Chapter Three

735 Words
  Faith   “I don’t think it's your best idea, you know Missy” I ran the straitening iron over my hair for e hundredth time, trying and failing to tame my mass of curls into a sleek curtain. I was pretty sure this whole thing was going to be a disaster. “Oh come on, don’t tell me you aren’t curious about the whole girl disappearing thing?” She wiggled her fingers in my direction and I smiled at her. Not even telling her that they didn’t want her there had dampened her enthusiasm. In fact, it had doubled it. “It’s a mystery sure, but hell you can't think the Sins had anything to do with a girls disappearance ten years ago? They cant be more than twenty-two” She made a show of rolling her eyes. “Of course not but still… I've heard rumours of, things going on in that house, like rituals and things” She huffed out her cheeks, slapping my hand away as she reached to take control of what was rapidly becoming my hair disaster. “And the fact they wanted you there alone… ohhhh maybe they were going to sacrifice you. You know the sacrificial virgin” She laughed loudly, drowning out the nineties HipHop she was so fond of listening too.  “And tonight you are wearing white, it's perfect” “There's one problem with that” I watched as she moved around my head. Why was it when she ran the heat over my curls they instantly turned smooth and shiny. “Which is” “The virgin train left the station a while ago” We fell about laughing, just two girls having fun. Away from the confines of our families. Free for the first time ever. “ Maybe their dark lord wants someone who looks like a virgin but is really a ho” “Missy” I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. Where had girls like her been when I was going through hell in school? Growing up might of actually been fun if I had had a missy in my life back then. Still, I had her now. And that was all that mattered. “Ok ok,” She held up her hands “Half a ho, ho in training?” Stepping back she made a huge show of studying her handy work. “Yeah you're done, get dressed we don’t want to be late” “No amount and straightening my hair is going to stop them recognising us Miss” But I dutifully slipped the white dress over my head, careful so I didn't ruin the hair and makeup Missy had spent hours on.   “Costume party, no one is going to see your face” “Then why the hell have I got on a  full face of makeup?” I wiggled the dress down over my breasts, hopping from one foot to another as I tugged it down. “Because you want to look hot for whatever boy gets to take it off at the end of the night” She tossed something white and I caught it with my face. I was and would always be rubbish at anything that required hand to eye coordination. “Put your stockings on” Stockings? I glanced down at the balled-up material in my hands. I had never once worn stockings, my grandparents would have a fit if they saw me now. “How do I look?” I gave a twirl. I felt like a million dollars that was for sure. “Turn” Missy was in full boss mode, as she slipped the heavy feather wings over my shoulders. “And now the mask” she fussed around for several long moments. “Geez you look hot” Finally, I turned, studying myself in the mirror. I had never been shy about what I wore. I had my own unique quirky style but the woman looking back at me from the mirror was something else. Half my face was covered in a white lace mask, it was a stark contrast with my dark hair and bright red lips. Missy was right, no one would recognise me. Tonight Faith was staying home and a sexy angel was going out to play.
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