Episode 10

265 Words
Evina came closer catching the game with one of her hands looking directly " What? " " promise to bring your brother to visit me and talk to him create a new world for games " " for sure... the more wait I worked all this time for nothing?" The woman passed by slapping him on the shoulder a little bit " it wasn't for nothing that you earned too much money, so even more " " I promise I'll bring him here even if he's tied up Andreza " Inside the noah's apartment, inside the virtual reality machine in a cave with several dead poisonous plants trapped in the walls with more than twenty blue wolves with red horns in the middle of it scattered dead on the floor "a boss lv.40 let's test your intelligence now" Noah spinning a simple lance of chipped stone blade and wooden handle wearing a simple white dirty peasant shirt with a dark green pants full of holes, deviating jumping over the red ogre's sledge that had sunk into the cave floor holding on Noah falls landing on the ogre's arm sticking the spear into his arm and running towards his shoulder, as he deflects jumping over the ogre's hand trying to hit him slapping his arm Noah being on his shoulder sank the spear and used a quick cutting skill to cut the ogre out instititisibly picked up the sledgehammer hitting noah who was thrown far away hitting the wall and sunk halfway through life (Half? she's too weak for a boss, blow should have killed me)
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