Saving Him

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Meera's POV   Finally Aarsh let me use the restroom. Yes, I have a weak bladder. That's the reason I don't drink anything while am outside, neither too much water nor too much alcohol. When I wanted to roam about a bit, I actually wanted to use the restroom urgently. Well its true I wanted to explore the hotel a bit too, I mean come on, I don't come to such expensive places every now and then. So these kind of visits are my only opportunity to see and enjoy the heavenly places like these. I actually understood why Aarsh didn't want me to go anywhere away from his eyesight. I understood that he was scared because of Deepak being around here all the time. We know what he is capable of but at the same time we don't know what he will do next. He is unpredictable as hell. If he wants to create chaos he will in one way or other. If you try to save one incident, he will immediately pull off another. No wonder he was the most cunning person I have ever met.   I reached the ladies changing room. I pushed the door and went in, on one side there were shower chambers and on the other most probably the cubicles. I went in, released myself. God it feels so good! I came out, washed my hands, and then left for the pool. I took my sweet time returning to the pool, well this my only opportunity to explore the place before leaving, and trust me no one can take that away from me now. I am finally free from Aarsh's watchful sight, I now just for like 5-10 minutes. But hey, something is better than nothing. I used the other door of the washroom which was basically attached to the hotel side area, rather than using the door towards the pool, to explore. I was having a wonderful time that I was itching to have since the moment we arrived in this hotel. The hotel, from the outside looks very modern, completely covered with glass. On the inside, starting from their lobby, to their corridors, everything was posh and extraordinary. The show stopper would definitely be either the huge chandelier over the lobby and reception area, or the beautiful but elegant water fountain, which was situated between the main door and the reception desk.   Soon, I started moving towards the pool area. If I start exploring the place, I will lose myself in exploration and get lost at some point and would want to ask someone for the directions. Well am not good with maps and directions and roads, even I get lost at new buildings. Most of the times, I had to search for the room service or cleaning staffs to find me my room, it used to be my every time vacation story. But nope, we have grown up now, so lets not do that. Lets keep our ass straight to the way to the pool now. Moreover, if I take up too much time, then Aarsh would definitely understand I was roaming here and there instead of going to the washroom. And to be honest, I don't want that. He already scolded me once, I don't want to be humiliated again. I know am his PA, but I just can't stand the sight of someone humiliating me. Ok ok, I know it was just a scolding, but he did it infront of everyone. I don't like that at all.   While I was walking towards the pool area, I don't know why, but I started becoming restless. All of a sudden, I felt somewhere something bad is happening. Its very alien kind of a feeling, a feeling that is hard to describe. A feeling where you feel that you are losing something important but don't know exactly what. I started taking long strides, as long as possible in this goddamn heels. When I almost reached the pool side area, I started hearing commotions all of a sudden. I mean yes, a party is going on, but this party was not like a group of wild teenagers doing pool party. It was a sophisticated pool side party, at least it was before I went to my mini excavation. Then what the hell happened all of a sudden.   Couldn't keeping my anticipation hanging in the air anymore, I entered the pool area, somehow made through the pool of people that surrounded something, expecting it was the main attraction of the commotion. By the time I reached there, the scene shocked me as hell. What the f**k! Aarsh was trying hard to swim and keep his head some how out of the water. But how the f**k did he end up in the middle of the pool? And what the f**k is wrong with the people around here? None of them were making any move to save him. Where are the f*****g lifeguards? For God's sake it's a pool area, a lifeguard should be present here to avoid these kind of life threatening situations. Everyone was screaming to save Aarsh, but none of them were doing anything to save him. The reporters present there started to record the moment without trying to save him. My blood was boiling like anything now.   Without thinking anything else, I opened my coat, threw it somewhere, and jumped into the pool, trying to cover as much distance as possible with one jump. I managed my self, started swimming towards Aarsh. What I could see through my blurry eyes, he was just on the verge to drown himself. With quick 4-5 strokes, I reached to him, grabbed his collars somehow, and started pulling him up. The moment he realized some one near him, he started to grab something on me, anything. I finally got hold of his arm and quickly pulled him towards me. He snaked his left arm around my neck, while I grabbed his waist with my right hand under the water. Somehow, I steadied him with myself. "Aarsh, chill chill, its me its me. Nothing will happen, nothing will happen." I tired to say these words to him, but he was in a complete panic mode to hear anything at that point. I somehow started pulling him towards the stairs, that I saw seconds ago. I pulled him, while he kept splashing water like anything.    After pulling Aarsh with one hand and swimming with the other hand, I some how reached the stairs, helped Aarsh climb up the stairs then I myself climbed up the stairs and started rubbing his back while he was coughing vigorously. "Take deep breaths, steady steady. Its alright, its alright. You are alright. You are safe." I muttered all those words, trying to calm him down. While I was rubbing his back, I felt he was shivering badly. I quickly shouted for towels towards the crowd. I hardly believed that I would get one, but surprisingly, a steward came running to us with a few dry, neatly folded towels. I quickly took one from the pile and wrapped it around Aarsh to protect him from cold, while I rubbed his hair with the other. By the time we got out of the water, the commotion has stopped, well obviously people were now busy to see how a girl saved a boy from drowning in a pool. They obviously have to tell this story to everyone and gossip about it for some days, at least. Pathetic!   While rubbing his hair, I kept muttering soft words, telling him everything is alright, he is ok, he is safe. I already once saw him drowning in water, so again the same thing happening made me a bit too worried, specially the after affect it will have on him. After some time, when he got stable, or at least I felt he was becoming stable as his breaths got even, he stopped me from drying his hair, peeped through the towel, and muttered something that only he could hear. Thinking that he actually needs something, I brought my ears to his lips to hear him properly. "I can see your bra. Cover yourself first." These were the words he was saying to me. With confusion, I looked down. And f**k, he was right!   I forgot that I was wearing a white shirt and underneath that only a bra. Well, obviously, I wouldn't have thought that such a situation would come that I will be drenched in water from head to toe, revealing by white lace bra, under my white shirt. Soon, I covered my breast area with my hands as reporters were continuously taking our pictures without any break. But f**k my small hands! It hardly helped me in covering my Goddamn huge breasts. In earlier years, I used to be way heavier than I am right now, but since mid college days, I started getting thinner and thinner, but my breast portion remained same. Hence I am a girl with huge breasts right now.    Looking at my struggle, Aarsh understood my problem and wrapped the towel that we were using to dry up his hair, around me to cover me properly. After that both of us stood up, well actually I stood up on my own and then helped Aarsh in standing up on his feet. Soon Deepak came out of the crowd. Exactly the person I wished to see right f*****g now! "Oh my god Aarsh! What happened? How did you fell into the pool? Am so sorry, I couldn't do anything. If I had known something like this would happen then obviously, I would have hired half a dozen lifeguards for safety. Am so sorry Aarsh, for putting you in such a life threatening situation indirectly." He said in one go, with full of fake concern. Gosh! His voice sounds creepy to me now.   "Its alright Deepak, it was everyone's fault. Mr. Sharma we are sorry for the inconvenience, let me drop you home." Mr. Suraj came forward. "No need, we will go ourselves, plus I have my car," Aarsh said, rejecting their offer in one go. "Mr. Sharma, you and your secretary both are completely drenched in water, let me at least drop you home, my driver will drop your car later tonight," Mr. Suraj again offered his help. By the look on his face, one can clearly see how guilty he was because of everything. Before Aarsh once again rejects his offer, I said to him, "Aarsh, let him make  the arrangement. Clearly you are not in the state to drive, even I can't drive. Let him drop us home Aarsh." I looked at him in the eyes, trying to convince him on my decision. Soon he agreed and nodded looking at Mr. Suraj, telling him we are finally accepting his offer. "Thank you. Mahin, drop Mr. and Miss Sharma to their home."   Soon, we reached the sedan that Mr. Suraj has arranged for us. Along with him, Deepak, Miss Meenal and Mr. Tripathi and 2 other men came up, dropping us to the car. "I am again apologizing to you Mr. Sharma for the inconvenience you received, please forgive us." "Ya Aarsh, come on man, it was just an accident, I hope this incident doesn't spoil our collab" Deepak spoke with so much fake care. Bloody hell! "No no not at all. And Mr. Suraj, please from next time keep some lifeguards on bay, every time I won't be there to save the day, right?" I said, completely ignoring Deepak. "I want to go home now, please" Aarsh looked at me and said in a low but heavy voice. "Oh yes yes. Mahin, take the address from madam, drop sir first and then madam, ok?" the driver nodded and started the engine. As soon as we both entered the car, the driver zoomed away from the hotel. Clearly I don't wanna ever come back here. Wait for the reviews Mr. Suraj, I huffed in my mind.   "Ma'am what is the address to Sir's house?" the driver asked me, breaking the silence in the car. "Do you have GPS?" "Yes Ma'am" he gave me his mobile, I set the location to Aarsh's house address on the system and gave the driver to follow it up. Again, after that the car became silent. It was around 10 minutes we were riding the car in silence when I couldn't take it any more and ended up asking him, "How the f**k you fell so far away from the side? You didn't say anything there, we are alone now so you better speak up." I asked the question that I was wondering for a long time now. "Let's go home and then we will talk", he said without even sparing me a glance.   We reached the house after about 40 minutes of straight drive. He sent the car away, as Aarsh told him he will make me go home with his driver and asked him to bring up his car as soon as possible. We entered his house, I went to the guest bathroom, while Aarsh went to his room not before saying that he will send Lakshmi Didi with a pair of clothes. I went to the bathroom, discarded my wet clothes, took a shower to remove the chlorine water. By the time I ended the shower, there was a light knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Lakshmi Didi standing with a fresh set of clothes. I took them, wore them up and got out of the bathroom. I decided to go to Aarsh's room and talk to him about what exactly happened while I was in the loo in the party.    I climbed the stairs, reached his room, the doors were widely open, I could see him sitting on the bed, resting his back on the headboard with his eyes closed. I cleared my throat to make him aware of my presence. "Oh so you came?" "Ya had to, you told we will talk after we reach home, so here am I," I said as a matter of fact. I went to him, he gestured me to sit at the end of the bed. As soon as I sat down, I asked my earlier question again. "Deepak pushed me." Yes, I knew it, somewhere or the other, I so freaking knew it. "You i***t, why didn't you tell me then and there that it was that bastard?" I shouted at the top my voice. I couldn't keep calm anymore. Earlier, Deepak used his cunning ways to hurt others, now he started stooping so low that he harmed them physically! I mean come on, he is proving that he is mentally unstable now. Who the f**k does that? Today, if I didn't have come on time, Aarsh could have lost his life. Deepak really needs to stop effecting us now, he crossed all the f*****g lines today.   "What would you have done if I told you then and there? Would you beat him up? No nah? Then what's the damn use of snitching around? Moreover am not 100% that he did it intentionally." "What do you mean by you are not sure? Did he anyhow pushed you from behind?" "No, not exactly... we had a slight argument, he said something, I replied back, he got enraged and was about to leave when I felt a slight push and then I fell down." He said, telling me what actually happened, not looking at my eyes. "Aarsh, you know nah that he did it intentionally? Why are you protecting him? Out of all people, why you? You never had a good relation with him for even a single second of your life, then why the f**k are you trying to save him?" "Because I want to get done with this goddamn project as smoothly as possible. I guess you were right, I shouldn't have involved myself in the first place. f**k everything! I shouldn't have taken this project the moment I got to know its his company." He sighed, regretting his already taken decision.   "Listen, what's done is done. Lets forget it. We have taken the project, its already signed. Lets just get done with this, ok? Am still advising you to give your responsibilities to someone else, just tell them not to take any decisions on their own, only represent you in Deepak's presence, rest everything is set. Ok?" "I need some time to think. The project is important to me in many ways, I really don't want to give this project to someone else, please try to understand, Meera. But if he really creates problems then I will surely take your advice. Just let me think about it for some moments." "Fine think as much as you want, I will always be there to support your every decision. You know nah, that u got my back?" He just simply nodded. A yawn too escaped my lips. "Ok... so you sleep, I will go home now, plea-" "Please stay here tonight." He cut me, holding my wrist tightly. I understood he was scared. So I nodded in agreement.  "Fine, I will stay here for tonight. Ask Lakshmi Didi to prepare the gu-" "Stay in this room please, I am scared Meera. Please don't say no. I promise I won't do anything like that night. Just sleep beside me, let me hold you for a bit. If I fall asleep before you, then you can go and sleep in anywhere in this house, you don't have to stay here for the whole night. Please Meera, please. Just do this for a friend who needs you right now. Please." He said holding my hands with his huge ones, sobbingly. Yes he needs me, his need was clearly seen in his eyes. I couldn't resist more, I quickly nodded and decided to crash in there with him.   What I did, was it right? Can I just sleep here with him tonight? He promised me nothing is gonna happen. Will the promise be intact by the end of the night? I don't know lets just pray it does.
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