Marry Me

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Aarsh's POV   After Meera and company left my house, I went to take a shower. This will be my last peaceful shower, I thought to myself. Marriage is a huge change, especially for someone who isn't ready yet. And the worst part is, I don't know whether I will be ready or not. I did a lot of things to stop this marriage but I couldn't. I tried to make my parents understand, but they are not ready to listen. Their idea is marriage will be the solution of every problem in my life right now. Yes this is the idea of my parents in 21st century. Laugh as much as you want. I tried to convince Meera to confess things to me, but she just didn't budge. I thought if she reveals her true identity, then my parents might stop this wedding for now, we will sit and talk about our future. But no, she has already decided my future without even discussing me. Great. Talking to Sana was not at all an option. She is the one because of whom this marriage is getting done. She is the to suggest it. Motive? I never got a chance to know. Talking to any of my friends also felt like banging my head on the wall; it will hurt me only without making a dent on the wall. Everyone is like 'You two have been in a relationship for such a long time, what's wrong in a simple commitment?' Nobody thought from my perspective. I don't blame anyone, am not a very expressive person to begin with, so if they don't understand my problem, I can understand whose end is actually problematic.   I don't know what I have planned will work or not, but right know, at this point of time, I just hope that everything goes according to my life plan. I finished my shower, dried myself off and came back to the room. Downstairs is blazing with loud music, chitter chatter were continuously on. Although my room is sound proof, but lately it proved not to be enough sound proof. I groaned, my head was hurting, so was my heart. I laid back down for a while clearly knowing that I need to start getting ready within next 2-3 hours. I DON'T WANNA GET MARRIED AT ALL. ARRGGHH! I was about to fall asleep when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I picked it up, looked at the familiar number and just hoped to hear what I wanted right now.  Meera's POV   "You look damn pretty girl. If Sana wasn't getting married today, we can clearly pass you by saying that its your engagement ceremony." "Will you shut up Shagun?" Yes its true I was looking good, not good but extremely beautiful. I never knew why Aarsh suggested me to buy this lehenga but this is absolutely gorgeous. Its bit costly, but looking at myself standing in front of the mirror, am not minding it at all. Plus the make up artist did a pretty good job with my minimal but good makeup. It was a nude no make up glittery eyes make up. My eyes and lips are my only asset. She highlighted it in the best possible way. My accessories being a correct compliment with my dress and makeup, making everything a set. My hair was curled from the end. All in all, I never imagined I could look this bomb. Yes, that's the word and ya am self complimenting.    "Oh come on Miss Sharma, stop staring at yourself and lets get going." "Can't you give me a little moment to my own self?" I complained tearing my eyes from the mirror. "No." "Rude." "Whatever, call your driver and lets go. It will take at least an hour to reach the venue. This time you may not be in the arrangement department but that doesn't mean we will reach there after everything is done." "Yes, my lady." We paid our make up artists, called the driver, got in to the car and started our journey. Sana will be married in a hotel, well its one of the Sharma Industries hotel. We arranged for the biggest banquet in there, including the garden area. The guests from both side who doesn't stay here will be provided lodging in this particular hotel. Right now, for today there will be no other guests than us in the hotel.    The car ride to the venue was mainly us talking. Well not exactly talking but discussing about the after math of this marriage. Like how they both will change, my visits to 'their' house, my relation to both of them. Its true they will remain my friends just as before, but when am playing the role of Aarsh's PA, somewhere or the other Sana is my boss too. Me and Aarsh haven't decided yet if I have to serve Sana or not, but am pretty sure that time will come soon. We also discussed about our visit to Anandpur after the wedding. It was decided that after the marriage Sana will be leaving the house tonight only, but will have to stay in the hotel for tonight. According to Guruji, today is not a good day for Sana to enter her now home, so tomorrow after noon, she will go to her new house. Yes, its absurd but both the families agreed without asking any questions. Day after tomorrow, Sunday, is their reception and on Monday morning everyone, who is going with them today, will come back leaving the newly wedded there. They will stay at Anandpura for 1-2 days more and on those days I will enjoy my holidays. Yes! So those who will be leaving tonight with Sana and Aarsh, basically our common friends, are already carrying a suitcase with themselves.    We reached the venue after 1.5 hours. Traffic jams are such a pain. We got down, I told my driver to wait cause I will be going in my car along with Shagun and may be 1 or 2 people will be joining us too. The moment we entered the hotel, Maithili shouted, "Is this the time to come?" "Oh hello chill, Sana and Aarsh are getting married not us." Shagun reasoned and earned a smack on her shoulder from me and a glare from Maithili. "Meera, where is your phone?" Maithili asked. "In my bag, why?" "Just take it out and see how many times we tried to reach you." I quickly got my phone out, and saw 40 missed calls from Aarsh and 15 from Maithili. I gulped. "What's wrong?" I asked with a shaky voice. "Aarsh needs you, only he can explain." "Today also he needs her? And what will he explain that you can't?" Shagun asked. I have a bad feeling about this. I can feel it. Something is not right. "Ok ok, come on, lets go to Aarsh. Lets see what the problem is." I said and she showed us the way to Aarsh's room.   After what Maithili said, we literally ran to Aarsh's room. My anxiety was at its peak. Aarsh's room was in 2nd floor. We didn't wait for the lift to come. We just climbed up the stairs, me 2 at a time with these painful high heels. Things I do for people. His room was at the end of the floor. We reached there, Maithili ring the bell, Sharman opened it and let us in. "What happened Aarsh?" I asked in a hurried tone. "Why weren't you picking up the calls?" he asked in return. "Aarsh, we don't have time for this." This time it was Swayam bhai, Sana's brother. I didn't know he is here too. I looked around the room, apart from our friends, few of Sana's cousins were here too along with her brother. Strange! They should be either with Sana or helping downstairs. But no, they are here why? "Ok, lets do this. Meera, take these, here are some clothes, go and were it." Aarsh handed me a huge bag. "But what's wrong with my clothes?" "Nothing, just go and were these." "But you only selected and bought these for me, so why are you asking me to change?" "Because I WANT YOU TO WEAR THESE." He said with gritted teeth. I got scared, took the clothes and went to the washroom.  Aarsh's POV   This girl will kill me by asking so many questions. Can't she follow a simple instruction? "Aarsh, do you think what you are doing is right? If we want we can stop this wedding." "No Swayam bhai, I got this, trust me. What she did, should not effect any of us." "But don't you think Meera has the right to know what you are telling her to do? She is just a simple girl. I know she will understand, but don't you think she will have the idea that we are just playing with her life, her emotions?" This time Vidushi spoke. She is not wrong. It will effect my Meera. MY Meera? Lets just focus what's going on. "What do you think she won't ask me! She will be cleared at first and then only she will do what I am asking her. The thing is that I have to convince her. How much? No idea. Lets just hope for the best.    "Can anyone please tell me what's going on here? Am as clueless as she is." Shagun yelled from back. Honestly, I didn't notice she is  present here. Extra baggage with Meera. Whatever. "Just wait for..." I looked at my watch and said, "30 seconds, she will come out screaming. And yes I know her this well." Now am just waiting for her to come out.  Meera's POV    What's wrong with everyone? I hate dressing up. To look this good I bear a lot of things. And now Aarsh is telling me to change. I hate him, I so f*****g hate him. I just hope that this new dress goes with my already done make up and accessories. I can't bear sitting for another hour to get ready all over again. I opened the bag, I fumbled to get out the first material and by the look of it, it looks like a blouse. And that too red in colour. I am not liking it already. I again searched the bag and this time it brought out a skirt (a skirt like thing to wear under saree, its a monochrome with no design). Ok am getting what I am wearing. But the problem will be draping it. I opened my lehenga, came out of it with lots of struggle, I placed it properly on the stool, provided in the washroom. I wore the blouse and the skirt. I took out the saree, but it fell from my hands and landed on the floor. Oh no! I picked it up quickly to check whether it got wet or not, but thankfully it wasn't.   I was running my hands on the saree, but suddenly something clicked in my mind. I have seen it somewhere, the colour, the texture, the design, it reminds me of something, plus the feeling after I touched it. What is it? Where have I seen it? Then it clicked. Its Sana's. Its her bridal wear. What the f**k! Why would Aarsh give me this to wear. Its Sana's, she is supposed to wear it. And its almost seven, the time of the marriage is 8:15. By now she should be almost ready. But her saree is with me. What is going on? What kind of joke is  this? I was boiling with anger. I took my dupatta, covered my breast area and went out of the washroom.   "What the f**k is this Aarsh Sharma? What kind of a sick joke are you trying to play?" I shouted throwing the saree to him. "Woah, Aarsh really knows her well, its not even 30 seconds and she is actually out." Someone said. I don't know who cause my mind was focusing on Aarsh. 'Please tell me its a joke, please tell me' I prayed inside. "What the heck are you wearing? Plus I know what am doing. Its not a joke, go and wear it. The girls will help you to get ready at the end." "What?" "You heard me right. Go and wear this saree," He said handing me the thing again. "Aarsh, you are not getting it, this thing is supposed to be worn by Sana, the bride. How can I wear it? Its not right." I tried to make him understand.    "I know damn it. But are you seeing Sana draped in the saree? No. Do you see what time it is? Its almost 7. Just an hour and 15 minutes are left for the god damn marriage. Don't you think she should be ready by now? But is she? No. If she would have been ready already then how the f**k am I giving it to you and asking you to wear it. Use your brain woman!" he shouted. Well, supposedly he is right. If Sana is not ready then where is she. "Aarsh, where is she?" He closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, may be trying to subdue his anger. "She left." He said in a low tone, but loud enough to make me hear. "What do you mean she left?" "She left means she left. In clear words she left me before the marriage." He yelled. "No, its not true. She loves you. She wanted this marriage. She wanted it, that's why we all convinced you. It was her wish.." "Well, apparently it changed. You see, when the make up artists came here to her room, she already left the place. Nobody saw her leaving, none of the CCTVs have any footage of her leaving. At first we thought she is somewhere in the hotel, but we were searching for her for nearly more than one hour. But no results. She left Meera, she left. We were trying to contact you, basically me, I thought you could help me, if not, at least you can give me some mental support." He sighed.   "But why me?" "Sorry?" "Why me Aarsh? Why do I have to marry YOU?" "Well, basically you won't marry me. You will just be a model. Swayam bhai is expecting Sana needed to go somewhere that's why she left but got stuck. He expects she will come back. But right now there is no time. Someone needs to sit beside me on the mandap (place we get married)." "Ok, but still why me? There are so many girls here. But why me?" "What's the problem of you sitting in place of Sana? Aarsh told you its just like you will be a model." Maithili spoke this time. "Maithu, I told you only I will speak to her and no one else. Please don't interrupt. Yes, you can only sit beside me. Why? Well, Vidushi is too short, Riya is quite broad, so is Varsha, and Maithili is too thin. Right now your body resembles the best with Sana. You are hardly an inch or two short that's it." "Ok, I got your explanation. But why should I do it? I mean, why can't we wait for her. People are out there searching for her, they will get her." "So that, if they can't find her in proper time, her parents, my parents won't be embarrassed infront of the world. Plus it would also save Sana's image. Meera, I expect that you won't let anyone raising a finger on my parents and Sana's parent not even taint Sana's image. For the sake of all this thing, marry me. Its the only way to solve this crisis."    The way he said those words, it felt like he is reciting a well memorized poem. So easy, so smooth. But the reaction of those words were completely different for me. It felt like am standing alone facing a huge storm infront of me. I feel like someone is uprooting me from my place, there is a hell lot of force they are putting on me. My shoulders feel heavy, my head is hurting, my heart is paining. I sacrificed  so many things to end up here? No. Please some one tell me its a dream, someone wake me up. Please, I need to get out. "Can we please talk alone? For a few minutes?" I asked looking at Aarsh. My eyes were already moist. I don't know why, but it feels like the dam is going to break soon. "Every body leave us for a few minutes." He said and within seconds it was me and him standing there looking into each other.   After every body left, I turned to him and asked, "Why are you doing this to me? Why would I have to be the solution of all your problems? I am tired of this , I don't want this. Don't you ever think of asking me before making me do your work? does it ever come to your mind that Meera might not want to do the work? She may be hurt? No, you are just concerned with yourself. You are such a selfish person." I shouted and great the water works has begun already. To be honest I was tired, tired of every single thing that this person makes me do and I do to make this person happy. The moment he told me that Sana left, just one thought went across my mind 'Whatever I did for past few years, did I do it to stand in this situation?' The answer was pretty clear - Absolutely not.
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