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"The very least you could have done was to tell me," Mia said, rubbing her hand against her forehead as she paced the kitchen. I sat behind the counter, hands under my chin as I waited for her to vent out all of her frustration. It was much easier to deal with her now after Lucas and I had fixed things yesterday, with some talking and well you know the rest. Mia was not upset per se, it was more like she was terrified of what could have happened and I completely understood her anger seeing as I was on the brink of going mad with worry yesterday. All of that was gone through. Lucas was not joking when he said he would it all out of my system and now I just had to convince Mia that it was all gone. "I went crazy with worry Chris," she threw her hands in the air. "I promise, I would never put the kids in such danger again," I said solemnly. "It's not the kids I was worried about," she retorted, "Sarah might be a sick b***h but she knows Lucas would tear her apart if she touched the kids. Plus I know she does not love the kids but she would never hurt them either." "Well that means there is absolutely no need to worry, I am fine too." I gave her a sweet smile but clamped my mouth shut when she glared at me. "Let me see your arm," she said pulling it from my arm where it held my chin up. "were you really hurt?" her tone was much softer as she examined my arm. "Not so much, it stopped hurting long ago." My guilt only increased as more and more people kept worrying about me. I would not be surprised to see a call from Lucas's parents soon. They were the only ones left. Thankfully Lilian had expressed her concern much mildly, with a call to see how I was doing last night. "Do you even think of me as your friend?" she asked, dropping my hand and folding her hands across her chest. "Why would you even think that Mia?" I frowned. "First you don't tell me about you and Lucas, now this," she spoke sadly, "friends do not keep stuff from each other." "I'm sorry Mia," I climbed off the counter stool, "I was just really confused and I thought my imaginations were playing tricks on me and I just..." I trailed off, chewing on my bottom lip and hoping she would understand. "I really did not mean to keep everyone in the dark." Thankfully, she did understand. "It's okay. I'm such an amazing person so I will let this go, but if you keep stuff that I should know from me in the future, then I am absolutely and totally breaking up with you," "We're dating?" I shot her a coy smile. "Of course not," she swatted my arm with a chuckle, "but we are GFF's, you Lilian and I," "What is GFF?" I asked in confusion and amusement. "Girlfriends forever," she grinned. "That's a thing?" I quirked my brows. She nodded and I shook my head, barely holding back my chuckle, "you know you're not much different from my best friend Celine," "I do hope to meet her someday," she said rounding the counter, "for now come and give me a hug, peace offering," as usual her embrace was strong but filled with so much warmth that I did not bother to tell her I was almost choking. "Stealing my girlfriend from me again?" Lucas's voice boomed from the doorway. I grinned as I turned to look at him. He had taken off his blue suit jacket and his tie hung loosely around his neck. His shirt was also unbuttoned low enough to reveal his muscular chest along with a dusting of hair. His thick black hair was disheveled in a refreshingly sexy way and I bit my lip shyly, taking note of his five o clock shadow and what that meant for my now weak thighs. "Well since you asked, she just agreed to my GFF," Mia said flipping her hair nonchalantly, "so yes, I am stealing her away from you." "Muffin," he said in mock disappointment, "I thought we had something special," he clutched his chest as he stalked closer, "I am gone for a few hours at work and you already replaced me?" I giggled, closing the distance between us and reaching for him first, "there's no need to be jealous, baby," I wrapped my hands around him, suddenly feeling giddy, "she's just my girlfriend, you and I, we're soulmates." His strong hands wrapped around my thighs, holing me higher and he pressed his lips to mine. It was only then I realized how much I missed his lips on mine all day. I deepened the kiss, not bothering to acknowledge our audience until she cleared her throat softly. Lucas looked behind me, sticking out his tongue to Mia, who was doing all the nana-nana-boo-boos at her brother. There were only rare moments like these where I was reminded that they were actually favorite siblings. "Where are Abby and Aiden?" he asked when he managed to tear away from me after giving me another long kiss that made Mia roll her eyes. "Getting dressed," I said casually, turning around to take my seat back on the stool. "Why?" Lucas pulled the fridge open and took out a bottle of orange juice. "Well our outdoor exercise for the evening is a stroll to the park, also the twins were really hopeful that you'd come home early for it," He had a frown as he joined us, dropping the juice on the counter. "What's wrong?" I asked surprised at how quickly his mood changed. "You'll have to cancel," he flexed his watch in his hands casually, I could tell he was making a conscious effort to avoid my eyes and that was all I needed to know that he would not be saying something good next. Mia and I exchanged glances but she was clearly trying to avoid getting involved. She shot me an apologetic look, took out her phone, and pretended to dial a number as she exited the room. "Is something wrong?" I climbed off my stool and moved to stand next to him. "You and the kids are safer here at home," he said simply. "Where is that coming from Luas?" I frowned. "I have a few people working in place to make sure Sarah does not have the chance to hurt you again," he told me, finally meeting my eyes. "I will find out what she wants, and why she's back here but until then, I have to know that she cannot reach you or the kids." "But Lucas..." "Also don't be terrified when you see a few new security teams here at home. They will be keeping an eye on you and on the kids too." he continued, disregarding the concerned look on my face. "And what about school for the kids?" I folded my hand across my chest, giving him a scowl, "are you going to stop them from going to school too because Sarah is in town?" "I would never do that," he told me, "there's a security team for that too." I did not bother to hide bewilderment. "It's their priority to make sure the kids are safe at school too, and you'll be getting a new driver actually, he's waiting outside." "Jesus, Lucas," I threw my hand in the air. What the hell had come over him. "What's wrong with you baby," I stepped closer, "it's just Sarah, she's not going to hurt her own kids." He quirked his brows and I knew exactly what he was thinking, "I know I thought that yesterday, but now that I can think more clearly..." I trailed off with a sigh, "so much security, no mother is ever capable of hurting their own kid," His jaws ticked and his eyes flashed with a distant memory, "I would rather not take chances." "You're being paranoid right now," I cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at me. "I'm not changing my mind in this muffin. I would rather do this now than have regrets over why I did not do enough to protect you and the twins," He released a long sigh, "it's only temporary until she leaves, or until I know she's not a threat to those I love," I swallowed hard at the hint he unwittingly gave. He probably does not know he just said he loves me. "Okay," I whispered, suddenly my mind was too occupied with excitement to remember what we were even talking about. "I have some work to finish in my office, the new teams are in the living room, you should get to see them and know them before they begin, especially your new driver," he raked his hand through my hair, leaving his hand on the bare skin between my neck and shoulder. "I really do not like this new development," I muttered with a frown. "I promise, it won't last long," he leaned down and kissed my lips, successfully ending any further protests that attempted to surface. Plus there was the unsaid promise that he would make up for it tonight and that alone was enough to lighten my mood again. *** *** *** After meeting the new teams and my new driver, I went through my usual routine with the kids. While Aiden easily got over his disappointment with our canceled trip to the park, Aby took out hers by not having dinner. Mia had gone home and Lucas was working in his office so it was just me and the kids, which meant I had to try out every trick in the book to get her to eat. In the end, the only trick that worked was promising to stay up an hour past their usual bedtime watching Peppa pig with them. Thankfully, I was a big fan of cartoons. Some minutes after their bedtime though, Abby was already too sleepy to keep her eyes open and she easily drifted asleep, snuggled up in my arms. I read Aiden his bedtime story and tucked them into sleep. It was my second favorite part of every night. Watching them sleep peacefully, their stuffed animals tucked in their arms as they smiled in their dreams. It was beautiful. My first favorite thing for every night though was a little more depraved than watching the kids sleep. And yes, it had everything to do with Lucas's C. Actually, it was both a daily ad nightly exercise, but I was not complaining. The sound of running water coming from the shower was all I needed to know that Lucas was in the shower. I had already taken a bath, but who said I could not have a bath twice in one night? But first, I had to check if Celine had responded to the text I sent her all day. I frowned as I easily remembered the events of yesterday, thanks to my now badly cracked phone screen. I would have to get a new one soon, but for now, it was still working well enough to send and receive a few messages. Celine had still not gone through my message, much less given a reply. Fear and worry, coursed through me and I suddenly regretted not taking Alex's number before they left. I tried calling again but received no response just like this morning. I clicked on the voicemail option and added another voicemail to the list of unanswered ones I had given her all day. "Girl I might go crazy worrying about you, please at least take your calls, would you? Or you could just send a text telling me you're okay. Do not do anything rash and call me. I really miss you." With a sigh, I got to my feet and dropped my phone on the table. I had started to push off my robe to join Lucas in the shower when my phone chimed. With more speed than light, I picked up my phone, scrolling as fast as I could to see the message. Only, it was not from Celine. It was the same anonymous number that had texted me yesterday. I knew though, who was behind that charade of anonymity. With shaky hands, I opened the message and read what it said. I see you finally told him about me. I stared at the message for a few seconds trying to understand what was really wrong with her. Was it her hope that I would not tell Lucas? Whether or not it was though, I was not going to let her continue to terrify me when I had done nothing to her. What the hell do you want Sarah? Oh, she even knows my name? Wow. Yes, I know your name, I have known it since the very first week I got here. I see. Lucas and I do not hide anything from each other and I'm not sorry for disappointing you and telling him everything about you. I wish he felt the same way, honey. What the hell did she mean by that? Has he told you yet? she continued, Or did he tell you the same lie he told everyone else, the same lie he has been repeating to himself all these years. What do you mean by that? suddenly my knees felt weak. So naive. Fuck you, Sarah, I'm not going to let you play your disgusting mind games with me. Also, your words are doing nothing to reach your goal of making me lose trust in my boyfriend, so go f**k yourself b***h. Fair enough. But before I do leave I would like to remind you that every closet has its skeletons. And your dear boyfriend is no exception to the rule. The only thought that crawled up my mind was that room and what it was possibly hiding. What secrets it held, things that Lucas clearly did not want me to know. Good night Christine. Sleep tight and I mean that with the best interest because pretty soon, I'll be taking that too. Send my love to my dear husband. If her goal was to unnerve me she could be applauding herself now because she had achieved that and more, but I did not get the time to express any of the emotions tearing through me, before two large arms sprang upon me, grabbing me from behind. "Lucas," I gasped, dropping my phone on the table to stop him from seeing the messages. "You scared me," "It's just me," he chuckled, spinning me around. His amused face quickly changed to worry as he saw my face. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," I forced a smile, but it was too late. "Tell me," he said in an almost harsh tone. "remember you cannot keep stuff from me anymore." "It's really nothing Lucas," my faltering voice made it more difficult to believe me. His eyes darted to my phone. "Is it about Sarah?" "Of course not, it's C," at least that was not a complete lie, "she won't take my calls and she won't reply to my texts and she won't even take my voice mails, that's what I'm so worried about. " "Did you guys have a fight?" his brows were still arched in worry, and I knew I had to do more to convince him. "Nah, we never fight. She's just going through something right now and she gets like that when she's going through too much. I just really wish she would not cut me out." "Do you need me to have someone check in on her?" he ran his hands up and down my arm. "She's not in the country but thanks," I managed to give him a weak smile. "I'll try to reach her tomorrow, if it does not improve then I can panic." "I hate to see you so worried Muffin," he caressed my cheeks, eyes boring into me. "what do you want me to do to make you feel better?" "I don't know," I said, pushing past his hands on my cheek to hug him. "I was going to suggest a bath together but I'm no longer in the mood for it," I chuckled lightly. "I guess I just want to cuddle to sleep right now," His chest vibrated against my cheek as he gave a low laugh. "I can do that," *** *** *** Darkness covered the path to the hallway, but beyond it, there was the tiniest ray of light from underneath the door. All I had to do was take the few steps leading there and everything I ever wanted to know was waiting for me on the other side. "Every closet has its skeleton," her words came into play in my head. I should not let them get to me, but I was way past the point of caring. I wanted answers. Answers to questions I could not even figure yet, all I knew was that there was a what, that craved an explanation. I squared my shoulders, taking a deep breath as I took the step forward. But I was not moving. My leg hung in the air by a force I could not quite phantom. I wanted to move, wanted to reach for the door and release all the secrets that kept drawing us back. If only I could moe my damn leg. The door creaked opened and a figure came into view, one I recognized almost immediately. She still had that ridiculous hoodie on, that deluded her into thinking she was anonymous. But I knew who she was. And she knew that I knew. She regarded me with the evilest grin I had ever seen. It sent shudders wracking through me and not in a good way. But I was not going t back down. "I'm not going to let you come between us," I screamed in my loudest voice, but all she did was a smirk. Her voice was as calm as the peace after a storm, a strong contradiction to that evil smile. "Oh naive little girl, I already took him back because he's mine. Always was, always will be." I wanted to scream how she was wrong, how Lucas no longer loved her, how I was the one here right now not her, how I was the one that stayed while she left, how I loved him just as much I knew he loved me, but every single one of those words died on my lips at the next form that came into view. It was Lucas. And his next words were all I needed to shatter every bit of hope I had built through our relationship, "I'm sorry Chris, I really am." I jerked awake with a sob. Beads of sweat rolled down my body and I tried to regain my composure realizing it was just a dream, no a nightmare. It was just a f*****g nightmare. Lucas would never do that to me. Or would he? He was hiding something. I knew that for sure and it would probably be the death of me if I did not find that out tonight. Beside me, he lay peacefully asleep, chest rising and falling with every breath and feet tangled between the sheets. I could lay back and pretend that everything was fine until he left for work tomorrow, but I would probably break before then. Without thinking, I pushed myself off the bed, heading for the one place that had been the center of my attention since the day I saw it. Getting there took a shorter time than it did the first time I was there, good because I did not have any time to waste. This time there was no reconsideration, no second thoughts, no deep breaths. I held the doorknob, twisting the handle and pushing it open. It was dark except for the moonlight that flowed through the open window. As I stepped further in, I was greeted by dust and cobwebs all around the room. Finding the light switch was really easy, but the moment the lights came on, it became obvious why Lucas did not want me to open this door. The only words that managed to make it past my lips were, "Oh my god,"
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