Down the Nightmares' Lane

1941 Words
Meera's POV   "What the f**k do you mean by Deepak is back?" Currently am sitting with my best friend Shagun in her condo, telling her every thing about what happened back in the lunch. And after hearing everything I told her, she asked the most ridiculous question. God what the hell will I do with her? Well apparently I came to her to ask for some guidance about Deepak's matter. Being one of his ex girlfriend I thought she might be able to help me out. Deepak was of same age like us. He was first introduced to us as Sana's close friend, but later when our college group started getting stronger, she revealed that they have an on and off relationship. Everything was going well until one day, during the month of January, 6 years ago, Deepak decided to send a friend request to Shagun all of a sudden. Things started changing within moments after that and in a negative way.   "I told you everything Shagun. I believe I didn't speak in mandarin. Well, if I would have spoken in it then you wouldn't be able to even tell that Deepak is back. Well, yes he is back to the town and supposedly Aarsh has to work with him." "Meera, you know nah how Aarsh feels about Deepak. You know nah how a mere word of Deepak can boil Aarsh's blood." As if I don't know about it! Deepak and Sana used to know each other since they were in 9th grade. They came to know each other on an inter-school fest, they exchanged phone numbers and email ids, and soon after that they had a 2 years of relationship in school. When both of their parents got to know about their little secret love story, they didn't give their consent at all, and as a result they had to break up. But young hearts never stopped beating for each other, after a few months of gap, Deepak again approached Sana, convinced her and since then they had an on and off relationship.   But just like all other good things come to an end, their relationship also ended and that too on a very bad note. When they started their on and off relationship, Sana used to get the news that Deepak used t openly flirt and sometimes even went out on few dates with other girls. The worst was, when she used to confront him, he always denied it without any second thoughts. After some time, Deepak used to get insecurity thoughts because he used cheat Sana. Finally, Sana's feelings started to get faded and hence they had distance in their relationship, thus making Deepak move out to find love and affection from someone else. And it affected us because he made a move on Shagun. Shagun, having a break up at that point, needed a shoulder to cry upon, and Deepak became just that, soon ending up having feelings for each other.   I, on the other hand, after enquiring from Shagun about everything, got to know that Sana didn't know anything about their new relationship. So I convinced Shagun to make Deepak confess about their relationship to Sana. But as expected he didn't, and I made Shagun do that in place of Deepak. This had a huge impact on Sana as she thought that her best friend and her boyfriend betrayed her behind her back, thus breaking our college group. Most of our friends ended up supporting Sana and started calling Shagun a "w***e" , "characterless b***h" and what not. When Deepak got to know that Shagun said everything to Sana he broke off with Shagun too. The 15 days of relationship made a huge impact on Shagun. No one was there for her, some where even I felt bad for Sana's mental health and supported Sana without giving any chance to Shagun. Sana had to go to the therapist for her mental breakdown as she started having suicidal thoughts after that incident. Sana's tuition group started cornering Shagun, spreading rumors against her non stop. When I got to know this I felt bad for Shagun, I finally decide to confront her, and after what she told I understood how she was being played.   Well Deepak approached Shagun saying that he doesn't feel any affections towards Sana. Because of Sana's dominating nature they always had problems in their relationship, every day they fought with each other. Sana was jealous when Deepak used to talk with any other girl and told many other things about Sana which matches her dominating and moody character. When Shagun accepted his friendship she never thought that the friendship will turn out into a relationship so soon. They felt a common connection between them, and hence Shagun fell for him. All of you must be thinking how was I affected in all this commotion? Well then let me clear this out. As soon as Sana cut off all the connections with Deepak, and Deepak broke off with Shagun, he turned towards me to get back Sana no matter what. For continuous 6 months he used me when ever he wanted, I could not have a personal life, he always kept on disturbing me no matter what. This constant nagging made Sana way angrier than she was with Deepak but this time she vented out on me, tarnishing our relationship as a result.   After one whole year, when I gave the news to Deepak that Shagun's father passed away, he contacted Shagun to give condolences to her, and after 15 days I heard they were in a relationship again. But this time the news about their relationship hardly affected anyone as Sana had already moved on from Deepak somehow and had already started dating Aarsh. Apart from therapy, Aarsh was the main reason Sana was able to overcome the mental breakdown after Deepak cheated on her. But the new relationship affected Shagun very badly. Every other alternating day they used to fight since morning and by the night to mend everything, Shagun ended up apologizing Deepak even if she was not at fault. I told her many a times to leave the relationship as I could see how miserable she was becoming, but Shagun being Shagun, didn't want to give up on her love. Some where she felt Deepak was actually a nice guy, a guy who was just deprived of love and thought that her love can one day turn him into a better version of himself. Silly girl! It never happened.    Deepak was a very abusive boyfriend, and an egoistic person. He hardly gave Shagun any sort of freedom or any sort of compliment on her achievements. Most of the days my friend was heart broken. The happy, full of life Shagun turned into a sad and miserable person with each passing day. Shagun tried her best to change Deepak with her love, but Deepak being Deepak, hardly paid any heed. After one full year of a stressing relationship, Shagun's patience hit the wall, and she finally broke up with Deepak. By the end of our college life Shagun was a changed person. She moved to Pune, to her grandparents, to complete her masters as she wanted some time from all the shits going on here and to move away from Deepak. When she got the news that Deepak went to NYC for his higher education, Shagun started to come here every weekend. Finally I got back my bestfriend. Those 2 years were the worst years of Shagun's life. And the worst part was at that time I needed Shagun the most but she was not there. I don't blame her, I can't but not being able to share important things to my best friend affected me in a very peculiar way too.   "I know its a touchy topic for you too, Shagun, but what can I do to stop Aarsh coming face to face with Deepak? The project that we are gonna do requires both of them. Aarsh wants to personally monitor the finance and sales of the products, where as Deepak will take the entire charge on the product development. You know nah he studied cosmetics as his major, so obviously he will take up that charge. and being an eco grad student, we both know that the developer of the product and the finance department has to work together no matter what." "Why don't you take up the project from Aarsh? I mean look at it, both of you has same degree, you guys did your masters from the same university, what knowledge Aarsh possess you also possess the same. If you have any problem ask Aarsh personally, but don't let Aarsh meet that d**k head, are you getting my point?" I nodded giving her my answer.   "But why the f**k did he call you babe? He never called you babe, did he?" "That is the only thing ringing in my head right now, why did he call me babe? He never ever called me that. Even Aarsh never calls me that." "Why will Aarsh ever call you babe?" Shagun asked in a surprised tone. s**t, I just blurted out. "Um... well he calls me with a lot of names... so its just that, nothing else." "Meera, does Aarsh wants Sana to know about Deepak's arrival?" "I don't know. But the way he told me in the car, I think letting Sana know about Deepak will be the last thing Aarsh would want to do. But I don't know how he is going to keep this information to himself only? I will not tell anything to Sana, but don't you think if Deepak wants to inform her, he would do it in anyway possible?" "I don't know. But don't you think if he wanted her to know about his arrival, he would have done that earlier?"   Thinking about this and knowing Deepak's character, it was true. If he wanted Sana to know about his arrival he would have done that even before coming here. But by the looks of it, it doesn't seem that Sana knows any of it. If she should have known then Aarsh should have known too. But the way he reacted when he first saw Deepak, it clearly shows that he met the devil for the first time in his entire existence and had no idea about him coming back from NYC. Yes, when Deepak went to NYC, he made sure to announce it to the entire world in his own pathetic way. I only told that to Shagun cause I believed that after he leaves this place, Shagun might want to come back as soon as possible. And my prediction turned out correct. But after few months, Aarsh also got to know about this, and that was a pure mistake.   After talking and discussing all other options I had to stop Mr.Aarsh and Mr. Pain in my arse for a few hours, I decided to crash at Shagun's place, again. Well, that is happening quite a lot these days now. I needed some boast in the morning to face Aarsh and convince him to somehow give the project to someone else and stop meeting Deepak. Its true that if Aarsh keeps on meeting with Deepak, sooner or later, Sana will get to know about this, and will be hurt deeply. And trust me, it might be the last thing any of us want that. Gosh! Just as soon as he came back he started creating havocs in our life. Gosh! His mere presence boils all of our blood. Its gonna be hell of a ride now!
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