When we first Met

612 Words
"Pain, everywhere ... It's all around me... I can't move, am I even breathing? I just don't know anymore, I just don't kn-." Sirens blare in the distance as it nears the toppled car, but before he could work out what had transpired, everything around him goes black. one year later: "You nervous?" Asked Yadiel. "Um, a little".              Responded Ripley as she gave her brother a shy smile. Ripley was more worried about who she would sit next to during lunch.              Even as the thought passed through her mind, she knew it was a silly fear but that moment of awkward fondling as she attempted to keep her lunch tray from tipping over as her eyes peered through the crowd of strangers had her anxiety spike. She wondered if she would have to sneak her food into the bathroom and eat her lunch in there like she did last year.              The memories still make her shudder in self embarrassment.  "Mira bebé, las cosas serán diferentes este año. Recuerde, solo dos años más y nunca más tendrá que ver a ninguno de estos niños. Además nadie sabe quién eres aquí, puedes comenzar de nuevo, ¿qué dices?" (Look baby, things will be different this year, okay. Remember, just two more years and you will never have to see any of these kids again. Also nobody knows who you are here, you can start again, what do you say?)               Ripley nods her head and takes a heavy breath through her nose before saying, "You're right, no one knows me here. Maybe I can just, I don't know ... relax." She chuckled nervously as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.   "Mira mamá vas a estar bien (look mamá you're going to be fine) okay? Now let's go!" Yadiel said pushing her out the door.   "Espera te nene!" (Wait, boy!) Before leaving the house, she ran back into her room, taking one last look in the mirror.              Ripley was wearing a yellow cropped sweatshirt under a ripped jean jacket paired with black leggings and black and white sneakers.             She had put on a very thin layer of makeup, wanting to start her first day of her new High School, at least pretending that she didn't have huge black circles under her eyes. Ripley pushed back her long black hair once again. She then grasped a tube of her favorite pink Chapstick and took a deep breath before telling herself. "You got this!" ________________________             Yadiel was right. Her first two classes so far went well. She had met some very nice people who were all friendly and funny. Her teachers seemed nice enough, although so far it was only the first day of school.              Ripley found herself confused about where her next class was supposed to be. She looked and looked but still could not find the room numbers. Ripley even attempted to find them on the printed-out maps hanging on the walls of the school's hallways. She worried about being late for her next class; she wanted to ask someone for directions, but the halls were emptying. Until she saw a tall boy wearing a dark hoodie saunter towards her direction. "Excuse me?" She asked.             Elias who had his headphones on and his head hanging simply walked right passed her. "Um, excuse me". Ripley asked again, walking quickly beside him while tapping him on the shoulder.             This made Elias jump. "Oh, my gosh!" Ripley said worriedly. "I didn't mean to scare you are you okay?" She asked apologetically.             At first, Elias was slightly annoyed because he had to take off his headphones, but when he looked he became surprised.  "Um, hi!" he said softly.
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