Chapter 118: Visitors from Alameda's capital

1273 Words

At half-past five in the afternoon, after Adam picked up Annie from school, he returned to the Hartleys Group. Downstairs, he saw Fannie. Fannie seemed to have been waiting for a long time, looking a bit annoyed. As soon as she saw him, she said angrily, "Why did you come back so late?" Adam frowned, "Did you find out?" He had asked Fannie to inquire about Joseph's true purpose in coming to Lisle. It had been a day and a night. As soon as this matter was mentioned, Fannie's momentum diminished, and she said unhappily, "Joseph has disappeared." Adam sneered, "Disappeared?" Fannie suddenly became frantic, "That bastard, I went to the hospital to find him yesterday. The doctor said he had already completed the discharge procedures. His phone is also turned off. I've been looking for him

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