Unwanted Annoying Guest

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Meera's POV   What is the most important thing in a wedding? Well, apart from the bride and groom and the priest. The wedding preparations, specially the shopping. Damn, its one hell of a job. No wonder wedding planner is a legit carrier option nowadays. Almost 2 months are left for Sana and Aarsh's d-day. But it looks like just a few handful days and we will hear the wedding chants. God so much work and so little time. For last one month every Saturday is a shopping day for us. Mostly we girls only went for shopping. Thanks to Aarsh, after lunch I didn't have to stay in office. As soon as I completed my lunch, I had to rush to some mall or some exclusive expensive boutique to accompany Sana and company. They took their own leisure time in selecting cloths. Sometimes they would try 10-20 dresses and still wouldn't buy a single piece of cloth from some shops. Who does that? And the worst part, they never get tired. If Sana liked a dupatta from this shop then she wants the skirt from another. I mean, is she trying to look like a puzzle! I don't know. At times I reach house completely exhausted, tired and what not. Even they call me up on Sundays. I feel crying sometimes. Thank God Shagun always comes with them, otherwise I would have died out of boredom. When will they get married? When will this torture stop? I don't want to do it anymore.   Most of the times, Aarsh didn't bother to go, especially on Saturdays. Obviously he has a company to run, people to feed, profits to earn. He just can't wrap work and go shopping with his would be wife. But Maithili and Sana never fails to invite him. They would always call him, say him where they are going that day, and politely asks if he can come or not. Because they ask politely, Aarsh just politely refuse them. Most of the events' cloths were bought or the orders have been placed. The progress was going great. The jewelleries and other accessories are yet to be bought. Aarsh's shopping is mainly done by his parents who are currently staying at his house. Sana at times joins them. She told them that she already bought few dresses for the event and she wants to help them with cloths which will match or go well with her cloths. Phew... too much hazards of getting married.   Today is a bit different. Sana and Maithili personally came to office, barged in Aarsh's room and dragged him out of there. I thought if Aarsh will accompany them today, then I will be spared. But to my dismay, I was wrong. They took me also along with him. We visited three boutiques already. Riya and Shagun both bought something from there. Thank God that the shops are in a mall, because of that we didn't have to roam here and there unnecessarily. Everything was going well, girls were buying stuff from here and there. me, Aarsh and Sharman were practically following them, carrying their bags and helping them out in any way possible.    We were most probably in the 5th or 6th store. I was sitting on a stool in a far corner, watching every one laughing, fighting over the dresses they want, when all of a sudden Aarsh approached me. "Hey girl, you are not buying today?" "No" "Why? You don't like the collection in this mall? You haven't purchased anything yet today and this might be the 6th shop we have come. You are not getting what you want?" he asked with full concern. Now how can I say that they have a good collection but I don't have the money to buy anything. I decided to lie to him. "Um... uh... well, the collection is good, but I will buy at the last moment." "Why? Everybody is buying now, why will you buy at the last moment? What's the logic behind it?" he asked in confusion. "Well, I will get latest designs if I buy at the last moment." I said trying to sound confident. "Well, as far as I know you, that is definitely not the reason. So speak up Miss PA, or the consequences will be bad, very bad."   "Ok fine, am not buying the dresses cause I don't have lot of money right now. I will buy after I save a few thousands or I will buy cheap ones. I really don't wear these types of heavy cloths, then why the heck will I invest in too expensive ones. So I will buy later." I said with utmost honesty. "Meera, look at me. As far as I remember you have a platinum card in your purse right now, right? And you also know its pin. So how the f**k you don't have money, girl?" "Aarsh, put some pressure on your small brain, as far as we both know, the card isn't mine, its my bosses, who has given it to me so that his wife can buy all the things she want. He hasn't given it to me to purchase things for myself." "Meera, I gave you the card, trusted you with its pin, that means am ok with you using it for yourself too and not only for Sana. You use it girl, I won't say anything." "I know Aarsh you won't say anything. But I don't want your money. You are my boss, many a times you bought me dresses accessories, took me to parlor, sent make up artist to me, and I accepted those cause my boss wanted his PA to look representable. That's all. But this is different. My friends are getting married. Its personal. So what ever dresses, accessories make up item I need, I will buy it with my own money, I can't take it from you. Its not right. Just wait for a few weeks, I will have everything by then. I promise."   "But who will accompany you again? I mean everyone is completing their shopping, why will anyone accompany you just to buy your dresses only? You may have to shop alone." "No one will accompany me or Sana won't accompany me? I don't need Sana to choose my dresses. I know you guys don't trust me about my cloth selection, but trust me, I won't look bad." "Listen, am sorry about that day what Sana told about your wardrobe. I never judged you on your clothing, beside whatever you wear you look good, decent and effortless, although they are a bit weird. But you look good Meera, you look extremely good, no matter what you wear." "I know, now chill boy. Plus I was thinking to take Shagun with me. Her choices are good, at least on clothing. And I know, she will happily accompany me. But if you want I can click pictures and sent it to you or Sana if you don't trust me." "Don't try to send it to Sana, you won't be able to buy any dress then, she will have at least one problem in what ever cloth you select. So keep your photos till me only."    I was a bit shocked hearing his demand. But nonetheless, I agreed to do how he told me. What's the use of arguing. Its better to just agree without any complaints. We shopped till 7 o'clock in the evening, almost for 5 hours non stop, hopping from one shop to another. We were about to leave when all a sudden Aarsh got a call. "Its important," he said and went to a secluded place to receive the call. "So Meera, today also you haven't bought anything, when will you buy your cloths dude?" Varsha asked. "Soon babes." "But why are you not buying with us? Its fun to shop with someone rather shopping alone." "Who said she will shop alone? I will be there for her. I will take her shopping, right Meeru?" Shagun intruded. I just nodded my head. See I know my best friend so well. She will do anything and everything for me. I just mouthed her thank you and she replied I love you too in the same way. Mad woman I tell you.   "Meera, what is your plan for tonight?" Aarsh came in and asked right away. "Going home, taking rest. I am quite tired Aarsh" I whined. "Well, change of plan. We have a meeting to attend in one hour. Its important." "Aarsh, the client wants you, what will I do? I don't even have my laptop or any writing pad." "You are coming with me and that's final. No more discussions." Before I say anything else, Sana interfered, "Aarsh, its quite late baby. Its already 7, the meeting is at 8, how will she go home? Think about it baby." "Well, that's never a problem. I will drop her home, I always drop her home." "But baby aren't you tired? You whined like a small child for last 2 hours. How the hell will you drop her home and then go to your home?" "That's not a problem either. I will take her to my home. I think its the best. Meera call your parents, inform them you will stay at my place tonight. Tomorrow I will send you home. My house is near to the mall."   Everyone was shocked, even Sana. The way Aarsh said I will stay at his place tonight, made everyone shocked. Well am used to this, but not them. Its the first time they are seeing how it actually works. "Baby, let her go home, I will accompany you to the meeting," Sana  said again. Is she mad? "What? You will attend the meeting? Out of all people? Please, I don't wanna lose my client. Meera, its not a problem. Check your mail, Vivek bhai send you the problems. Read the file, and make some notations. And there is a stationery shop at the corner, go and buy a writing pad. We will need it." I was about to nod in agreement, when I felt Sana glaring at me. I looked at her and she gestured me to say no. I gulped and brought my voice and said, "Aarsh, I wanna go home please. Please just attend the meeting by your self today, I promise I will do extra hours on Monday." "Well am the boss here. I will decide the punishment. Well I can't fire, rather to say I won't fire you. Hmm... so what should I do that will make you attend the meeting willingly?" He rubbed his chin pretending to think.    After about 20-30 seconds, he opened his eyes and said, "I got it. I will take you to all the stores we visited today, buy everything, every piece of cloth, every accessories, shoes, jewelleries, every damn thing that you touched, or eyed. And if you think its not possible, then let me remind you girl, I remember everything you took interest in. So you have 2 options - attend the meeting properly, or get ready to have new sets of cloths. And trust me Meera, I so want you to not attend the meeting now." He smirked. He bloody smirked! "You can't do this," I shouted at top of my voice. The other people in the mall started to look at us. Great! "Well, that's strike two. One more and I will start dragging you to all the stores. And yes, I can and I will do that. And just to remind, I don't give empty threats if you know me, I will do what I just said. Start whining one more time, I will drag you." How the bloody hell can you do this to me. "Fine, I will attend the meeting." "Good, that's like a good PA, Miss PA." He said and patted my head. What am I, his puppy pet! i***t. Aarrgghh! I so hate him.    "Meera, are you mad, don't attend the meeting. Remember that you are tired. Plus its a great a way to get everything from your boss. Choose the other option. You won't have to spend a penny on his wedding. Are you a fool?" Sharman said, trying to put some sense in me. Before I say something, Aarsh spoke, "Meera would prefer to die rather than taking or buying anything with my money. It doesn't matter how tired she is, she will attend the meeting whole-heartedly, right Miss PA?" he asked winking at me. What has gotten into him God? First his devilish thought, then smirking around, and winking. What sort of weed he is taking nowadays? "Sharman, let it be. I don't want anyone to buy me anything. And you Mr. boss, you will drop me to my home. I will not stay at your place." "Well, Miss PA. What I decide that will happen. If I decide to drop you to your home, I will drop you there or else you will stay at my place. Argue more with me, and you will find yourself carrying shopping bags." "You can't threaten me everytime with this one single shit." "You know what? I can, and I will if I think its required. Sharman, drop others home, even Sana also. Get some of them cabs and rest you drop them. Girls, reach home and text us in the group. Meera, go and buy the necessities." He said and all of us bid good byes and dispersed on our ways.    What an horrible eventful day! Aarsh's POV   For freaking 5 hours the girls were shopping. I was beyond pissed at this moment. I couldn't feel my legs any more. And when they said that today's shopping is done, I was the happiest man at that moment. But my happiness didn't last very long. I got a call from Vivek bhai.  "Its important," I said and went to a secluded place to receive the call. "Hey bhai, what's up?" "Aarsh you are at the city centre mall right? The thing is Deepak Rana wants to meet you. I told him that am handling the project now, but he insisted on meeting you. Said its a CEO to CEO thing. Its better for both the companies if you two meet up. And its quite urgent. I told him to come to office. But said he wants to meet you some place else. Some where public. So what should I do?"   Why the hell he wants to meet me? Is it not clear by my actions that I don't wanna see his ugly face? Doesn't he get hints! Whatever. If he said its urgent business I better give him the chance to speak to me. "Bhai, ask him to meet me at Royal Place at 8. He has one hour to come here. If he is late, I won't wait for him. And send me and Meera the file through email." "Got it. And Aarsh please calmly carry it out. I know you won't do anything, plus Meera is there too, still try to keep calm." "Don't worry bhai I will." With that I cut off the call and went to everyone.  "Meera, what is your plan for tonight?" I asked right away. "Going home, taking rest. I am quite tired Aarsh," she whined. "Well, change of plan. We have a meeting to attend in one hour. Its important." "Aarsh, the client wants you, what will I do? I don't even have my laptop or any writing pad." "You are coming with me and that's final. No more discussions." She wanted to say something but Sana interfered, "Aarsh, its quite late baby. Its already 7, the meeting is at 8, how will she go home? Think about it baby." What the hell? She is my PA. I will do as I please "Well, that's never a problem. I will drop her home, I always drop her home." "But baby aren't you tired? You whined like a small child for last 2 hours. How the hell will you drop her home and then go to your home?" Wow such a thoughtful friend! "That's not a problem either. I will take her to my home. I think its the best. Meera call your parents, inform them you will stay at my place tonight. Tomorrow I will send you home. My house is near to the mall." I said in full boss mode.  Listening to my words, everyone was bit shocked. Whatever. I need Meera to maintain my peace. She is the only one who can stop me from murdering that punk. So I dismissed their look. "Baby, let her go home, I will accompany you to the meeting," Sana  said again. How can I take her with me when I am supposed to meet Deepak, and not some other regular client? "What? You will attend the meeting? Out of all people? Please, I don't wanna lose my client. Meera, its not a problem. Check your mail, Vivek bhai send you the problems. Read the file, and make some notations. And there is a stationery shop at the corner, go and buy a writing pad. We will need it." She almost said yes, but within seconds her expression changed. How? "Aarsh, I wanna go home please. Please just attend the meeting by your self today, I promise I will do extra hours on Monday." "Well am the boss here. I will decide the punishment. Well I can't fire, rather to say I won't fire you. Hmm... so what should I do that will make you attend the meeting willingly?" I can't let her go, at least now. So, I closed my eyes, rubbed my chin pretending to think.    After about 20-30 seconds, I opened my eyes and said, "I got it. I will take you to all the stores we visited today, buy everything, every piece of cloth, every accessories, shoes, jewelleries, every damn thing that you touched, or eyed. And if you think its not possible, then let me remind you girl, I remember everything you took interest in. So you have 2 options - attend the meeting properly, or get ready to have new sets of cloths. And trust me Meera, I so want you to not attend the meeting now." I smirked. Well I pretty much saw her through out the day. She liked some pair of dresses and other items. I asked her to buy whatever she wanted but she just didn't. Her dignity, I tell you. This is the only way I can keep her to myself. "You can't do this," she shouted at top of her voice. Man, she is feisty. Great, now she is creating scene, in public.  "Well, that's strike two. One more and I will start dragging you to all the stores. And yes, I can and I will do that. And just to remind, I don't give empty threats if you know me, I will do what I just said. Start whining one more time, I will drag you." I again said firmly. Why doesn't she take me seriously! "Fine, I will attend the meeting." "Good, that's like a good PA, Miss PA." I said and patted her head lovingly.    "Meera, are you mad, don't attend the meeting. Remember that you are tired. Plus its a great a way to get everything from your boss. Choose the other option. You won't have to spend a penny on his wedding. Are you a fool?" Sharman said, trying to put some sense in her. Yes, good going buddy, keep it up. She was about to say something, but I said, "Meera would prefer to die rather than taking or buying anything with my money. It doesn't matter how tired she is, she will attend the meeting whole-heartedly, right Miss PA?" I asked winking at her. Yes, I know her, sadly a bit too well. "Sharman, let it be. I don't want anyone to buy me anything. And you Mr. boss, you will drop me to my home. I will not stay at your place." How dare she orders me like this! Need to teach her who's the boss. "Well, Miss PA. What I decide that will happen. If I decide to drop you to your home, I will drop you there or else you will stay at my place. Argue more with me, and you will find yourself carrying shopping bags." "You can't threaten me everytime with this one single shit." "You know what? I can, and I will if I think its required. Sharman, drop others home, even Sana also. Get some of them cabs and rest you drop them. Girls, reach home and text us in the group. Meera, go and buy the necessities." I was getting tired with these small petty arguments. So I ordered and then dismissed them quickly.  After everyone left the place, I took Meera to Royal Place. We took a table, settled ourselves. "So who is this client who wanted to meet at such short notice, that too on a Saturday evening?" "Deepak. Who else can be so annoying other than him?" "Is that is the reason who asked me to stay?" I just nodded. "I see. Is that the reason you sent everyone else home quickly and didn't let Sana stay when she offered you to let her attend the meeting in my place?" I nodded again. I really don't want to talk about it. "But why do you have to meet him? Vivek bhai was looking at this project." "I don't know either. He just called Vivek bhai, said its urgent and will only talk with the CEO. Hence am here. And Meera, I don't want to talk about this, please. Lets just meet him, end this meeting and go home. Am as tired as you are." she smiled and nodded, understanding my frustration. "I got you covered boy," she said winking at me.    God what will I do without this woman? She understands me so well. Am thankful that she is there to always get me, stop me from doing any non-sense. Thank God she is here.
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