Episode 86

237 Words
"You have not yet died ruler of this castle" Noah spoke smiling by slamming the spear against the ground and bouncing away he would look back and see the rider and his mount with two screens describing on top of their heads [Abandoned King - life 29%] [Receptacle horse - life 71%] "I understand we will see until where you keep that smile even knowing who and the superior here" [Noah keller - 36% life] Noah looking to the side would see the bar of his life at 36% and jumping to the left side dragging the tip of the spear on the ground would look at the horse with black eyes with the green skin equal to a cut emerald running towards him "don't be so proud, you're just a horse" Noah was talking waiting for the attacking horse spinning one hundred eightydegrees by hitting his left leg on the spinning ground and stopping in a few seconds from the side of the horse striking the mouth of the horse that bit with all its force the tip of the spear sticking his paws on the ground to spin and throw Noah in front of the attack of the rider who would be running towards them with two swords in his hand one with only one blade and completely purple and others with the blade debt in two being black and white "Just wait a minute"
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