Chapter 4 - I am Princess Eira De Brinzell

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Princess Eira's Pov I am Princess Eira De Brinzell and I am the 1st and only princess of the Brinzell Kingdom and my grandfather is the King. It's my 12th birthday today and as a princess of this kingdom and part of the royal family I have a responsibility to show and act as a royal with or without the eyes of nobles and commoners. Since I was born I was trained to move and think as a royal princess, and today was not a exception as a official adult I am now going to watch over meetings and gatherings that a normal noble would do. Each territory has a royal house in it and this royal houses was the one that I have stayed for three months from attending parties, gatherings, meetings and anything that a royal should attend. It's part of my training as a princess and I was proud of it because I was born as a royal, my grandfather always told me that as a princess I have responsibilities but that's just a part of being a princess and a small part at that. Grandfather told me that almost every girl in our kingdom wishes that they we're a princess like me so I should be greatful. I'm with my father all this time assisting with my training and we are currently inside of our royal carriage on our way to the Royal palace after 3 months of training. This past three months there are so many things that I have learned and one of them was the heavy burden that a royal like me have in our shoulders, another one was the politics that has been wrong for too long but my grandfather can't just change the personalities of the said nobles. After visiting many territories almost all of them have double sided faces that they didn't even care to hide. Giving themselves so much credits, bringing other nobles down when they are not around. Grandfather was right the only thing that can be trusted is my family the royal family. We arrived safely at the gate of the Royal Palace and as we are traveling to the royal palace our butler saw someone at the side of the road and report it to my father, father decided to stop the carriage and talk to the stranger at side of the road. After talking to the stranger father came back inside the carriage together with the stranger. He looks young but also looks dignified at the same time although his clothes don't match up the dignity that's coming out of him. Father change his seat and sit next to me and the stranger sit on the opposite side of ours. Father started to ask questions to the stranger, his name was Felix Borgon and he's a son of a Baron that makes sense because I was suppose to memories every noble in this kingdom but we never visited a Baron's territory so it's reasonable that I don't remember his face. "But why don't you use your badge?" Father ask the stranger and I find it strange because if you are a true noble you must wear your badge all the time that's what the other nobles told me, that is to let others know that you are a noble. "Your honor my father told me that I must take care of this because it's important and a symbol of nobility but other than that we don't usually use our badge in my home town your honor, father told me to bring this badge to show it to his majesty but I don't even know how or where should I put this your honor" The stranger said, I don't really understand him. He has this aura around him that's different from other son of nobles that I met, he looks like the sun that is so pure that you can look at him even if he's shining but grandfather told me not to easily trust anybody even more if the person looks and feel so kind without anything bad about him it's the most dangerous out of the people out there grandfather said. He might look pure outside but deep inside there might be evil intentions behind his kind and dignified behaviour. We are almost at the castle and as far as I know about him he was so kind that I can't find any bad trait in him, he even make my father laugh so hard and I can't even remember father laughing like that. There was also the incident earlier when my stomach growl, it's so embarasing and I thought he would laugh at me being a princess but can't hold my hunger but he offered me food. I would love to eat his offering because it smells so good but grandfather told me not to eat any food that a stranger give me unless it's tested and proved to be safe and not poisoned. For the first time in my life I was able to encounter a person who doesn't treat me like a princess, he was treating me like a royalty but not a princess that he could use for his ulterior motive. All of the nobles that I meet so far use their power to impress me they will say anything to make me choose them for marriage and they even visit almost everyday just to impress me but when I turn down his food he immediately back off and even apologize for his rudeness while he just wanted to help me. His smile are the happiest smile that I have ever seen, it brings a peaceful atmosphere letting me forget the problems that I encounter today.
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