Episode 97

246 Words
"For someone who says he's lazy he's pretty excited" I said getting up from the chair looking at Trins who replied " I'm not lazy I'm just not used to this human body yet" "Don't worry Trins in a little while you will get used to the human body and you will be able to do your best for the master" Luke said leaving the house and stopping outside turning forward and waiting for us "Well ok.... only I will never reach your level" Trins spoke making the rabbit disappear and start walking out of the house I soon went after them "Come on someone needs to find his place in this world" I said giving a signal to both of them as I ran towards the place marked on the map "Hey so you want me to join your group to fight and take control of this world when the astralis key is born?" A voice spoke from the sky and as the three of us looked up to see what the sound would sound like a body full of gray scales with purple details with a pair of blue horns with yellow details that faded as the dust lowered showing the full appearance of the first of the arms [Arm - Anlow - The Dragonian] [Obligatory Mission - The future governor's arms] [Convince the arms to stay under your command so the day of the governor's birth won't be an impossible mission to complete]
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