Epospde 77

233 Words
"So and worse than I imagined, it will be impossible to bring him back to my team" "What do you mean, sir? I think we have a good chance to say that the team that speaks" "Tatsuo I think you've forgotten who we're talking about" Albert spoke of massaging his forehead opening his suit and letting out a long sigh "Do you remember the sponsor we lost when we were finished in a way that was done" "You're telling me that Noah..." Albert opened one of the drawers of his desk by removing a briefcase with Noah's name on it, and inside it he would remove a sheet from the newspaper where Noah appeared, pooding the face of one of the most important CEO of the newspaper's time. "Como like that?? he dared to spoil an opportunity that would have put us in the spotlight even before the explosion of the kingdom game" Tatsuo spoke with his voice tremula and with both hands tremula holding with each other trying to keep the posture in front of his boss who seemed completely indifferent to the situation and before he asked he would hear his answer "No I don't care besides that doing more than 7 years the reason for the punch was also that of his bankruptcy, as I can say if it sounds strange ... he had strange tastes for his age" "Lord..."
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