Episode 163

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Fifteen minutes before the battle between Amelia and the number seven arm intensified with the full body recovery of the number seven arm the number ten arm different from the number seven arm literally came back from the dead "so he left my body intact" (arm number ten) The number ten arm would rise, looking around it, would see that it is two hundred meters from the huge wall that separated the kingdom from the whole world. "This last attack really was an attack worthy of killing me without even touching me who would have thought the gust of wind created by the false goblin king's feet was so strong" (arm number ten) Arm number ten quickly looked down, hunting for any holes that the gobuck's attack would have caused. "I have to thank the resistance of this skin my bones and organs were completely destroyed" (arm number ten) Arm number ten's heart stopped for two seconds and started beating again causing her black hair to turn white and drastically increase in size. His white skin turned red as the blood passed through his vein and his body temperature increased dramatically, surpassing its former limit by more than a hundred times to the point where his clothes already all destroyed from the last fight were set on fire to the point of not even turning over. ashes "So this is the form of a goblin emperor" (arm number ten) Pulling his hair, he held it with his left hand and with his right hand he cut it making it short again. "I hate long hair" (arm number ten) In a matter of seconds, his hair grew back, this time two inches longer than before. "Apparently I'll have to get used to it" (arm number ten) Look back feeling the enormous energy that gobuck exuded smile "Time to have my revenge" Arm number ten started running jumping jumping half a mile horizontally every ten steps after landing on the ground running towards the strong energy that gobuck was exhaling "Amazing how this place has recovered from our confrontation" (arm number ten) "That bastard is still alive" (gobuck) Gobuck started to use blood acceleration making his skin turn red so smoke would come out of the corner of his mouth but when he could see arm number ten from afar he would realize he couldn't win But if he gave up, he started to run towards arm number ten When they both met and their fists would collide, the wind barrier formed again causing destruction to the place they were. More different from the other time, the attack of the number ten arm surpassed that of the gobuck, causing his left arm to be ripped off only with the force of the wind and also causing it to be thrown backwards. While he was in the air the last thing he saw was the fist of arm number ten just inches from blowing his head off taking with him more than half of his body destroying much of the precious flesh making arm number ten start crying for having done such an atrocity "How could I end up with meat of incomparable quality with the previous ones that were just appetizers" (arm number ten) Now that you know what happened against gobuck and arm number ten while Amelia and arm number seven fought let's let the goblin king enjoy his meal and get back to the fight of the two queens The queen of beasts and the queen of men Even if Armelia wasn't being held by the huge hand of transparent pink energy, the countless eyes that were focusing their attention on Amelia's body would make her uncomfortable in a way that would make it impossible for her to move. A queen is perfect a queen makes no mistakes a queen is always above everyone not even her king can control her Amelia's heartbeat would begin to slow down as her fingertips Transform creating tiny openings in each fingertip of her hand. A white thread, a spider's web, started to come out from the tips of her fingers, accumulated on the floor, filling the inside of her hand with pink energy, thus deceiving the ability of arm number seven, causing the hand to change its shape to fit perfectly and prevent amelia from coming in. escape With his eyes closed, he cleared his mind, jumping up, he was on top of the web sphere that was now replacing his body. Amelia thinking about how to cross the unknown wall in front of her "The wall around me is weak as paper" (Amelia) "I just need to do this" (Amelia) Amelia jumped forward bursting her eyes that had formed a wall around her with her body covered by a liquid that looked like water she opened her eyes not seeing anything in front of her and of course the number seven arm would be above her head just waiting for her to leave "Blades of Lust" (arm number seven) Several red blades that would have a flaming blue energy around them were fired towards Amelia at that exact moment a deadly rain was happening. With her arms crossed in front of her face shielding her eyes Amelia spoke slowly separating the words as she looked directly at arm number seven "Pre-dic-ta-ble" (Amelia) Amelia's body had been transformed, gaining dragon scales all over her body with the exception of sensitive ones who only gained a protective film stronger than a human's. Amelia jumped cracking the ground beneath her feet holding the shoulders of arm number seven opening her mouth her mouth arm number seven could see flames coming out towards her face Before the fire hit the face of the number seven arm an energy barrier was created in front protecting it from Armelia's flaming attack while at the same time using its huge pair of wings to strike the abdomen and chest of its opponent at the same time throwing it away. "Great Spear of Sin of Lust" (arm number seven) She created a spear made of dark energy with flaming red energy concentrated at the tip of the spear being shot towards Amelia. "Deception" (arm number seven) Countless white arrows began to appear behind Amelia flying towards her. "Blades of Lust" (arm number seven) While coming from the ground towards Amelia's body Several red blades that would have blue energy concentrated at the tip of their blades And with a flap of wings the number seven arm darted towards Amelia appearing above her making her huge claws appear. Amelia releasing the dragon's tail used it to strike the air making her go over the number five arm holding her neck with her two hands thrust her claws into them and spun in the air putting the body of the number seven arm in the direction of her three attacks while used its tail to swipe at the air and get away from arm number seven Arm number seven's last words before she received attacks from her would be "That was crap" (arm number seven) The spear went through her body, splitting her in two, separating her waist from the rest of her body that was targeted by arrows and energy blades, having all parts of her body destroyed, preventing any attempt at regeneration. "I said you don't stand a chance against the queen" (amelia)
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