Chapter One-1

2004 Words
Chapter One Aftermath In the days following the punishing weekend at Laura and Christine’s house I really suffered badly. The external soreness on my bottom was easy enough to handle – especially with a few applications of sunburn cream. But the heavy strap had also caused a lot of bruising so sitting down became extremely difficult; luckily Monday was a lab day at university – most of it spent standing up at benches. On the Monday evening I got a phone call from the girls; they wanted to know if I was OK, how badly it hurt, all that stuff. I put a brave face on, but made sure they realized I couldn’t actually sit down comfortably at the moment. Laura sympathized. “I know my punishment wasn’t as harsh as yours sweetheart, but I’m really sore too! I think we need to go a bit easier on you next time.” “Or we can make sure to spread the beating over other parts of your body,” Christine pointed out, helpfully on the speakerphone. “I don’t think easing up on the severity of punishment is the answer.” “No, Mistress,” I agreed. I knew Christine would be spending some time thinking about my “training” as she now called it. Towards the end of the call I spoke to Laura privately; she told me how turned on she’d been while she was buggering me with the dildo, and she was so happy that I’d come in the CB3000. “You didn’t look happy at the time,” I chuckled. “Well that was selfish of me,” she said. “I’m very sorry John, seriously. I’ve asked Christine to think about punishing me for you. I want her to push my limits, like she’s done with you; remember she’s my Mistress too!” She paused. “I wanted to ask you something, and don’t bother about the Mistress thing – this is between you and me.” She sounded worried. “What is it?” I asked. I thought she might be concerned that things were getting out of hand. Then it occurred to me she might be worried about Christine’s new found “affection” for me. But it was neither of those things. “I know how you felt when I told you about blowing Tony,” she said hesitantly. “Look, darling, that’s behind us now; you know he’s a total loser, and I know you’re not going to see him anymore. End of story.” Another pause. “But the thing is. Well I don’t know if it was the circumstances – being able to see him in such a state, or because it was the first time I tried it…” “What?” I asked, a feeling of dread creeping into my mind now. “Well I-I really enjoyed blowing him. It was a surprise at first when he shot his load in my mouth.” I shuddered as her words triggered a mini porn movie in my head – my lovely Laura and that greasy t**t. “I want to feel that again.” “B-but that’s fine!” I spluttered. “More than fine. It’s wonderful! I’d love it if you did that to me…for me! I’d love it, darling!” “How am I going to do that if you’re in chastity?” she pointed out, and for some reason I thought she was serious. “Laura, the chastity thing, it’s a game, it’s part of the big game we play, and we can change the rules any time we want.” “Oh, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” she said seriously. “Your chastity is pretty central to the whole plan. And when I can see how much it changes you – for the better I might add. You’re so much more attentive. So… so malleable. I feel that you’d do anything for me.” “I would, my darling. I would do anything for you. But when you locked me up were you really planning to deny me an orgasm for a whole month?” “No, not just a month; this is only the beginning for you, darling. Once you’re used to wearing the device, and being without a proper orgasm we’re planning to make it permanent. Well, at least as long as I’m your fiancée that is.” I couldn’t quite think what to say. I was appalled at her words. “Are you still there, sweetheart?” she asked. “Y-yes,” I said quietly. “And?” she asked. “Y-you mean if I refuse to wear this thing you’ll leave me?” I asked hesitantly. I was terrified of what she’d say back to me. “Well, yes, of course,” she said in a matter of fact voice. “How did you think this was going to go?” “I…well I suppose I thought that after a while you’d let me out and we’d be…” “What?” she chuckled. “We’d be what?” “Lovers?” I whispered it into the phone. Laura laughed out loud at that one. “Oh, poor darling!” she said mockingly. “That’s not going to happen.” “B-but I’m trying so hard to please you,” I pointed out. “I lost weight, I’m keeping fit, and I’m working really, really hard. I’m trying to be a better man for you. I really am.” “And you’re doing really well, sweetheart,” she told me. Suddenly something occurred to me. “Laura, you can’t expect me to do all this effort without any kind of reward. It doesn’t work. I mean we learned that crap in biology about operant conditioning. If you take the stimulus away, after a while the animal stops behaving in the way you trained it.” She laughed again. “And you’re my little lab rat, aren’t you?” she teased. “You know I worship you,” I told her. “But I want to make love to you. Please Laura, just tell me what I have to do to earn it – I swear I won’t let you down. I love you.” She was quiet for a few seconds. “I love you too, John,” she told me. She sighed. “OK, I take your point. I’m not going to promise anything, but I suppose you’re right.” “I’ll do anything to earn it, darling – anything.” I assured her. “Oh shut up about it, will you? I hate it when you whine.” She seemed annoyed now. “Sorry,” I said obediently. “No, I’m sorry, darling. It’s just that I think you’re a long way from earning a release, and I just need a man now. I suppose I’ll just have to find one. It’d be a great way to rub your submission into your face. You won’t be the first man to come inside me. How does that feel? Do you feel powerless? Pathetic?” She chuckled down the phone. I hated her at that moment. “Can I talk to Christine please?” I asked firmly. “What? Why?” Laura spluttered. “Laura. Please put Christine on the phone. Now!” Laura didn’t respond but about fifteen seconds later I heard. “Hello John, it’s me,” Christine’s voice sounded slightly amused. “Have you been listening to this?” “Yes, I have.” “And you’re OK with the idea of Laura picking up some bloke and giving him a blow job? Or letting him screw her?” “No,” Christine said lightly. Then I realized Laura must still be in the room, and she was able to hear Christine’s half of the conversation at least. “Ah…but you can’t say anything with her there!” I suggested. “That’s right. She’s very clear about wanting to find somebody, and I suppose that’s just tough on you,” she answered cryptically. She would have made a decent undercover policewoman. “But let me be clear Christine. I hate the idea. Do you hate the idea?” “Yes, I do, John,” she told me. I paused, thinking. “Can you call me when you’re on your own – lunchtime tomorrow maybe?” I asked her. “Yes.” She paused. “Well I suppose you need to put your feelings to one side for the moment. I think that’s the best plan.” “OK, I break at noon and I’m back in lectures at two o’clock.” “Get some work done, John, and forget about this. There’s nothing you can do anyway. Goodnight.” “Goodnight, Mistress.” The next morning I realized there hadn’t been a Webcam Fire Drill that night, and I wasn’t completely sure what that meant. Christine told me she always called to see me kneeling in front of the webcam when she screwed Laura with the dildo. Did that mean…? Oh I needed to forget about this and get on with my life. From a sitting point of view Tuesday was a killer. Six hours of lectures; my arse was in agony! Dave noticed my constant fidgeting. Mid morning we were in the union café – ironically the location of my earlier humiliation by Laura – and in the end I decided to drink my coffee standing up. “Have you got piles or something?” he asked pointedly. “Oh God, don’t you start!” I said. I remembered the lecture I’d had on the bus from the old geezer a couple of days earlier on my way back from Laura’s place. He’d assumed I had piles too. “What did I say?” he asked incredulously. “It’s just that you’re moving from cheek to cheek – you look like…well I don’t know what you look like but it’s not natural. And now you can’t sit down at all. What’s goin’ on?” “If you must know my bum’s sore.” “I see,” Dave said like I’d given him a weather report. “Inside or outside?” I almost said “both”, but I think the information about the dildo and Deep Heat might have been a bit too much for Dave. “Outside,” I said eventually. I leaned towards him and spoke in a whisper, “Laura wanted to spank me, and she got carried away.” “She fuckin’ spanked you?” Dave inquired in his classic bellow. Every table in the place turned to look. At this point, I noticed Angie and Lou sitting across at the same table they had been at before. Oh Christ, this must be a regular haunt for them! Angie caught my eye, smiled and waved. I waved back, rather sheepishly. She leaned over to talk to Lou and then they both got up and came over to where Dave and I were sitting. I groaned inwardly, remembering the scene that had unfolded last time Laura was here. Angie had dialed the Goth look back a bit today, and looked particularly attractive, in a Kate Bush sort of way. Louise was still fully Goth’d up. I cringed when I looked at the metal piercing through her right eyebrow. Why did she do that to herself? “Hello again,” Angie said to me, holding out her hand. “Laura never did introduce us properly the other day. I’m Angie and this is Louise. Lou.” She must always introduce Louise that way I thought. She’d used exactly the same words last time. “Hello Angie. I’m John, and this is my mate, Dave. Dave, this is Angie and Lou.” “Hello,” said Dave, looking truly puzzled now. “Is it OK if we sit down?” Angie asked. “Of course,” I said. There were three chairs already at the table, so I gave the girls the two spares and stayed standing. “Don’t you want to sit down?” Lou asked. It was the first time I’d heard her speak properly. She had the most beautiful Southern Irish accent I think I’ve ever heard. I was amazed that somebody with such a lovely speaking voice seemed to hardly ever use it. “Err…” I began. “He’s got a sore bum,” Dave offered. “His girlfriend spanked him too much.” Again, Dave said it in a voice that carried to the far end of the room. “Yeah,” said Angie, grinning at me. “I thought that’s what I heard you say earlier. So Laura really laid into you, did she?” I was blushing furiously now, but I remembered the way I’d managed to get through public scenes like this in the past. Basically you just go for it. “Well it was the first time she’d done it. And she really did get a bit too enthusiastic,” I said in a matter of fact voice. Angie turned to Lou, “See? I’m not the only one who gets carried away,” she said. “I wouldn’t have done it as hard the next time. I just got caught up in the moment.” Lou looked down at her hands. “Well it hurt,” she said quietly. Then she looked up at me. “Did you enjoy it, John?” she asked. “I mean, I know it hurt, but did it turn you on?” “It did at the time,” I answered honestly, “but it’s been a bit tender since. And now I’m here and miles away from Laura and I don’t get the s****l tension to start the endorphins flowing.” “Did she use her hand,” Lou looked down at her own hands again, “or maybe a stick or something?” “She used a rubber strap. It was pretty wide so it won’t leave a lasting mark, but I think because it was heavy it’s caused some bruising.” I saw Dave’s mouth flop open in amazement at the course of the conversation. Lou nodded slowly, her head still down. I wondered what Angie had done to her. She seemed completely spaced out and it occurred to me she might be on to something. Her pupils weren’t especially dilated though. I also noticed she had nice eyes – really nice. Based on her eyes and fair complexion I would have guessed her real hair color should also be red. The disgusting black hair dye didn’t suit her at all. “That’s really interesting, John,” said Angie. “We’re going back to our place now. Would you guys like to come over for some coffee?” “But we’re in a coffee bar already,” said Dave. I slapped him on the back of the head. I had a good angle for it – standing up has some perks. “Thank you for the invitation, Angie,” I said. “But we’ve got a full day of lectures.” I told her, smiling.
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