Chapter 107:A Bunch of Wastes

1009 Words

Adam arrived at the Amber Estate neighborhood and saw a group of people standing in front of the gate from a distance. Two Mercedes arrogantly blocked the middle of the road. The twins knelt on the ground, their hair disheveled, blood trickling from their mouths, and their nightgowns torn apart, revealing large areas of pale skin. "Mr. Bach, please, my sisters and I really won't do it anymore." "Please give us a chance to start a new life." Bang! Mr. Bach kicked Renna to the ground, spat, and cursed, "Starting a new life? You two were born for this!" "You think you can play innocent after being in this line? Do you think you're a virtue?" "If it weren't for the fact that you two are twins with good figures, I would have sold you to Africa a long time ago. Now that you've made enough

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