel better soon."  Thanks to my inability to say no to Mia's pout, I agreed to spend an extra thirty minutes shopping for Lingeries with Mia and Lilian and of course the very curious Zoey who seemed to carry out her own shopping by grabbing everything and shoving it in her mouth.  Lilian offered to carry her back, but the loud and protested scream that erupted from her was enough to make her mother retreat. "How can my daughter like everyone but me?" Lilian grumbled, walking ver to join Mia.  "I guess it you and me now sweet pea," I gave her a small tickle, making sure to hold her at an angle that would not let her reach any underwear. Mia was not wrong when she said a trip here would help soothe my nerves.  Maybe it was the fact that my stalker was now out of sight, or maybe it was all the fresh new ideas that raced through my decadent brain at how Lucas would react to the crimson red Lingerie set that caught my attention.  My hand smoothed over the rough lace, as I looked at it in admiration. "Do you think your uncle would like it?" I asked absently to Zoey.  "I'm right here," Mia's voice startled me from the other side of the aisle. She pushed the fabrics in her way and poked her head through the open space, making Zoey jump in excitement. "and I think that would make my brother go absolutely nuts when he sees you in it." she grinned.  "Thanks for the vote of confidence Mia," I chuckled, "but please would you not spring up on us like that next time, there is a toddler in my arms."  "I'm sure this toddler with knowledge about Lingeries would not mind a little scare," she gave me a knowing smile and held up her own piece, "what do you think?"  "It's beautiful," I commented, running my eyes over the blue lingerie in her hand.  "Then it's the wrong one," she said with a frown.  "It is?"  "I'm not looking for just beautiful. I want sexy, daring, bold, tempting." she ran her eyes over the fabric in her hand disapprovingly, "I'm looking for a lingerie that lets me scream 'f**k me hard' without having to say a word," she whispered the last part, thankfully Zoey was too occupied with my hair again to notice or mimick.  "Velvet is the color for you then, I'm sure you would find your preference in the velvet department." "You are the best, I'll get one and come show you," she blew Zoey a small kiss before going on her lingerie quest.  I turned my attention back to the fabric in my hand. My skin was already hot with anticipation at all the ways Lucas could have me in it especially with our new favorite toy. I had never gotten a gift for Lucas before, I planned to give him the sweater I was knitting him as our first gift this Christmas, but surely an early Christmas gift would not be a crime. 4 months though seemed like a long time away for an early gift, but I knew Lucas well enough to know that he would not mind.  My phone buzzed in my pocket and I grinned. We really were soulmates, because it was the second time we were thinking about each other at the very same time this week. I knew what he was going to say, "I just called to see how your day was going and I missed you." I grinned sheepishly at how good it always felt to know he missed me and was thinking of me even at work and I could not reach for my phone fast enough to tell him I was thinking of him too.  My breath caught in my chest as I opened the message I had received, stunned to see it was not from Lucas, but an anonymous source.  It must feel good to hold someone else's possession in your arm.  I blinked once, twice, but the message was still there staring me in my face. It was not hard to figure who it was, but the most haunting question was what she was talking about. Another message came in, making me jerk up in surprise and almost dropping my phone.  I understand your confusion, I mean since you're used to taking what is not yours. Husband, kids, family, and hey even friends. But I'll help you. I was referring to the child in your arms.  Despite my sweaty palm, I managed to type back a message. Who are you?  Stupid question, since that was quite obvious. But even with that knowledge, my heart pounded in my chest as I waited for a reply. What felt like hours later, my phone vibrated with another message.  The person that is about to become your worst nightmare.  My breathing doubled. Oh, God.  And news flash, I'm standing in front of a certain school, about to take back what's mine.  Mia's voice from behind me, made me jerk up so hard I almost dropped Zoey, my phone though did not make it to be saved from falling.  "Who the hell is that?" she seethed. 
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