Chapter Three......Legal Age and Sudden Freedom

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*Libby POV* *5 years later* Well, it is official. I am finally eighteen. Master Nelson has been giving me hints for months since I had my birthday. He tells me how he finally will claim me as his completely and that I won't be able to escape once he finally has me. The wedding is in two months. He has been planning non-stop with the preparations. I, of course, have no say in anything. Like the good little wife I am supposed to be, I have to let my future husband make important decisions. I have to say the acting I have been doing all these years is impressive. I could win an academy award. His touch still sickens me and he still scares the hell out of me, but I have learned to disguise it. I have given up hope that Evan will ever show his face again. I only saw him in that one dream and after that, he never showed his face again. So I have been on my own. I have come to the realization that I will always be alone. I guess it is better that way. Marie has grown a little closer, but I still don't trust her. I am just sitting here on my bed thinking of how my life has changed over the past eight years. It is a train wreck. I want to be free even if it is only for a few weeks before I get married. After I get married I know that Master Nelson will not let me do anything or go anywhere. I have not been allowed to leave this place for the whole eight years I have been here. No communication with the outside world. My besties have probably forgotten about me or given up on the fact I am gone. The police were never called and a missing person report was never filed. Well as far as I know at least. I decide to take a nap when I hear my door handle turning. I shoot straight up and wait. Master Nelson comes strolling in with purpose. I look down and stand awaiting his orders. He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I shiver slightly. His mouth is by my ear and he nibbles and licks it slowly. "My dear sweet Libby. I see I am not the only one who is excited," he says with a raspy voice and chuckles, "I am so proud of the wife you will become. I have trained you so well." He turns me around and runs his finger down my face slowly savoring my look. I can see the lust in his stormy eyes, but I also see something else. He looks stressed and angry. I hope I didn't do anything to make him mad. He grabs my chin tightly and makes me look him in the eyes, "I have come to tell you that I will be gone for one month. I have business to take care of in order to take over my father's place in the mafia. I won't be able to contact you the whole time I am gone. I am not happy about this, because I will miss our times together, but alas it is not a choice I have. Father's orders are not to be argued with. I expect you to be on your best behavior. I will leave a few guards here to watch over you. Please don't disappoint me, my love. I don't want to come back and find you have disregarded all my training for you and have to punish you before we get married. I would rather enjoy your body rather than punish you. I am counting the days to claim your sweet virginity. Remember Libby, You are mine, and I don't share with what is mine. Am I understood?" I gulp inwardly and try not to stutter. "Yes, Master Nelson. I understand your orders. I promise I will be on my best behavior. May I ask a small favor? Please don't get mad at me for asking. If you say no, then I will understand." I say softly. "Ask me, sweet Libby. What is it that you want," he says softly. I am afraid to ask, because I don't want to anger him, but I want to see my Dad. I cross my fingers. "Is there a chance that I can visit with my Daddy and have his company while you are away? I promise I will do whatever you ask. This is all I want. Please, Master Nelson." I ask hesitantly and look down. I feel him tense and hear him grit his teeth. Oh no! Please don't get mad. "I will allow it, but on one condition Libby." I look up in shock, but the evil smile I see makes my heart stop. "Once I come back and we get married, you will never speak to or see your father again. He is a pain in my side. Enjoy your time with him now, because I have been thinking of getting rid of him. Is that clear?" he says sternly. Tears form in my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I am speechless. I have to let go of my father as well. He's my Daddy! I don't have my Mom anymore, because of him and now my dad too. I don't really have a choice so I just nod sadly, "Whatever Master Nelson wants." I say sobbing softly and sniffling. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "Shhh... don't cry, my love. It is for the best. I don't need anyone taking up your time but me. Your time and everything in between belong to me. Isn't that right Libby." he says smirking. "Y-yes Master Nelson. I belong t-to you." I say stuttering. I know he is mad instantly, but he just grits his teeth. "Libby.. what have I said about stuttering. You know this displeases me. Why must we always go through this? Maybe I was wrong to allow you to see your father." he says as he starts to leave the room. "Please. Wait. Master Nelson, I won't let it slip again. Please don't take my time away from seeing my daddy. Please." I say hurriedly and before I can think about what I am saying I blurt out, "Kiss me." Master Nelson's eyes dilate and he stalks towards me like a lion stalking his prey. He grabs me and smashes his mouth on my lips. He bites my lips as I gasp from the pain and he uses that chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. He explores my mouth and just moans. Once he finishes, he smiles smugly. "You taste delicious. God, I wish I didn't have to leave. Then we could finish where we left off. I want you so bad my love." he groans with frustration. My lips are swollen from his kiss. "Yes. You may spend the month with your father. I will reward you for that kiss." he says as he walks out smiling. I close the door and touch my lips. I can't believe I let him kiss me. What was I thinking? Well, at least something good came out of it. I get to spend a month with my Daddy! *Nelson POV* I walk out of Libby's room in a daze. I touch my lips and smile. She asked me to kiss her. She is coming around nicely. I want these two months to hurry up and finish. I don't want to leave my dear sweet girl. She has succeeded in her training very nicely. I want to claim her body so badly. Her breasts are so perky and beautiful. Her curves are to die for. She grew up perfectly. Her ass is plump. God just thinking about it makes me hard. I groan inwardly. I have to go take a cold shower and jerk myself off again. Dear old daddy won't let me touch what is clearly mine until we are married. I want to feel her mouth on me. It's her fault I am like this. She should be the one to take care of it, but now I have to take a cold shower. I growl angrily. My father told me that it was necessary for me to leave for a whole month and make sure that everyone knows that I am taking over. I have to show my power to the weak. Fear and power is strength in the Mafia. I have unlimited access to money. My father gave me my first Black Amex when I was sixteen. Now that I am twenty-one, I am now the leader and boss of the Mafia. "Boss, you're father is looking for you. He is waiting in your office." Gino said with a deadly calm. He was my second in command. He was deadly. I trusted him above all, even over my father. Why you say? Well, I know that my father has a soft spot for Libby and he lets her get away with too much. He would betray me very easily and that hurts. I am his son and he thinks that he can outsmart me. Well, I have a few things up my sleeve. I reach my office and open the door. My father is sitting down waiting for me. I walk around the desk and sit down calmly. "What did you want to talk about father? I am very busy right now and have to get ready to leave in a few hours for New York and then to Scotland. I need to meet with the rest of the family. What is so important that you need to talk about." I say sternly, but I have an indescribable look on my face. I have to learn how to not to show any feelings on my face. "Well, first off, don't you ever get that tone with me. Don't forget your place son. You may be taking over, but that does not give you the permission to disrespect me like that. I promise you I can still cut off your balls and feed them to you, son or not. Or I can cut out your tongue." he says with deadly calmness. I gulp loudly and look down to the floor. "I apologize father. I meant no disrespect. I owe everything to you. I promise to do better." I say calmly, even though I am clenching my fists at my sides. I hate being made a fool of. I don't like apologizing either, but with my father, I have no choice because he will do exactly what he said. "I will not be going with you on your month-long trip. I need to know that you can handle the business on your own. I have business here I have to take care of. I know that you will take care of the other end." he informs me. I grit my teeth. I am livid. "What the f**k do you mean? I have to go all because of you and now at the last minute, you want to change plans. What the f**k father!" I yell angrily. He stomps toward me and before I can understand his intentions he backhands me hard. My face whips to the side harshly. "What the f**k did I just tell you, Nelson! Do not talk to me in this manner. Maybe I was wrong to let you take over." he says growling with anger. My eyes are wide with shock. My dad hasn't hit me in a long time. I can't believe he just hit my face. I hold my face with my hand and just smile smugly. I never knew my dad could lose his cool. I must be getting under his skin. "No, you didn't make a mistake. I will make sure that your place is taken care of very well. I must be doing something right if you lost your cool that easily." I say calmly. My dad chuckles darkly and shakes his head. "What plans have you made with Libby?" he says out of the blue. I am suddenly suspicious and uneasy. "Why? She is mine father. I will do as I see fit." I say with a frown. He just looks at me and smiles. "Yes, my son. She is yours to do as you please, but I want to make sure everything goes according to plan. We can't have any mistakes, now can we?" he says while he clasps his hands together with an evil smile. "Well, I have given her permission to spend time with her father while I am away. After I return, I might just kill the bastard. He seems to get in the way too much. I can't have any distractions for my wife now can I? I want her full attention on me and being the perfect little wife you want her to be for me." I say calmly and smiling with an evil expression. He doesn't look happy about my decision but he nods his head with approval. "As you wish son. I will not interfere. I will not be here at the house for the month either. Your mother and I will be going to the other mansion. I need her to take care of her responsibilities there, while I take care of my business. Are you leaving any guards here?" he says softly. I nod my head with acceptance and reply, "Well, I was going to leave a few, not very much. I doubt she will try to run. She knows her place. I might let her go outside the mansion and take care of business. I know that she won't run. She knows that I will find her and trust me, she knows what and where I will put her if she displeases me. I might test her and see exactly what she will do. I have a few insiders who can keep an eye on her." I say with an evil smirk. Oh, sweet Libby, I am going to test you and I have a feeling you are going to fail. I want you to fail. I want to punish you so badly. "Why do I feel like this is a test that she will fail miserably?" my dad says chuckling. "Because dear father, that is the plan," I say laughing loudly. *Libby POV* I was sitting in the library reading a book when Master Nelson walks in. I put the book down and stand up with my head bowed. "Yes, Master Nelson, what can I do for you," I say obediently. He walks up and sits on the small couch and pats the place next to him. I walk cautiously over to him and sit down. He grabs my chin tightly and forces me to look at him. It hurts, but I don't flinch. "Libby, I have been thinking and I have an idea. Since you are going to be with your father for the next month, I am going to give you a chance to live a little before you marry me. I want you to have fun and see what's outside of this mansion. I want you to have no regrets. What do you think? I will give you permission to leave the mansion for one month, but you must be back before I come home. I will give you money and make sure you are taken care of. Libby, I mean it, If you are not home by the time I come back, there will be severe repercussions. The punishment will be far worse than what I have ever given you before. Do you understand and accept my offer? What do you think?" he says curiously. I am in complete shock. This has to be some kind of trick. I don't know if I should agree or not. Will he get mad if I accept? What should I do? Punishment worse than what he has given! I feel sick. He is smiling, but I feel scared. "May I speak freely without repercussions Master Nelson?" I ask with caution. He grabs my hand softly, "Of course, my love." he says softly. What. In. The. Actual. Hell? Who is this person? I am so confused. "I want to accept, but I am afraid. I feel like this is a trap." I tell him honestly. He just chuckles and squeezes my hand softly. "My sweet Libby, I know it is hard to believe, but I am not a monster. As long as you do what you are supposed to do, there shouldn't be a problem. I just want you to enjoy yourself for once. Just experience life a little. Just don't have too much fun without me. Okay?" he says genuinely smiling. I don't know why, but I truly believe him. So I smile and lean over and hug him and kiss his cheek. "Then I accept your offer. I understand your orders, Master Nelson. I am so excited." I say happily. He holds me in a tight hug and kisses my forehead. "Then it's a done deal. Please go pack my bags that will last a month's time and make sure everything is perfect before I leave. I will get the money while you do that." he says calmly. I nod my head, "Yes Master Nelson, as you wish." I say obediently. I rush out and head to his room. I pull out his suitcases and fold his underwear and socks. I place a few sweats and t-shirts. Then I make sure he has several suits and ties. I have his toiletries and a few razors in case he needs to shave. I wipe my forehead because I am all sweaty. I finish just in time. Master Nelson walks in and hands me a Black Amex card. My mouth drops open in shock. "I couldn't possibly Master Nelson. You need this for yourself. It's too much." I say softly. "Libby, look at the card," he says sternly. I take the card and look at it in confusion. The card has my name on it. "I don't understand," I say confused. "It was going to be one of the gifts I gave you on our wedding day, but I think this is the perfect moment. What's mine will soon be yours as well. Pamper yourself my love." he says lovingly.
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