Keeping her to me

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Aarsh's POV   We reached my home after about an hour, the drive was too silent for me to bear any longer. The moment we reached my home, I parked the car, shut the engine off, climbed down the car, locked it, glanced at Meera to see if she was following or not, and then unlocked the main door to enter the house. Hearing the main door open, Lalita Di came into view, I asked her to prepare the room next to my room for Meera. She tried to say something, but looking how serious I was she did as told. That room generally belonged to my parents, the guest rooms are in the ground floor, but I decided to keep Meera near me, plus that room was the only room which was not sound proof. Finally it came to some help.   I gave Meera a t-shirt of mine and a pair of boxers. At first she was a bit reluctant to accept it, but then after reasoning out, she took them and went to the room after our dinner. I, then went to my room, stripped down my clothes, washed myself up, wore a pair of boxers, and then went to sleep. Generally I close my door and sleep, but today I decide to do otherwise, as my room is soundproof. So if Meera calls out for help, I need to hear it out for me to help her.   I laid down to bed. Generally, the moment my body touches the bed, I fall asleep instantly, except for those days I have s*x with Sana. But today sleep was far from my eyes; reason Meera being in my home again, and that too all alone. 'No Aarsh, you need to stop being crazy for her.' A part of me told to myself, whereas the other part was screaming with the words 'What do you think of yourself? You almost had s*x with her when everyone was around, from your parents to your teacher, from Sana to all your friends, but still you kissed her, took her to your room, saw her top half naked, gave her hickeys. So why do you think you will be able to control your self when you two are all alone in your house?' 'No Aarsh stop thinking, at that time whatever you did, how much you did, she accepted it, but today forcing her will be the last string you would want to pull' I reasoned myself to stop myself going to her room and cuddle her to sleep.   I laid back to my bed again, trying to remember the day when I first saw her power, or rather the first time she saved me from drowning.   4 Years back   Finally we are here for the picnic after begging sir for three years continuously. Its going to be our last year and he finally agreed for the picnic, all of us are so happy. Its a farm house with a moderate cozy house on one side, a huge garden with some swings and a see-saw and a big pond on the other side and so many trees. We boys started playing cricket, obviously, while the girls were attached to swings and see-saw and some played badminton. We were playing for a long time now, in between I looked what Sana and Meera were doing.    To my comfort Sana hardly moved from the swings and Maithili was continuously by her side. But Meera was a bit sad, cause her best friend Shagun ditched her and went to her brother's wedding. Though for last few months Meera made a huge progress to be included in our group, but still she was not too comfortable with us. For sometime, she played on the see-saw with Riya, then went to swing on the swing with Varsha, played badminton with some seniors and chatted with some one or the other. I could completely see how hard she was trying to mix with us.    I focused on to my game. Suddenly, Subash Bhai, one of our seniors, hit a big six. Everyone was arguing on who will bring the ball. Looking that no one was willing, I had a spare ball, gave it to them and asked them to continue playing while I will go and search the ball. They took the ball with a great pleasure and resumed playing and I, on the other hand, ran to the direction, where the ball went flying. I kept on walking and walking, I past the girls on swing and see-saw, passed the cooks cooking our delicious lunch, passed the huge trees one by one, but I never fond the damn ball. Where the hell did it go?    I kept on walking and walking till I reached the lake, the ball was just at the edge of the pond. Thanks to thick half feet boundary, the ball couldn't roll over the ground and fell inside the pond. I picked up the ball, stood up and the moment I started walking, I stepped on to the thick mud patch and I lost my balance and was about to fall into the pond. No this can't be happening. I don't even know how to swim. But something strange happened, I felt someone was pulling me back to my feet, at least there a force that was not allowing me to fall into the pond. I looked behind myself and to my horror I didn't find anyone who was helping me.   Instead my eyes fell on someone who was standing across the pond, opposite to where I was standing. I wasn't able to see who it was but what shocked me the most was how the person was standing. It looked like the person was trying to push away someone from him/her and was pretty much applying too much force, but the fact that shocked me was that there was no one apart from that person. I somehow managed to stand straight, but to be honest I literally felt that someone actually made me stand straight. Out of no where I heard a voice break my chain of thoughts. "Aarsh are you okay?" It was Meera. She was breathing hard, as if she ran all the way here.   But what bewildered me the most was her clothes. She is wearing the same white round neck t-shirt with a black leather jacket on top, paired it with a dark blue jeans and under that a neon green coloured shoes which were hard to miss. This was what exactly the person was wearing who was standing across the pond from me. I don't know what came to my mind but before I could understand, I ended up asking her, "Meera were you the one who saved me from falling into the pond, from across the pond?" I know it sounds absurd, but I don't know why I wanted to know the truth. "Wh...what are you sa... saying Aarsh? It's n..not even po... possible. I came just now" she stuttered, giving out that was lying.   I grabbed her shoulders and shook her roughly, "Don't lie to me Meera, I saw a person trying to push someone in the air, but the point was no one was there to be pushed, and by the look of it, that person and you are twinning. And I know no one has dressed up exactly the same way you have dressed up. So am asking you again? Did you save me from falling into the pond from across the pond Meera?" This time I asked with authority in my voice. I generally don't raise my voice to anyone, doesn't matter how irritated I am; but with Meera every thing changes. I just want her to obey me, no matter what. Moreover, I know it's absurd even to think about it, but I know better to believe that it actually happened. What I saw was a pure display of powers. And don't think me mad, but I believe some people possesses powers, just like me.   "I do...don't know wh...what you are sa... saying. It's not possible Aarsh." She looked at me and I glared back at her, giving her the expression that am not buying the lies she was feeding me. Sighing out a a breath softly, she said, "Fine, yes it was me who saved you from falling into the pond that too from standing across the pond. Happy?" "How did you do that?" I asked as soon as she completed. " Well as you can understand by now that I have super natural powers. It's like I have invisible hands to me. What ever my eyesight allows me to see, I can touch them or move them. It's like telekinesis power. That is exactly how I saved you. I saw that you were about to fall, but I couldn't practically help you as I was standing across the pond, so I decided to use my powers to prevent you from falling." She said lowering her gaze. I know she didn't want to disclose this thing to me, but to save me she used her powers.    To lighten up the situation I asked in a joking way, "So you are a Scarlet witch?" She looked at me like I have two heads on my neck. Girl, you have super natural powers and you are looking at me as if am an alien? Nice. "What? You don't know Scarlet witch? The one in marvel comics? The one who controls mind and stuff?" I asked trying to hide the giggle I was holding. " I am not Scarlet witch. She is called that because her power emission is red in colour, more like scarlet red. And I have no colour when I emit my power. And I can't control anyone's mind. It's just invisible hands. That's all." She said shrugging. "So if you are not Scarlet witch then you are a transparent witch. What? Don't get angry. You are super natural so you are a witch and because your power has no colours so you are a transparent witch." I told her mockingly. "Ha ha ha, very funny" she growled.   "Does anyone else know about this? Well apart from Shagun and me?" I asked the question which bugged me the most. I know Shagun is trying to patch up with Sana bit by bit, and Sana is also giving her chances, but I still don't like Shagun even a bit. "No, no one else knows about this power except my parents and you and I haven't told it to Shagun yet. I try hard to conceal my powers from everyone as far as possible." She said looking down as if feeling guilty, but on the other side I was so happy that only I know about her powers, and Shagun doesn't, I don't know why I felt so so happy listening to this. "And I want you to keep this a secret too. I know you share everything with Sana, Maithili and Sharman, but I beg you to keep it a secret from every one. Whoever will know that I have powers like telekinesis they will think I am a freak. So please don't tell it to anyone." she literally begged in front of me.    "Ok ok Ok, I won't say it to anyone. Chill. Plus if you have shown me  your powers just to save me from falling into the pond, then I think its the best for me to share a secret with you too. Even I possess some power, don't look at me like you are going to eat me up, its not very strong like yours, but it actually heals me." I finally told her something which hardly any one knows about me. "What do you mean by healing power?" Like seriously! To show my powers, I started finding a sharp edged stone, after searching for some time I luckily got one, picked it up, and gave it to her. She kept on staring at it and me for sometime. "Don't just stare at it, come on cut me" I said, moving up the sleeves of my black cardigan from my left hand. She again kept on staring at me with utter confusion, but after some time she did what she was told.   The blood started oozing out from the vein she has cut. It wasn't a deep cut, but it did just the right amount of effect I wanted from it. I raised my other arm, placed my right palm over the wounded region, pressed it a bit, and then the pain vanished, signaling me that I have been healed. All my actions were followed thoroughly by Meera, she kept on looking at it like it was some kind of magic. Well it was though! I mean how many times you see someone treat their wounds like this! I looked at her and said, "Just like you can touch everything without touching it with your bare hands, if I touch my wounds I can heal them, see." She examined my arm thoroughly, trying to search for the cut she has given me, but she couldn't find it.   "Wow Aarsh that was amazing. So you can heal anyone you want?" she asked excitedly. We started walking back to where everyone was enjoying the picnic. "No that's the problem, I can't heal others. I can heal myself only and the one who is destined for me, and no one else." It was true. When I first became aware of my power, I went straight to Guruji, our village priest and Ashram head, we call him the ancient one sometimes though, and told him everything. He then explained me everything, my powers, the reason behind me getting powers, and apart from myself whom I can heal.    "Oh so that means you can heal Sana if she ever gets hurt right?" "Why so?" "Come on, she is the one for you, the destined one. Maybe after marriage you will be able to heal her." She said. "Well thinking on that note may be its true, but they told me marriage is not important if I have to heal my destined one." We talked more about our powers, she disclosed when she got it, how she got it, what else she has done with her powers and all sorts of things. I also told my part so that the secret remains on even page. I never thought of sharing such informations with any one but I didn't hesitate telling her about my truth, it felt like she deserves to know and has the right to know. Strange! "Listen we almost reached the place so lets not talk about this any more. Cool?" "Cool, you keep your promise I will keep mine." she winked and went to her friends.  And with that we shared the biggest secrets of our life with each other. Present day   Remembering about that day, I didn't realize that a smile crept on my lips. That girl, sleeping in the room beside mine, revealed her powers that day just to save me from falling down in to the river, and today, she didn't even use the powers in a slightest bit because of some goddamn promise I made her do. I made her promise me to not to use her powers because I thought she won't be able to manage the after effects, or may harm herself; but that clearly doesn't mean she won't use her powers to save herself.   God, I really need to talk with her, put some senses in her goddamn mind.   I can't risk about it any more.   Why Meera, why? Why are you like this?
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