The Dreadful Night

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Meera's POV   Working with a friend should be a blessing, doesn't matter if they are your seniors, juniors or are in the same post. Its the feeling of someone familiar is always near to you at an unknown place. When I first time got to now that I have to work as Aarsh's PA, a certain part of me was happy, at least I won't be alone, at least I can ask for help without any hesitation. He knows me for a long time, knows some of my secrets that I haven't trusted Shagun with, if I want to say something he would understand. And to be honest, specially after that horrific incident, Aarsh was just like that. But this time what he asked me to do was just unbelievable. He knows, every time both of us end in Anandpur together, something or the other is bound to happen. Knowing this so well, I don't understand how can he ask me to do such a thing!   For last 2 weeks, am persuading him in every chance I am getting. But each time I failed miserably. I have tried to give so many excuses that I won't think if something actually happens at that time, he won't believe me even 0.1%. Yes I tried that hard to stop him for taking me to Anandpur. Phew! Knowing about me, I thought that Aarsh would actually understand my problem at least at some point, but the point was far from being visible. There's only 2 more weeks left for the recreational visit and then I am pretty sure I would find myself in the bus with Aarsh going to Anandpur. Sighing, I tried to concentrate on my work. After he announced about the trip, he asked me to personally go through all the arrangements by myself. Well being in the organizing team in my school for about 5 years and then 3 years in the college, I am pretty much able to sort all the things.   After completing the work, I decided to head to Shagun's condo. Being with Shagun is always peaceful. She does everything possible to make me laugh, and I love her for that. We share every thing with each other, well mostly she does that. I know everything about her, from her relationships to her break ups, from her one night hook ups to her FwBs, everything. She says am her diary, until and unless she tells me everything she cannot sleep peacefully. Mad! Well whatever she is, however she is, she is a good person by heart. People always start judging her character because of the boys in her life, but she is the pure example of "don't judge the book by its cover".  After telling her about the trip and how ass Aarsh is being about the trip over a couple of shots and some pegs of whisky, we ate dinner and I decided to crash at her place. Because of the intoxication of the alcohol, my mind went to the day where I forgot my limits and my boundaries and almost gave up to my wild desires. 3.5 Years back   "Ok so its bonfire time and what's best to play other than truth and dare! So here's the cushion, the song will be played by sir, on whose hand cushion will come at the end of the song, he or she has to tell a truth or do a dare. Clear everyone?" Mahesh Bhai, one of our seniors in the coaching class, said. We all agreed in unison. So here we are in Anandpur enjoying the last weekend before we set off to different universities. Yes I know, I know. Whatever happened a few months back here, has affected me deeply. But it was Aarsh's advice to forget it or at least pretend to forget it and act normal. He said having these strong powers has these kinds of problems, and its still understandable because am completely unaware of my full powers. He asked me to come with him and meet Guruji many a times but I didn't want to face anything with my powers. But in that trip something strange happened and I visited this place within 1 week of that terrible incident. And after I got my answers I was way too stunned than I have ever been in my life. Thank God I didn't tell Aarsh about the trip till now!   People around here knows that I am coming to this place for the first time just like the rest, Aarsh knows its my second time, but originally its my 3rd visit to this place. We started playing, soon after the other everyone's chance came. Most of us took Truth in the first go, but in our second go we had to take dare. Suddenly the music stops, and that little piece of thing ended in my lap. Thanks Riya! I groaned in annoyance. "So Meera, you are single right?" Sohail bhai asked and I nodded, agreeing. "So the dare is simple, you have to kiss a guy here. Your options are pretty much Sohail bhai, Subash Bhai, Mahesh Bhai, Aarsh, Sharman and Sanju. Quickly go and kiss someone deeply on their cheeks." Varsha said cheerfully. What the hell, kiss a guy that too deeply! Half of the populations' girlfriends are sitting here and they are asking me to kiss one of them! Are they out of their f*****g mind!    After hearing the dare, few people got excited, well mainly the boys, some got stressed, the couples mainly, and some were laughing looking at my stressful way, well mainly the single girls. I moved out of the circle we were sitting in. A battle was going on in my head, I know its just a game, but the girlfriends of these boys who are present here are all psychopaths, literally, and they are the main reasons I was struggling with my decisions. 'Whom should I kiss now?' 'Aarsh obviously duh!' 'No no, no no, I can't kiss him.' 'He is yours and you know that.' 'But he doesn't know that!' 'So what!' 'Should I kiss Sharman?' 'Maithili will kill you by the morning!' 'Then should I kiss Subhash bhai?' 'Varsha will strangle you to death!' 'I don't want to kiss Sohail bhai or Sanju, I don't like them.' 'Then silly go and kiss Aarsh, he will like that, you can still fight against Sana, and moreover you have more rights on him than she will ever have.' 'Oh shut up' I scolded my subconscious mind and started moving to the guy I finally decided to kiss.   I passed each and every boy except Aarsh and Mahesh bhai. My sub conscious mind really wanted to kiss Aarsh but my morals didn't allow it. So I kissed the only boy left in the group. I went and stood in between Aarsh and Mahesh bhai, turned towards Mahesh bhai, kneeled down to his level, placed my left hand on his right cheek, pulled him to me, and gave a wet, sloppy kiss on his left cheek. I lingered my lips on his cheek for a while, and then suddenly Shagun and Varsha started clapping, notifying me that my dare is done. I got up, helped Mahesh bhai clean my lipstick stain, and went on to sit beside sir like the rest of the people whose both truth and dare was done. For the rest of the game I felt someone's constant stare at me, I was struggling to find who was staring at me when I saw Aarsh was looking at me without even blinking, well ogling me. I straightened my body, tried to avoid his gaze but failed miserably.   Then I dropped the idea to avoid his gaze, and also looked up to face him. But like the rest of the times when I catch him staring at me, he didn't avert his eyes like he usually does. Wow he has got confident I see! I chuckled to myself. But what I understood from the stare was a bit difficult to explain. He looked sad, betrayed, anger and so many other emotions. Why! I wanted to ask, but couldn't. Maybe I will ask him in private. Aarsh still doesn't talk to me infront of everyone. He does but when its necessary, but in phone I almost wake up and go to sleep reading his texts. Strange right! Well I never complained. Having a girlfriend like Sana gets a little bit hard, but still he manages to keep her happy, and if not talking to me helps Aarsh keeping Sana happy, then am ok with it.   The game ended, we went and had our dinner. I was sharing my room with Shagun and Shreeja, one of our friend from tuitions, just like everyone. After dinner, we were going to our room talking about the incidents that happened yesterday. Yesterday it was raining heavily, and all of us were dancing and singing in the rain. Suddenly I saw Aarsh and Sana quarrelling with each other. I don't know why, maybe curiosity took the upper hand, I went there to see what was happening. By the time I reached there, I saw Aarsh was falling down in to the river. Without having second thoughts, I jumped there too. I know Aarsh can't swim. After a lot of struggle because of the current, I somehow pulled him to the bank. Soon everyone came and gathered around us. I started pressing his belly so that the water he has taken comes out of his system. Sharman started giving him CPR. Nothing was working. Suddenly Rajat bhai, one of the few disciples of Guruji came up to the commotion and Sana told him everything, looking at me he came to me and whispered in my ears, "Meera, you know you can save him. How many times that boy give Aarsh the CPR it won't matter, but your one breath can save him." Looking up to him, he gave me an assured look, I asked Sharman to move after convincing him his method is wrong and took the responsibilities in my hands. After two breaths Aarsh woke up abruptly, coughing out the water. The incident made me so much afraid that I couldn't bear anything and hugged him tightly, thanking God for saving him!   We were just about to step on the corridor of our hotel, when I saw Aarsh walking aimlessly in the edge of the forest. Well, I asked Shagun and Shreeja to continue and told them I will come later, the carried on and I went to Aarsh, sprinting to him. "Hey what are you doing here roaming around? Its quite late, don't you feel sleepy?" "Sleep is far from my eyes," he mumbled, although I heard it clearly. "Why?" I asked. "Nothing, am not sleepy yet. What are you doing here huh?" "Well I came to check on you. Yesterday after you gained consciousness I couldn't talk to you, and then today also you were busy, so I thought to have a quick check on you." "So you still care about me huh?" "Of course, why not!" "You are so innocent nah! If you care about me so much why did you kiss Mahesh bhai in front of everyone?" he raised his voice and asked   To say I was stunned by his action and outrage, it won't do any justice on how I felt. I gained my courage back, don't know why, whenever he shouts at me I feel hurt, and said, "How the hell can I kiss anyone else? I mean look at you all. Most of you boys have girlfriends and that too present here. If I kissed you or Sharman, Sana and Maithili would have murdered me by now, same case goes on to Subash bhai with Varsha, you know how she feels about him. And honestly I didn't want to kiss Sohail bhai or Sanju in any circumstances, so I decided to end up kissing Mahesh bhai." I explained him with utter honesty. He looked at me for sometime and asked, "So you mean to say, that if Sana would not have been my girlfriend today, you would have kissed me right?" Well, I was shocked at first hearing his question. But soon enough I composed myself and gave a small nod in agreement. Well, if Sana would not have been his girlfriend then not only would I have kissed him but also I would have told him the truth about us, about our relation, but I couldn't.     "So if I kiss you right now you won't mind huh?" "What di---" and I was cut by his sudden kiss on my lips. What the actual f**k! He pushed me to the nearest tree, my back hit the trunk and now I was completely caged by him and the tree. Well I didn't want to escape in any way though. I was still shocked about the whole thing as I couldn't register in my brain what the hell was happening. Aarsh was kissing me, at the middle night and that too in the jungle! f**k! He kept both of his hands on the two sides of my face, cupping it in the process, and pressing his body to me, so that I can't move too much from his grip. Soon, he bit my lower lips and I made a huge gasp because of the pain, and he took the chance to shove his tongue into my mouth. What a good use of such an opportunity! The moment he did that, I grabbed his shoulders for support, as already my knees were betraying me, by being wobbly all of a sudden. Our tongues started to move in a synchronized way, as if following a particular rhythm known to both of us only. His left hand went to my neck and hold it firmly to control my movements, while his right hand went to my waist to pull me to him. As soon as he pulled me to him, I wrapped my hands around his neck, trying to steady myself, and reach up to him properly. Damn the height difference! Why the hell am I so tiny!    Understanding my problem, maybe, he pulled me up with his right hand and soon I wrapped my legs around his waist. Damn he is so hard just by kissing! As soon as I felt his erection near my core, both of us groaned in the kiss. "Just hold me and don't break the kiss ok?" he said putting his forehead on mine, more like commanding me. I nodded and quickly wrapped my hands more tightly around his neck and pulled him closer to me continuing our hot, wet and sloppy kiss. His hands were holding my ass on its place and soon he started walking. Where the f**k are we going! I was scared to ask him, as I need to break the kiss to ask him, and he clearly stated not to break the kiss in any way. I kept my question to myself as I believed in him more than anything else at that moment, and this moment that we were trapped in was the moment I ever wanted to break.   Soon I heard a loud bang of a door, I got scared and opened my eyes and was about to break the kiss to see what's happening, but Aarsh didn't let me by holding my neck to its place as properly as possible. But with my eyes, I realized we entered his room, maybe he pushed the door with his legs and it collided with the wall and made the loud sound. He soon closed the door, and switched on the lights and moved near to the bed. With out breaking the kiss he put me down on my legs. I kept on moaning endlessly, I literally felt that I could only moan at that time. I only had a few kisses before this, but never got physical with any one, not even with my boyfriend. But Aarsh's kiss was driving me crazy as hell. I didn't want to part our lips from each other any time soon. His lips were magical to me, giving me spine chilling shivering through out my body. I don't want to admit this, but the way his lips were doing their work, they seem way too experienced and I felt as if they know what the hell they are doing to me and may be understanding how I was feeling.   Suddenly, he broke the kiss only to say, "f**k. Mmm. Your lips. I don't think its enough for me." Saying this he kissed me more passionately, giving his everything in that kiss. I love powerful, kiss with full force, hunger and roughness in it, which is basically opposite to my character, but the way he is kissing me, is making me senseless. I also want to give my everything in that kiss, but the way he is dominating me, its just that am his submissive and he is my dominant daddy. wow! I am so freaking loving it the way he is devouring my lips. But thinking about Aarsh's character, I wonder was he always like this, or this hungry side is only visible to me. He behaves strangely with me. The way he is with Sana is completely opposite to the way he is with me, well right now my mind is beyond the stage to differentiate his characteristics. f**k its feels so damn good! I haven't even realize am moaning so badly!   After kissing, basically devouring my lips with his, he moved on from my now swollen lips to my neck. Woah, there is going to be a huge hickey in the morning! I know he is trying to be gentle with me, but he just can't control the beast inside him, as if he was hungry for ages, and he has just gotten his most satiable dish to calm his hunger. f**k its doing something in my pit! He laid me down on his small bed, not giving us the opportunity to move away from each other, as if we want that now, and started sucking the spot under my ears and entire neck region. God I will end up having so many hickeys and biting marks tomorrow! He kept on biting, sucking, nibbling here and there along with licking the places to soothe down my pain. Gosh something liquidy is collecting down my pants!  All of a sudden he licked my earlobes and quickly nibbled it earning a loud gasp from me.   His hands reached to the buttons of my navy blue shirt, and started unbuttoning it, he moved my shirt along with my bra, and he held his stare on my breasts, and then quickly looked at me. I don't know why but I felt my cheeks started to heat up. God am I blushing? He quickly pulled down his face and touched one of my n*****s with his lips, and soon started sucking it passionately, while the other one was entertained and devoured by his hand. God the roughness, the hardness of his hands, I love the way he is mounding and kneeding my breasts. I don't want his hands to move away from my body any time soon. And the way he is sucking my breasts makes me feel like he is trying to suck the nectar out of me and claiming its only his and no one else's. His groans become heavier and faster along with my moans. There was only the sounds of our moans and groans and our heavy breathings in the room.   Suddenly, maybe out of my need, I tugged my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to my breasts. Understanding my need, he increased his actions vigorously, trying to quench my thirst and need for him. I don't know what happened after that, he traveled his hand to the south of my body, and the moment he was about to remove my panties, I came out of the lustful and desirable trance all of a sudden. It felt like some one poured a huge bucket of boiling water on my head. I collected all my energy and pushed him abruptly, stood up, and shouted with all my might, "No we can't be together. No its not right. No. you should not betray Sana. We should not betray Sana." With these words, I picked up my clothings, wore them somehow, and dashed out of the room crying. I ran the entire way to my room, without bothering anything in this world right now. I quickly entered my room, closed the door, and went straight to the washroom, to cry my heart out.    I don't know what took the toll in me that I ended up on Aarsh's bed. I know there is a connection between us, a pull, an attraction, but I decided to go against it just for the sake of Sana and Aarsh. But after what happened today, I was sure as hell, that no matter what the relation Aarsh has with Sana, it will be hard for him to stay away from me, it will be harder for me to keep myself away from him. "He will always come finding you. No matter what, he will burn the world, do any thing and everything possible you can imagine just to be with you. No one will be able to keep him away from you, neither me, nor Goddess Kali, and not even you. If you want to try, you can try but when he will burn and destroy the world to find you out, be prepared to take the blame, cause no one else will. Be prepared Meera, be prepared." These words kept on ringing in my head and made me cry even more and more. Present  day   Remembering the dreadful night, where I almost betrayed my friend gave me chills to my spine. The way I enjoyed his lips on my body, makes me much more guiltier than I ever could be. I simply can't deny the fact I loved it, I loved the way Aarsh devoured me with his lips and hands, the way he made me wet, the way I made him hard, I simply loved every bit of it. If realization hadn't hit me, then by now I would have lost my virginity to Aarsh. But should I have complained? No   I don't want the history to repeat it self. I don't want to repeat my mistake. The place will be same, both of us will be there, and if he is still attracted to me, I don't think he will stop himself or even worse he might not let me go this time. God what should I do! How should I convince him not to take me to the trip! Thinking about all this, the sleep consumed entirely at some point.
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