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The kids screamed for sixty seconds straight when I informed them Mia would be coming back soon, as I drove them to school. Their happy squeals were followed by a lot of questions and I spent the rest of the drive trying to answer them all until it was time to drop them off. "Bye little angels," I said to them after fixing Abby's bag on her shoulder. She was slowly growing into hers because at first, it was oversized for her. Aiden though still had to hunch his shoulders to carry it, he might have been older but Abby was taller. I made a mental note to get them both new bag packs the next time I went to the mall. "Bye Chris," they echoed together and took each other's arms as they always did when I dropped them off every morning. It was always heartwarming to see how much they depended and cared for each other even so young. "You'll come to get us right?' Aiden turned to me and asked. "Always, little genius," I told him with a smile. I leaned lower to brush their hair and gave them each a kiss on their foreheads. "Have a great day, love you." "We love you too," they giggled and I straightened to watch them skip away happily and join the other kids heading inside. It was so satisfying to watch them easily associate with the other kids, a great contrast to the first day I dropped them off. They had more friends now and found it easier to share stuff about school with me every day. After spending almost two months with them, I had concluded that all the kids really needed was a little push to allow them to open up and mix freely with the other kids. Aiden's face lit up with a shy smile as he and Abby approached another blonde girl. She was just about Abby's height and from the way she giggled as they walked down to the building, I could tell that was the supposed girlfriend. I took out my phone and took a quick picture of the three of them as they walked hand in hand. I sent the picture to Lucas with a text, "save this she might end up being your daughter-in-law in 20 years," He replied almost immediately. Chris! I giggled at his warning as I turned around to head back to the car. "What, she's beautiful." Where are you? My finger grazed across the phone screen as I typed a quick message telling Lucas I was on my way home, but just before I clicked the send button, someone bumped into me with so much force my phone clattered to the floor and effectively shattered. "Hey," I cried in pain as I grabbed my arm that had been hit so hard by whoever this person was. To make it worse, they just breezed past me without so much as an acknowledgment. I turned around sharply and gasped as I realized who I had been hit by. Even from the back view as she raced down the street, I could tell it was her. The same woman that had been following me the other day. My heartbeat doubled and she disappeared down the next sidewalk before my legs could move to chase after her. "Ow," I yelled in frustration, both at my aching arm and the fact that I had let her slip through. "Are you alright, Miss Christine?" Benard came through from the driver's side to ask. "I'm fine," I said without meaning to sound so rude and defensive. I shook my head realizing that I was venting my anger in the wrong way. "I'm sorry Benard," I said quickly, "just some weirdo that thought it would be nice to bump into me and break my arm." "Oh dear, are you serious?" he asked as he stepped closer, worry and concern written across his face. "Let me take a look," "It's not broken," I said with a nervous laugh, "but it does hurt a lot," I admitted. My cracked phone started to ring as Benard stood inspecting my arm. "Please can you help me get that?" "Sure," he leaned down and got the phone, I took the chance to look around for any signs of the woman again but there was none. I could not help but wonder who she was and what she wanted. If my hunch that she was Lucas's ex-wife was correct then she was not supposed to have any business with me, I did not even know her. A mixture of confusion and worry raced through me and I winced at the pain in my arm as I dropped it. "it's Mr. Maxwell," Benard said handing me the phone. I took the phone from him and slid the answer button, as Benard opened the car door for me. "Thank you, Benard," I said as I climbed into the back of the car. Since I was already on my way home, I dismissed Lucas's call hoping to come up with a good excuse for my hurting hand before we got home to meet him. Seeing as I ignored three calls from him, I was not surprised when he called Benard. Before I got the chance to tell Benard not to tell Lucas about my arm he answered the call and told Lucas I had hurt my arm and was on my way back. I let out a sigh and sank back into the car seat as Lucas's panicked voice rang through the phone. It was all muffled but I could tell very well he was worried. "Tell him I'm fine," I said to Benard, that though did nothing to convince Lucas. "What happened to you?" Lucas asked in a worried tone the moment I got out of the car. I wanted to tell him that there was no need to wait for us right in front of the house, but I knew there was no use. He would not rest until he saw for himself that I was fine. "You're supposed to be at work," I reminded him. "Come here," he said and took my hand, ready to carry out his own inspection too "let me see," "It's not that arm," I took my right arm from him and gave him the other. His eyes roamed over it carefully searching for any bruise, thankfully there was none, but it did hurt as he held it. I was not about to tell him that though and make him stay home from work. Though a part of me would very much like that. "See I'm really fine, now let's go inside," I suggested. Lucas led me to the kitchen where he was making some bacon. "I didn't know you could cook so well," I teased as I moved to sit at the island stool. "We're not diverting the topic until you tell me what happened out there," he said as he lifted me from the stool and dropped me on the island. I shifted backward adjusting to the coolness of the tile. "Someone bumped into me," I told him, at least that was not a lie. His jaw ticked as he looked at my arm again. I cupped his cheek and made him look at my face instead, "It was just an accident, calm down okay? You're getting really worked up over something so trivial." "Are you sure you're fine?" he asked one last time. "If I weren't you would be the first one to know Lucas," It was easier to tell the lie as he cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips on mine lightly. "Come with me to the office today," he mumbled against my lips. I gave it a few seconds thought, though, with his lips on mine, there was not much thinking for me. I would do anything just to make sure he never stopped kissing me. "Okay, I will." *** *** *** An hour later Lucas and I were gilding through the revolving doors of Binarid, his company. He had his hands wrapped firmly around me as we walked past each employee. I did not miss the way heads kept swiveling in our direction, and I was suddenly grateful for Lucas's hand keeping me steady from tripping out of nervousness. "Good morning, Mr. Maxwell do you have a minute please?" A big guy in a green t-shirt and a pair of glasses approached us just as we reached one of the two elevators. "Shoot, Kesley," Lucas answered. "I submitted the patent folder this morning, and I was hoping you would have a minute to review it and give your approval." "Great. Have it on my table after the meeting today, I'll give an answer before the end of the day." Lucas told him, "and have you met Christine, my girlfriend," My stomach fluttered and my heart did a double somersault as he introduced me as his girlfriend, successfully erasing any nervous feeling I had. "Hello," I said and stretched my hand out with a small smile, "I'm Christine, but you can call me Chris," "It's so nice to meet you, Miss Chris. I'm Kesley, one of the engineers here at Binarid." he returned my handshake with an earnest smile too. "That's wonderful, It a pleasure," "The pleasure is all mine. It's not every day we get to see such a beautiful woman here at Binarid." "Okay, Kesley. Get me the files I asked for." Lucas said and headed us toward the lift. I could not help the smile that crept up my face at the hint of possessiveness in his tone. Lucas guided me through a large Lobby when we got to the highest floor of the building. The lobby area was an all-white large space with only one waiting chair and a very large desk for the receptionist who gave us both a greeting as we walked past her. I replied with a smile, but Lucas just gave a simple nod. His entire demeanor easily slipped into work mode. We walked through a pair of large double doors, into what I easily assumed to be his office. As soon as the doors slid shut, Lucas had his hands all over me. and his lips pressed to mine. "Welcome to my world muffin," he said with a smile as he looked down at me. “Your office is nice," I said as my eyes scanned the room, taking in the huge windows that wrapped around the corner office. I walked to the office and gasped a “Wow.” as I realized how high up we were. “Nice view, isn’t it?” He wrapped his arms around my waist with his chest to my back. I turned in his arms and smiled up at him. “It’s awesome, but I prefer this view right here.” "Good thing you have all day to get this view," He said just as his office phone rang on the table. He groaned and threw his head back, "Cockblockers," he muttered as he turned to pick the phone while I laughed. I could tell it was the receptionist speaking to him, and when he got off the call, he had a frown on his face. "I have to handle something at the board room," he explained, "believe me I wish it were avoidable, but it's not." "That's fine Lucas," I walked to him, "I did not come over to distract you from work, so I'll wait right here while you handle it," I stood on my toes and kissed him. "I like it when you distract me," he grinned, "Do you want to come?" he asked when we pulled apart. I laughed nervously, "What am I even going to do in there?" "Just being there would give me the strength I need," he said and turned me around swiftly so he was trapping me between his body and the hardwood of his table. He snaked his arms around my waist and kissed me again, this time much harder than he did before. "Come with me," he mumbled as his lips captured mine fiercely. "Do you know how hard it is for me to say no with what you're doing right now?" I said trying to catch my breath, as my fingers dug into the table. "That's the idea," he said and brushed his erection against my lower abdomen. A small gasp escaped me at the contact. "Do you know how hard it would be for me to hide that from my employees?" "No," I breathed. "Now you have to come along so you can see for yourself," he trailed more kisses lower to my neck and cupped my breast through my dress. I moaned as his expert fingers worked their way over my hardened nubs and he nibbled on my neck softly. A soft knock on the door made me jerk up in surprise, but Lucas did not look bothered in the very least. "Relax," he said as he pulled back with a smug grin, "she will not come in without my permission," "Okay," I said as I tried to calm my breaths that came out in pants. After fixing my dress back and using his suit jacket to cover his bulging pants, he kissed my lips again and called her in. The receptionist walked in with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for intruding sir but they say it's an emergency, from the Tokyo branch." "Okay," he huffed ad picked up a card on his table, "let's go." "I'll take care of your guest here if you want," she offered with a small smile. "That would not be needed," Lucas said taking my hand in his, "she's coming with me." 
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