Hello, God Complex

1748 Words
Pop Evil- Breathe Again B.B.: As soon as we walked through the front doors of Hellbourne Academy, all eyes are on us. Carson's arm is around my shoulders, possessively and Lucien is playing a game on his phone with my left hand in his right one. I'm not sure if we look like very affectionate friends or lovers. Are we lovers, now? The three of us? If we are, I think I'm going to have to follow my mother's advice and not try to shove this down everyone's throats. Hellbourns has an insane amount of sacrilege. The last thing I want to do is piss off the crazy Jesus freaks. Wait, maybe I do want to do that. "We forgot to tell you that Holland was cleared to come back to school," Luc whispers when we stop at his locker. Only then does he let go of me so he can open up his locker. "Why are we whispering?" I whisper only to mock him. "Because so is everyone else," Carson chuckles. There's a little crooked smile on his face today. He likes this. The attention, the fact that I'm not telling them to keep their hands to themselves. "Did he say what happened?" I ask normally. My tone is serious now. I'm not afraid to remind Holland why that's a dumb idea. "Nope. Not a word. Not even to his dad," Luc smiles. "To your locker?" "Yeah," I nod. I didn't let them cuddle me again and I think they sensed that I'm kind of annoyed by it. I get it, they're possessive of me but I like when the crowd splits open for me as I walk by alone. Like they're afraid that I'm going to infect them or something. I like the idea of their fear. Hmm, hello there god complex. "You think you got away with this don't you?" Rosa steps in front of me. Where did she even come from? Was she really just waiting around to jump out at me? I roll my eyes at her trying to get away from her. "Hey, b***h. I'm talking to y-" my hand clasps around her throat without me thinking. I push her back until her back hits the lockers behind her. "Let go," she chokes out, gripping my wrist. "You got my attention. What the f**k do you want, Rosa?" I hiss (I guess I do that now) leaning toward her. I'm so close that if she puckered her lips she'd be able to kiss me. "I'm getting a little sick and tired of your s**t, Rosalinda. What is it you really want? You want me to fight you for Shane? Is that it? I don't want him. I never really have," "Get off me," she growls. I know it pissed her off to hear me say her full name. "So, what's it going to be, Rosa? Are you going to leave me the f**k alone or do you still want my attention? I can give you that," I whisper into her ear and press my body against hers. She tenses up nervously. Goosebumps lift along her neck and the little hairs on the back of her neck stand. That's an interesting reaction, isn't it? Almost like she's turned on by me. "I'll give you whatever the f**k you want so as long as you get off my d**k already," "Go back to your drinks. This is Jedi business," Luc says behind me. I relax a little and glance back at him. The way other students try to avert their eyes makes me laugh. I let her go and she stumbles away from me, startled by the way her body was responding to me. "You're a f*****g psycho," she shouts as she backs away. "Good talk, Rosy. I'm starting to enjoy our sessions together," I wave at her. "f**k you," she shrieks and turns away power walking so fast it's almost a sprint. "There's that little mamba spirit," Carson praises. I fixed my hoodie feeling embarrassed. Rose and I have unfinished business and the entire school knows it. How much they know is a mystery. All I've heard them talk about is how Shane and I were together and then suddenly, is was Shane and Rose. "We should get to class," I clear my throat. "I can't be losing my s**t like that in school," "Hello, reaper," Luc grins. I roll my eyes. A part of me doesn't like this. The fact that they recognize traits in me that appeal to them. If I'm being honest, I feel like it's going to hurt when they tell me it's the only reason they want me. "I'll catch you guys later. I got senior bullshit," "I'm going to miss him next year," I voice ignoring the nagging feeling. I can't worry about something that might not even happen. Even if my intuition demands me to worry. I push it all the way down as we walk into our first class. "He'll still be here. With the crows," Carson points out the window. There's a crow right outside the window. It flapped its wings as if it is acknowledging us. "What does the red devil do?" I ask, wanting to know more about him. All he said last night is that he's kind of a stand-in leader. "I can do a lot of things you can. Expect the venom and the compulsion," he gives me a light shrug. What does that mean? Things I can. "What do you mean venom?" I ask instead of the other pressing question. One thing at a time, B.B. "Put your tongue to the roof of your mouth," he instructs. I did as he asked. On the roof of my mouth is what feels like I have two huge spikes. My mouth fell open when I looked over at him. How have I never noticed that? When did those get there? "What the f**k?" I whisper. "It's in case of emergencies. You know if someone is trying to hold you down or something. They spring out. When you open your mouth wide and your adrenaline is going. They won't just pop out when you yawn," he explains quietly. "I was thinking that," I laugh. I was just wondering, what if I yawn and they flip out? He grins. "I have a question for you," "I'm all ears," he leans into me. His icy eyes are intense as hell. You know, if hell were frozen over. "Do you think that you and Luc are attracted to me because I have two familiars?" I whisper into his ear. Chills break out along his neck. He takes a deep breath and nods. I should leave this alone. It's definitely going to hurt. "It helps that you're insanely beautiful. Like your mom," he adds and that annoys me more than it hurts. I smacked him on the back of his neck without thinking. The slap echoes in the silence of the room. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh out loud when everyone turns to look at us. His eyes look like frost as he stares intently at me. Why the hell did I do that? "Is there a problem back there?" Professor Michelson asks. "No," he answers calmly, turning his attention to him. "No problem at all," There is a dangerously sharp edge in his voice. I feel it cut along my skin and I know Michelson does too. He lowers his gaze and goes back to the board without saying another word. I press my lips together and open my laptop just to have something to look at so I don't have to face him. He rubs the back of his neck where I slapped him and while I can keep a stoic expression I can't help the trembling in my body from fighting my laughter. "I can't believe you said that," I whisper. "It won't happen again," he promises. "Thank you," "For the compliment or-" "I really hope you know the answer to that," I roll my eyes. I've never noticed that we have a lot of the same classes and I feel like an asshole because of it. I really just lived my life stuck in my head for two whole years. I actually enjoy class today because of him. Even though he's a little grumpy. I love teasing him. His little eye rolls are the cutest thing ever. It's odd. I feel his every move before he even makes it. Like magnets. We gravitate to one another. "Here, play this game with me," Luc takes my phone and began to tap away at it. He is the total opposite of Carson. He's a little hyperactive even. He's not big on touching the way Carson is but he likes keeping me talking and I don't know what's worse but it's adorable. "What is it?" I ask. "Well, it has a bunch of cool stories about all these different mythology gods and goddesses. It's based on this cool dystopian timeline where there's an invasion and the people start to get possessed by the spirits of all these different myths and they get their powers. So they form these little alliances to fight back. Anyway, you earn these badass little characters and you have to level them up. So you can PVE and PVP. It also has really sick music and graphics. The designs are pretty sick too," "That sounds like a lot of work," I laugh. The way his eyes light up is more than enough to convince me to play with him. "I'm in," "Yes," he grins. Once the game downloads, he hands me my phone back. "Is this super addicting?" "Yes," he nods. "And once you get the hang of it, I'll teach you how to punk these hoes," I laugh listening to his explanation of the game. The way his eyes light up when I ask questions makes me tingly all over. My mind goes back to that little question in the back of my head and I wonder if they would even look at me if I didn't have these things inside of me. I've had a crush on and off but it was never anything else. This is different I can't pull away or even look away. My body misses them when they're not close. It's weird but also a little exciting. I don't know what to do. "We're here," Carson announces. "La Bruja is expecting us,"
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