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-- Disgusting. Everything in this place looked and smelled disgusting. Nesta did not wonder why. This was something she knew would come sooner or later and all of the blame can only be point at her. Her greed that cause her to fall and her schemes that meant nothing but harm to the people around her. She drew several sobs trying hard to conceal her pain. Nesta Claire Adelridge finally realized upon the end of her greed, she can only be swallowed by the consequences of her action and that was death itself. “How,” Nesta heard a voice. She tried to smile. She tried hard to conceal her cries and her pain. She knew she doesn’t deserve to see this. “Sister,” he finally had the courage to call her that. His voice was always mesmerizing. Despite of her blurring vision, Nesta finds Lucien eyes to be mesmerizing. Hush, now, don’t cry, Lucien. Your sister is fine. These was her thoughts but her mouth was heavy and she can’t convey her feelings. Inside her arms, she felt the warmth she never thought she needed in the first place. Finally, she was welcoming death and understanding that this was the end of her greed and journey. There was only one thing she regret and that was not being able to be by his little brother’s side. Even though they were not bound by blood, she grew found of him. If only she was capable of forgiving not being trapped by her own useless greed. She never had power before. Even fame and honor. she was intoxicated by the things she doesn't normally have that she wanted to monopolize everything in her hand. Nesta was sorry. She wanted to apologize for all the agony and painful experiences she had caused to Lucien but what will her apology be of now? There was nothing. The only thing she can left now was this scene and her face that looked gentle assuring him that it was okay. It will be alright. He will do well for he was a Von Stein. “You grew up so well, I feel so embarrassed.” she tried to joke but Lucien can only conceal his tears. Regret and fear was in his eyes but Nesta continued to assure him with her jokes and smiles. She accepted her fate. “Don’t! Sister! Please, you told me you’ll stay.” With his protest, Nesta tried to open her eyes to see his beautiful hazel eyes once more. His tears glistened making a beautiful glimmer. She smiled genuinely pouring all of her feelings into one smile. “I’m sorry,” Nesta’s voice was hoarse. Lucien shook his head. His hands were afraid to let go of Nesta’s hands. “Why are you saying this, Sister?" " he inquired. His voice had become hoarse. "Are you prepared to die?" "No," he stifled. "You're not going to die! You're not going to die! " His speech was franker than usual, but they both knew she couldn't be saved. Now that she was dying, everything finally making sense to her. How she lived her life and how she ended up her. everything was her fault. Everything. and she doesn't have any right to question it. She should accept death now. This was her end. this was her outcome. "Lucien, please accept my heartfelt apologies. I wanted to come to your party," she murmured, recalling that he was currently preparing a grand party. It was something she always looked forward to, but it appeared like she wouldn't be able to go this time. "Sister, I'll invite you!" He yelled even louder. "I'll be OK." I'm not going to be cold. I'm going to pay greater attention to what you're saying! Please don't abandon me! " His voice was hoarse as tears streamed down his face. He begged and begged but Nesta won't be saved. However, despite of his words, the amount of blood she lost won’t ever be returned. Her would will continue to inflict pain and the death’s door was opening. This was her last moments. As her eyes closed, the last thing she saw was him weeping once more. Don't weep; Nesta wanted to say but it appeared that she needed to leave. -- "PRAISE BE TO THE TEMPLE! PRAISE BE TO THE GODS!" "Shut up!" Nesta blinked open her eyes once again at that very time. Her eyes were wet, as if tears were about to flow, yet her face was skewed and perplexing. She pressed her hand on her stomach, where she had been stabbed only moments before. What kind of joke is this? She muttered in her head, unsure of what to do. She was well aware that she had died only seconds before, but what about now? Why is she awake and at another location? Outside, a loud noise can be heard. And she lives in an ancient hut. What exactly is the point of it all? Nesta tensed her shoulders, afraid and perplexed. She sprang out of bed, nearly collapsing, and raced to the window to take in the view outside Flowers were being tossed up only to be blown by the wind. People had smile on their faces. The music can be heard and people were dancing. Where? Nesta looked to her left wanting to confirm if her hunch was right. In that instant, The empire in which she had known before dying came into view. The Vonrieach Empire. A slew of questions began to consume her thoughts. She was well aware that she had died! Lucien— that's right, Lucien!— She looked down to see the stabbed her in the stomach. Nesta sprang to her feet, searching for any signs of Lucien, but she was the only one inside the old log house where she was residing. Nesta grumbled, "I don't get it." Trying to stop her heart from racing. This location. She took a glance around every corner, feeling both familiar and strange at the same time. Her clothing were strewn throughout the room, as if she had leaped into bed without first tidying it. Her table was littered with papers. She was carrying a newspaper and began reading the headline as she walked to the kitchen. THE HIGHEST PRAISES TO THE GODDESS AND GODS! WE ALL WELCOME THE BOUNTIFUL YEAR OF 1347! As soon as she read the contents of the news paper, her eyes were glued on the date thinking how absurd it was. Was her eyes playing tricks to her or perhaps this was a nightmare? She doesn’t knew but this was all favorable to her! It was year 1347. It was 3 years before she died. How was this possible? Nesta doesn’t know. Did the time turned back? She wanted to ask but she was the only one inside the cabin and all of these felt nothing like a dream. Perhaps, was I given another chance? She started to sob. Different questions emerge on Nesta’s mind but no matter how hard she tried to deny and think she can only come up with the absurd and possible explanation; This was grace! It was another sense of redemption thinking that the heavens have given her time to atone all of her sins and make everything she had ruined right! Upon this realization, her eyes begun to tear up. Bursting to tears, Her heart stinging and the relief washing over her was overwhelming. She had never believe in gods before but she felt like she wanted to believe now. This was a one time miracle that only happened in ancient books and legends. This was a shot of opportunity given to her. A different way of grace and forgiveness! Her chance in life. Finally understanding everything. Nesta can’t conceal her tears anymore. She knelt on the hardwood floor embracing herself as her knees trembled. In that very same moment, she made a pledge in front of the palaza bell’s and the falling decorations coming from the sky, This time, I am going to put things right! --
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