Chapter 1-2

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Dust and debris projected through the air, clouding Dylan’s view of his mother. His lungs seized, as did every other muscle. How many people would he lose today before he ended his father’s life? He debated on barreling forward and knocking his father to the ground. Then he’d zap him with a surge of electricity so debilitating his father would become a heaping pile of burnt flesh and bones. But he needed to make sure his mother was alive first. As for Heaven… He couldn’t deny she was dead. Just as he was about to dash across the field where the tree landed, someone shouted his name. Spencer stood a few feet behind the trunk. The dust settled enough for Dylan to see him and his mother. Garrett and Zeke weren’t far behind. Relieved to know they were okay, he turned back to his father and crept to the crater. “You’re dead.” His dad didn’t appear fazed by his threats. He didn’t budge, just sneered in his direction. “You’ll thank me someday.” As Dylan shot a bolt toward his father’s face, his father dodged it. Dylan gathered another bolt, but before he could hurl it at his dad, a tree limb crashed into Dylan’s side. He stumbled from the crater, nearly falling to the ground. It didn’t take long to regain his composure and plant his boots in the fresh soil. Then he studied his father. “Is that all you got?” No answer came. More limbs rushed toward Dylan, and at Layne too. Both dodged the wooden ambush as Layne sent orbs of fire blazing over the ground. His flames connected with the limbs, scorching them into soot. The next round of debris came in the form of rocks. A larger one smashed into Layne’s chest. He grunted from the impact and stumbled back toward the edge of the cliff. Part of Dylan wanted to save Layne, but the part of him that wanted Layne dead won the internal battle. Killing his father was Dylan’s goal. If Layne died too, so be it. It would be a courageous sacrifice. But nothing would ever repair the damage Layne had done to their friendship. Layne had stolen Heaven’s heart and crushed Dylan’s. To Dylan’s dismay, Layne regained his balance a foot from the cliff’s edge. He shot a few more fireballs that swooshed past Dylan. The fire did little to Dylan’s father, but then, Layne hadn't meant to harm him. Dylan had witnessed the force behind his former friend’s abilities. This was Layne’s way of distracting Nate so Dylan could charge forward. Layne reached the crater at the same time Dylan did. Nate didn’t flinch. He folded his arms behind him as a rain of rubble and dirt projected toward Layne and Dylan. There was no doubt Nate was a powerful telekinetic. Dylan tightened every muscle, preparing for the worst. If he survived this, it would be a miracle. At the point of impact, a wall of fire formed a heated barrier. Rocks and twigs rebounded in different directions. Layne was in full bending mode. Every ounce of his attention fell on the lava-like flames flowing from his hands. His natural defensive instincts protected him from the debris, but it protected Dylan too. Dylan bet Layne loved that. The more particles his father slung their way, the hotter the flaming wall grew. Sweat formed over Dylan’s body. It collected above his brow and dripped lower. If the heat affected his father the way it affected Dylan, it wouldn’t be much longer before Nate succumbed to defeat. Regardless of how much he hated Layne for his actions, Dylan couldn't deny he was powerful. Layne sleeping with Heaven had paid off. f*****g asshole. Thunder vibrated the ground. A surge of heat shot through Dylan. Arcs of light sizzled between his fingers. He was ready to cast it on his father again. It was time to finish this. Once his father relinquished his assault, Layne snuffed out the flame. His father and Layne paced the crater, glaring at each other. Nate gestured angrily at Layne. “This won’t end well for you, boy. You’ve exhausted a lot of energy in the last few days. Or maybe this is intentional. Are you ready to meet your Seeker so soon? Is death that desirable?” Layne’s steps stalled. His hands clenched into fists. “If I die, so be it. I won’t be doing it alone, Nate. I promise you this much. You’ll combust into charred dust before I take my last breath.” Hearty laughter left Nate’s mouth. “Too bad you didn’t think of that before my son caused your lover to fall to her death.” The air grew humid to a point where Dylan couldn’t breathe. He sputtered for a breath, but so did his father. It was all because of Layne. His anger was full throttle. So were his powers. If he didn’t stop, Dylan didn’t stand a chance of surviving. At least his dad would be dead. Dylan would die in peace knowing his father wouldn’t be a problem for Addie. When the temperature shifted once more, oxygen combusted in Dylan’s lungs. It burned with such intensity that he fell to his knees. His father did the same, yet he was screaming. Nate gripped his head with both hands and wailed loudly. A moment later, Nate’s cries stopped. The ground held his crumpled body. Had Layne killed him? The thought gave Dylan hope. At least until Dylan noticed his dad’s chest rise and fall. “He isn’t dead,” a voice said from a few yards away. Dylan turned toward the sound and found Isaac on the opposite side of the crater. Layla’s Keeper wiped a streak of blood from his nose, then gazed down. Dylan followed his gaze. “How do you know he isn’t dead?” “Because I used my abilities to debilitate him. He passed out from vertigo.” “So you gave him a severe case of dizziness?” “More or less.” Anger rippled through Dylan. “Why didn’t you kill him? He’s too dangerous to keep alive.” “Murder is evil, Dylan. It’s part of the dark path. No matter how tempting, we must resist the urge. Your father will face a trial of peers who will judge him for his crimes. He’ll spend the rest of his life in isolation.” If Isaac believed that, he was a f*****g i***t. Dylan inched closer to the edge of the crater. He stared at Isaac as he shook his head. “My father doesn’t deserve to be alive. He killed my…” A lump formed in his throat. “The mother of my child is dead because of him. He has to pay.” “She’s not dead.” Layne mumbled the words. Dylan didn’t have time to argue with him. Isaac remained the center of his attention. Isaac said, “If you kill him, Dylan, you’ll take his place. I know you’re in pain, but you have a daughter who needs you. Don’t let this monster claim both of her parents’ lives.” “You don’t get it.” Every one of Dylan's thoughts tore at his soul. This was his fault. “My daughter will be safe if he’s dead. My life is a minor price to pay for her freedom. I’ve already taken away her mother.” The sound of his heartbeat drowned out whatever Isaac was saying. His energy built with force. It electrified him, causing the hairs on his neck to stand erect. Without another thought to the outcome, he hurled the lightning bolt toward his father. A wall of fire shot from Layne’s direction. Instead of attacking the monster in front of them, the flames Layne projected acted more like a shield than a weapon. They stopped the bolt before it could make contact. Before Dylan turned his anger on Layne, his body hit the ground. The last of the scenery faded from his sight. Darkness encompassed him. As he surrendered to it, the sound of Isaac’s voice echoed in his head. “I’m sorry, Dylan, but you left me no choice. Sleep well, young Seeker.”
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