Chapter Twenty-Eight: Target Practice

1692 Words

Axel was rubbing the heel of his into my lower back as I came out of my mental fight with Ivy. I wasn’t even sure when he had gotten so close to me. I dimly remembered him trying to snap me out of it, but I had been in too much pain. His eyes stared at me as if I was about to break. “Hey, are you still there?” He looked around him. “Are you scared of being underground? I should have asked before leading you here. I’m really sorry I didn’t think.” I shook my head at him. “It’s not that, I just had a fight with Ivy.” His brows furrowed. “A fight with your wolf?” I nodded. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’re kinda not the same kind of personality.” I could see the thought enter his mind and his eyes widen. “I didn’t even notice it before, but now that you mention it. You’re not the

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