Disarmed Hearts

301 Words
Michael Riverwoods Should I tell her? I wondered as I walked away. I could hear her calling out to me from the other end of the hall. I wanted to look back so badly, but I could not bring myself to. I continued walking as she kept shouting my name, her voice sounding like a secret hymn. Alluring. Captivating. Inviting. For some stupid reason, I resisted. I could not face her as I knew my foolish self would not be able to withstand the intensity of her stares. Little did she know that those big gray eyes of hers had an effect on me. One look from her and I am disarmed of all my weapons. I'm strong; I know that much, but whenever she's around, all my defenses fall down. The walls that I built around my heart crumbles at the sight of her. I know, I know. I'm a coward. I should have looked back. I should have turned around, at least. Maybe even waved or something. However, if I did look back, what would I tell her? What lies would I feed her? I could tell her the truth, but at what cost? Ignoring the pain inside my chest that wasn't supposed to be there, I clenched my fists and walked away. I knew I needed this. Time to breath. Time to think. But what about what she needed, Michael? Did you think about that? My mind knew she needed to know the truth, but my heart struggled to understand. She's strong, I argued with myself. She can handle it. She's Kaylene Summers for Heaven's sake. With that said, one question remained. Can I handle to see her heart break? // Disarmed Hearts An Excerpt from the novel Becoming Chaos by Matthew Spades Copyright protected. All rights reserved.
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