Chapter 6

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The Red Ferrari drove into the parking lot sometime around Five. From the cafe counter where I stood taking orders, I could see him inside the car, through the glass. Lucas kept yanking his hand through his hair, and I could tell that he was nervous, which was weird because I only saw the asshole side of him, and it was hard for me to believe he ever got nervous too.  As usual, we had only a few customers to attend to before my shift was over. At 6 pm, my shift was over, and I was replaced by one of the new girls that had joined the cafe recently. I changed my clothes quickly and headed out through the back door.  Just like the last time, he leaned on the car, waiting for me like a creepy stalker. I tried to push my dislike for him to the back of my mind. He was the only thing that stood between me and the bullet from Baron's gun. As much as I did not like him, I did not have a choice.  "Hey," he said with a small smile as I approached him like we had been friends forever.  "Hmm," was my simple reply. There was no need to pretend that we liked each other. I folded my hand across my chest and looked at him with the face I had practiced over the years. Not a frown, not a smile. A 'let's just get this done with' face.  "Can I give you a ride as we talk?" he asked with his attention focused on me. That was odd, first the way he greeted me, now offering to give me a ride?   "Why are you being nice today?" I questioned, glaring back at him.  He smiled tentatively again and held the door open for me. "Please, let's just talk inside the car."  I must have heard wrong because I could not have heard this asshole say 'please,' could I? I looked at him with my brows raised as he held the door open. "You're not trying to murder me, are you?"  "Of course not," he said too nicely in a way that made me uncomfortable.  I brought out my phone and quickly took a picture of him before he could realize what I was doing. Celine and I had the habit of sending each other pictures of the person we were with, especially if they were creepy or weird. It was something we learned from a girl that went to a club next to the hotel where we worked.  She had sent a guy's picture to her friend telling her she was going home with him, and when she did not come back the next few days, her friend had gone to the cops with the message.  "What was that for?" he asked.  "" I echoed as I typed the message to Celine. I looked up from my phone and looked at him with a fake smile. "Also, if you try to do anything funny with me, I have a taser, and I assure you, it is very painful."  He chuckled lightly as I entered the car gracefully, and I could tell that his laugh was fake too, just like his smile. He went around to the other side of the car and entered too.  "What do you want from me?" I asked as we left the parking lot to the main road. I did not bother to hide the annoyance in my tone. I figured the best way to go about this was to make him think he still needed me more than I needed him. That way I would still have the upper hand.  "I came here to apologize again," he said, with his eyes glancing between the road and me.  "You say 'again' as if you apologized before." my face had settled into a frown.  "But yester..."  "Don't..." I cut him off, "don't even call what you did an apology. That was you justifying your reason."  "Okay, well I'm sorry," I saw the muscle tick in his jaw, and I knew he was starting to get pissed.  "Why? I mean it's not like you need a piece of s**t like me. Or is it because you have run out of every other good option within the state? Is that why you are willing to fall back on this lowly piece of s**t?" I spat back, and I did not realize my voice had gone a bit too high as I spoke.  He stopped the car abruptly as the last word left my mouth. "You want to know why?" he yelled back. "I'll tell you why. My kids, the most precious gems I have, will not even look at me. I've had to watch them sulk and be unhappy for the last three days since you left, and it breaks my heart every time. The only thing my sister has said to me in three days is, "did you bring her back?" he shouted, and his deep voice increased with every word.  "So yes, yes I'm desperate," he said, eyes pleading as his voice went back to the normal tone "yes, I need you to come back with me please, and yes, I am truly sorry about my behavior the first time we met."  I could finally understand why he was being so nice. And I felt a twinge of guilt for making him go through that much. But then again, he was the one that acted very rudely on our first meeting.   We sat there for five long silent minutes, just looking at each other. I still wondered what would have triggered his behavior the last time. I did not buy his excuse about having a bad day. I knew there was more, but I would not push it yet.  For now, as I sat in the passenger's seat of his car, looking at him, all I could see was a father that loved his children and would do whatever for them.  "What if I double the payment?" he asked with his eyes still lingering over me.  My eyes widened as he said the words. Not only would I have enough money to pay Baron every cent I owed him, but I would also have more than enough extra to save for myself. "That's 100 grand?" I asked, feeling like I had heard wrong. "Yes, 100 grand," he confirmed, "just please come home with me."  I chewed on my bottom lip thinking of my answer. I knew I wanted—no needed—this. I did not have the strength or any reason to refuse him anymore. That amount was just too good to pass up.  "Okay," I finally said. His pained expression immediately changed into a beaming smile, revealing his perfectly arranged teeth. Another feature on his already beautiful body. "Really?" he asked, excitement flowing in his voice. "Yes, really," I was tempted to smile back with the way he was grinning, but I could not do that without laying some ground rules. I needed this job, but that did not mean I would tolerate any of his rude behavior toward me. "on a few conditions though." I added.  I turned in my seat, so I could face him and see his reaction to what I would say. He did not say a word, he just stared straight at me, with a frightened look on his face. I could tell that he was bracing himself for the worst news.  "First, I want half of the amount today." he released a small sigh of relief and muttered a quick 'phew,' then nodded. Thankfully I would not have to worry about Baron anymore.  But Baron was not the only reason I had to be worried about before taking this job. "Secondly, I will not tolerate one more insult or comment directed at hurting me. I am only taking this job because of the kids, and I will not hesitate to quit immediately if I receive any off-color remark from you."  "Okay, that would not be a problem. Again I am sorry for my actions earlier," he said, and I could see a hint of remorse in his eyes. Maybe he was really sorry after all. Or maybe he was just a really good actor.  "You're apologizing so much," I noted. "And I mean it too," he said as he started the car again and swerved into the main road again.  "Good." Maybe he was sorry, but that did not mean I was going to trust him just yet. We still had a long way to that. For now, I just had to avoid anything that had to do with him, after all, I was the nanny for the kids and not him, so how hard could that be?  We drove in silence for the next few minutes, and I took a moment to appreciate the car. The car was cold compared to the warm air outside. And the seats were cozy, and the whole car itself was luxurious with a great scent and a touch of red on almost everything.  He pulled over by the bus stop, and my eyes slid over to him. I could tell he was nervous again. "When do I start?" I asked, my eyes not leaving his.   "I would say tonight if it were possible. But I know you need time to prepare yourself. So tomorrow evening is fine." he said without taking his eyes off the road, even though we were parked.   "Okay," I said with my hand on the door handle. "I'll see you tomorrow evening then, Mr. Maxwell." I opened the door, but before I could climb down, I felt his large cold hand hold me back.  I looked down at my hand and back at him with an icy glare, and he immediately withdrew his hand. "You'll come right?" he asked.  I was starting to think he would not let me go until I signed a blood covenant. I released an exasperated sigh. "Yes, I'll be there."  He nodded and mumbled a quick "Thanks" as I opened the door and left. *** *** ***  "No," Celine said firmly. "Over my dead body will you go to Rainbow waters by yourself."  I told Celine all about how the conversation with Lucas went, and while she supported my decision to accept the job—especially after I told her about the 100 grand—, she was completely against me going to meet Baron on my own.  "Celine, I am not letting you go with me, that man is no good." I protested.  "Yes, you are," she picked up her keys and wore her coat. "Not after he pointed a gun at you the last time." "I know that, but I have his money now, so he won't be so agitated like the last time." As I said the words, I knew how it was a fat lie. Baron was unpredictable and a real dumb asshole in a nice body. The thought of meeting him by myself today was terrifying enough for me. But no matter how scared I was, I would never put my best friend in that situation.  "Yeah, of course," she said, "but you know what they say about dangling fresh meat in front of a hungry lion's den."  Another one of her many—nonexistent— sayings. "I don't know. Tell me." I said in a bored tone.  "What do you think will happen if you go over to a hungry lion's den and tempt it with fresh meat?" she asked as she came closer to the couch where I sat.  "I don't know, it's going to eat it?" I was not sure of where she was going with that, but I just decided to play along.  "Exactly, and I'm not letting you go into the Lion's den like a helpless meat to be eaten by that ferocious lion called Baron."   "what?" I scrunched up my face in a funny way, pretending to be lost. I could already understand the point she was trying to make, but I enjoyed rilling her up a bit.  "You know coz you're like the meat, and Baron is the Lion." she shrugged. "I'm the meat?" I said, trying and failing to hold back the snicker that was coming up. "Oh f**k it," she threw her hands in the air. "I know you know what I'm trying to say." I finally let out the laugh, and from her facial expression, I could tell she did not find it funny.  "Laugh all you want," she said in a warning tone. "But I'm not letting you leave without me." The honk of the car outside caught both our attention. "That's our taxi, let's go."  I knew there was no need to argue with her anymore, nothing I said would make her change her mind. She could be very stubborn when she wanted to, and I was too tired to further the argument. With an exasperated sigh, I got to my feet and headed for the door.  Two men who I easily recognized as Baron's men stood in front of the black Mercedes with arms crossed as we approached the deserted part of rainbow water, one of the most dangerous parts of town. I often wondered how a place like this could have such a beautiful name. How ironical, I thought.  I had managed to convince Celine to wait for me in the car while I spoke to Baron. He did not need to know her, and if all went well, I would never have to see the disgusting man again.  As I climbed down from the now parked taxi on the other side of the street, Celine gave me a look that said: "I'm right here." I nodded in return, feeling the need to tell her that I was not going on a death mission. I was just going to hand over a 50,000 dollar check to get my life back and come back.  A few tentative steps later, I was on the door side of the car. One of the goons opened the door, and Baron stepped out. He had a smirk plastered across his face, and I knew he was not ready for what I had coming for him.  "So you finally came to your senses?" he asked as he took two bold steps towards me. He was way taller than me, and I was tempted to take a step back, but I knew there was no room for being weak tonight. I stood my ground, refusing to back down and maintaining eye contact.  "I came to my senses long ago," I spat back, my voice laced in disgust and contempt. He laughed humorlessly and stuffed his hand in the pocket of his black jean. "So, are you here to take my offer? I can tell you're really excited to be f****d by me," he said with a hint of pride.  Now it was my turn to laugh. "No thanks, I'd rather be celibate." Anger and surprise flashed across his features, and he opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly took the check in my back pocket and threw it across his face.  His eyes widened in surprise, and one of the men holding the door open rushed down and picked the check from the floor.  "The full amount, 50,000," I smirked at how furious he looked. He was not expecting that at all, and I did an inner victory dance for being able to make the asshole speechless. But I was not done yet.  "But... how..." he managed to ask in surprise.  "'how' is none of your business. I've paid you back everything I owe you, so stay the f**k away from me. And I mean it." I hadn't even realized I was raising my voice too high until I heard Celine's voice behind me.  "Yeah, stay the f**k away from her, you sick asshole," she echoed and took her place by me. Before I got the chance to ask her why she did not stick to the plan, Celine grabbed my hand. "Now that we are done here, we have somewhere else we have to be, so excuse us," she said to Baron with a scowl.  She pulled me away back to the taxi, and as we left, I turned to see Baron looking at us with the iciest glare ever, he looked like he could rip Celine into pieces, but as usual, Celine did not seem to give a f**k.  She held the door open for me and let me in. As she turned to enter the car too, she raised her middle finger to Baron and mouthed, 'f**k you.' As the driver started the car, I heard a loud, angry growl coming from where Baron stood with his men, and I could tell it was Baron's.  "He sounds pretty mad," I laughed as the car drove off.  "Well then, mission accomplished," she replied with a shrug and laughed too. 
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