This is For You, Stacy

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Cardi B ft. Kanye West & Lil Durk- Hot s**t B.B.: Holland Track is the starting running back for our team this year. He's a junior and is in line to get a full ride to BYU when he graduates. His father played for BYU in his youth and is thrilled about his sweet baby boy following in his footsteps. Calling the cops isn't an option. His dad works for the mayor of Hellbourne. The guy gets away with literally anything he wants. Tickets, assault, robberies. All of it, daddy takes care of it. I take a cup from the boys and made my way into the crowd swaying my body along to the beat of the music. I'm not sure what I'm doing but it feels right. Like this is where I'm supposed to be. I'm giving into the poison of the darkness rushing through my veins right now. I think I'm crumbling. Something has finally snapped inside of me and here are the consequences. This is a trick Delilah taught me. A trick she got from dad's journal. Lure the leader out with the promise of a good time and there's nothing more seductive than a pretty girl trying to forget if only for the night. It's the hill teenagers live and die on. The promise of a good time. s*x, drugs, and music. Although Shane is the greatest Quarterback Hellbourne has had in the last ten years, he's not really interested in things like being top dog. At least, when I knew him he wasn't. It's why I liked him. He was sweet and gentle. He made me feel safe. Holland on the other hand walks around like he's f*****g untouchable. He firmly believes that he's our school's king. Imbecile. If you have to remind others of your status, maybe you never had it to begin with. Normally, I'd mind my own f*****g business. Even when Dilly was alive, I didn't care to deal with these assholes. I like living in my own little world. I like having control of my life in a healthy way. At least, I did. Fighting and disrupting the peace was her thing. I had to step in a couple of times when she went off the rails. It rarely happened but when it did, the last thing I wanted was for her to get caught alone and with Shane standing behind me, no one dared to f**k with me. Shane Halestorm is the only son of our beloved mayor. That's all I really need to say about him. This town is going to hell. People are starting to forget the rules. My mind is racing and although the music is blaring from the giant speakers all around me, all I can hear is the sound of the f*****g chandelier creaking in my haunted house. I looked up seeing the shadow of her swaying body right over all of Stacy's party guests. Losing my mind? Ha! It's long lost now. Maybe, I don't want this to stop. Maybe I need it to keep me going. To remind me of what I'm doing here. Whatever madness that's manifesting out of me tonight is exactly what I need. Damn! by Jeris Johnson & Ricky Desktop is viciously playing in the distance as I move along to the beat. My eyes meet Holland's and he begins to make his way to me through the crowd. I smile at him leading him away to the little dark space by the stairs. He follows without missing a single step. Why wouldn't he? They know I didn't put out for their fearless team captain. They want what he can't have and there aren't very many things Shane Halestorm can't get his golden boy hands on. He has it all and then some. His so-called friends would do just about anything to get a piece of it. I bet Holland thinks of himself, as a wolf. The alpha of his little pack. What a f*****g joke. This boy is a f*****g b***h. This kid a predator? It's laughable. His buddies look away giving him the privacy they firmly believe he needs. Even Shane, although I'm willing to bet it's leaving a sick taste on his tongue. I hope it is. I hope he chokes on it. "You look amazing," he shouts over the music. "Thank you," I smile. He reaches for me, placing his hand on my waist as I continue to dance. I don't like it. It doesn't feel the same way it does when Carson or Luc put their hands on me. It's only happened a few times but I feel strangely attached to them. I always have but it's more now. It's more than some little crush. It's not a crush at all. It's more like an urge. "I like what you did to your hair. You look super hot," he compliments. "That was the idea," I bat my eyes. "What are you drinking?" he asks. I put the black cup to my lips drinking it all at once. JD's honey whiskey. I look over his shoulder to see Luc staring at us by the entrance. He's leaning against one of the pillars. He motions for me to lead him outside and pushes off disappearing through the front door. I toss the cup over my shoulder letting it land where it may. "Nothing now," I answer leaning into him. I place my hands on his chest and smile. "I've had a lot," "Do you want another one?" he asks. I fist his button up and pull him down to me. I can smell beer on his breath. Disgusting. He's inches away from me. I can just lean in and bite his f*****g nose off. I want to. I can see myself covered in his blood while he screams. "Do you want to go somewhere with me?" I ask, leaning in and brushing my nose against his. He gasps and nods without hesitation. "Come on," he takes my hand in his and leads me towards the front door. I laugh letting him lead himself to what happens next. "You know, you're a lot different than I remember," he says when we were outside. He leads me through the parked cars towards the more expensive ones by the edges of the estate. Where it's darker. "I kind of always thought you were stuck up," "I am," I laugh when he pulls me into him. I stumble forward letting myself crash into his chest like a damsel. He has no idea. Not a f*****g clue. "I am very stuck up, Holland," "What's happening?" he grins placing both his hands on my waist as I press my chest to his. "I've always liked you, but I could never tell you. Shane wouldn't let me go," I lie toying with one of the buttons on his shirt. "Yeah?" his eyes mine. I nod giving him the most innocent look I could muster. "He was always jealous of how good you are. I don't know what he did to become captain but I personally think he screwed you on it. It never made sense," I smirk. He wraps his arms around me and I let him. Give him a false sense of security. "He's not even that good," "I know," he nods agreeing with me. See, weak. "I think he had Rosa f**k the coach for it," "Really? I wouldn't put it past him," jocks are easy prey. Their f*****g egos are so fragile. I used to think it was funny when I was dating Shane. A little suggestion here, the threat there, and they would fight like dogs. "I'm sorry about your sister. B.B. That must have been really hard for you," the sincerity on his face is real. It doesn't change anything but I appreciate the sentiment. He shouldn't have brought her up. The memory of her hanging from the chandelier is imprinted in my mind all the time and it's particularly present right now. At least, the sound is. "Thank you, Holland. Not a lot of people get that," I take a step back and whistle. He pushes off the car we're leaning on and looks around when the guys appear. "It's been a rough two years, I'm not going to lie. I've felt a little like a ghost. But not tonight," "What the f**k is going on, B.B? I thought we were hanging out," he glares at me his hands, still on my waist, tighten. "We are hanging out," I nod. "Nothing too crazy is going to happen. You're not going to die or anything," "What?" he drops his hands this time and tries to push me back. "Did you know that Stacy wanted to save herself for marriage?" I ask and he instantly knows why he's here. "See, she's a hopeless romantic. She made me watch the f*****g Notebook fifteen times. Her favorite emo boy is Edward f*****g Cullen. The ultimate gaslighter. This is the skin of killer and all that s**t," I laugh. The others join me. "What happened last night?" "She didn't say that last night. She wanted it," he shakes his head but the wild panicking flickers of his eyes tell another story. "Really? Little virgin Stacy Whitmore wanted all four of you motherfuckers to f**k her up and rape her?" I ask calmly. "Whoa, whoa. We didn't rape her. It was all consensual, Blackstone. You know me, I don't play like that," "That's not what it looked like to me when I found her crying on the side of the road," I shrug. "Come on. This isn't you, B.B. You're not Delilah," he shakes his head with a little smile on his face. Is he really trying to taunt me right now? Why do they think they can just freely say her name like they knew her? Like they know me? They don't know s**t. They didn't know Delilah and they sure as f**k never knew me. "No," I shake my head. "I'm not my sister. See, my sister would have taken her time to slowly destroy you. She'd really draw it out, save it all until the last moment so you knew she was coming for you. I don't have the patience for that s**t. I don't plot. I like my results upfront. I'm not going to f**k with something I need to be patient with. It's too much work. "You f****d up, Holland and I know if I call the cops your daddy and Mayor Halestorm will just brush it under the rug. So, I decided to take the authority into my own hands tonight. I'll be your judge and these beautiful people present will be your jury. How does sound, sweetie?" "f**k," he looks down at his feet. "I don't want any trouble, Blackstone," "No? Do you know who Stacy Whittmore is? What she means to Hellbourne? No one is going to give a f**k about you, Holland. Even if you shout what I'm about to do to you to god himself, no one is going to give a rats ass," "My dad-" "You are not going to say a single word to daddy," I step into him. "Not a single word or me and my bottle are going to find you again. Grab him," I growl. Luc and Carson grab his arms and step down on his sneakers as one of their guys cover his mouth to keep him from calling for help. Stacy walks over to me with a Budweiser bottle in hand. "This is going to hurt," she looks at him dead in the eyes as I reached for his belt buckle. "Oh, yeah. This is going to hurt a lot. You're going to need stitches," I add. "Any objections from the Jury?" "We're good," Luc answers. I laugh feeling the poison pump through my body wildly. My heart is racing with anticipation. Whatever the hell this is, I think I'm going to fall in love with it. I haven't felt alive like this for far too long and I'm giving it all it wants. Anything. All of me if I have to. I'll chase it anywhere it wants me to. It's a terrifying thing to feel and admit but I do feel it. I'm standing face to face with it and I want it to devour my soul, to chase the numbness away, to fill the emptiness. "No," he cries against Marco's hand. I pulled his jeans down along with his boxers. The guys pulled him forward and bent him over the car. Marco put his boot to his head as he shoves a dirty rag into his mouth to get him to shut the f**k up. Even if there are others out here to hear him scream, they're not going to say a goddamned thing. The laws of Hellbourne are about to be enforced and no one wants to get between a Blackstone and their target. It's just the way of our town. "I've never seen anything more beautiful, B.B. Nothing more beautiful than that f*****g evil glint in your eyes," Luc compliments me. I smile looking down at the bottle in my hand and then turn my gaze to Stacy. "You can look away if you want to," I wipe the tears sliding down her cheek away. "I won't," she shakes her head. "Do it," Holland begins to pull and cry as I positioned the cold bottle to his backside. "This is for you, Stacy. I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. I'm never going to forgive myself for that. I promise I'm going to make it up to you for the rest of our lives," I push the end of the bottle into his f*****g ass hole with a single push. Holland is thrashing trying to get away from the sudden invasion. "You want to know something funny, Holland?" I laugh. I don't recognize the sound of my voice or where it's even coming from. It's almost a low hissing sound. "That wasn't even the painful part," I rip it out. He tries to pull out of the hold the guys have on him. I pushed it back in pressing my body against his so he f*****g knows what it feels like to be mounted without permission. "If you ever f*****g touch a girl without her consent again. I'll rip your f*****g d**k out and feed it to you, Holland. Do you hear me? Don't ever do it again,"
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