Episode 23

318 Words
"You will have the first championship" Noah played the phone to Evina turning quickly would go towards the machine "It's been a while since I've seen him with a smile like that the last time was when he won the first kingdom tournament". Evina spoke by squeezing her cell phone of happiness looking from afar noah fixed looking at the helmet putting it on and lying on the machine again "Finally he returned noah keller the greatest of players and my wonderful brother" Twenty years into the game equivalent of two weeks in the real world noah was wearing a gray striped armor that mirrored all over the noah armor was holding a sword with a red stripe in the middle of it and with the dead wood handle "So are you my next opponent?" Noah was talking pointing his sword at a huge tiger with huge teeth that were surrounded by electricity and with his whole yellow body with a huge green rune on his back that glowed strongly his eyes were a dark blue and would be the size of a house in real life The creature would hit one of its paws on the ground and several rays would c***k the ground and come out destroying everything in front of it noah would jump forward standing between three cracks looking at the creature that now would be surrounded by electricity "A trick like that wouldn't work on me." Noah spoke counting down five seconds with his finger standing on top of one of the three cracks with the sword pointing to the ground a second wave of lightning appeared and only four places were safe and not hit by lightning "So it's finally over? Can we start the real fight?" The creature moving his angry head let out a roar and started to walk slowly towards noah "So you're not as dumb as you thought"
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