Chapter 59: hidden gem

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Trevor walked back to where he had dropped the log and placed it over his shoulders. After he continued running his laps. He took rests in between a couple of times when he felt tired but kept on going on. By the time Trevor finished his laps, the rest had already joined and completed theirs too. They all had a brief rest of half an hour before they started their combat training. Trevor and Logan headed to their designated training spot where Daksh was already waiting for them. [Physical stats increased, would you like to see them] a notification suddenly came in [Yes] Since Daksh had yet to say anything important yet, Trevor accepted the request. A smaller version of the system panel displayed showing only his phusicak stats. They were organised as so; [Strength: 6] [Stamina: 4/6] [Speed: 5] Trevor was surprised that two of physical stats had increased by one point. So he guessed it was due to the training. "Today we shall be learning this," he turned around midway in the sentence and when he finished speaking, the head of the dummy he was facing was slot in half with the top part sliding off the bottom part. Neither of them saw Daksh move his blade, but Trevor knew he definitely did. Maybe too fast for them to see. "Hopefully, all the training routines you have have been put through have made you capable of performing this, if not, you will have to train harder," he turned around to face the boys, "The key to this trick is strength and speed. You weren't able to see my attack fully because of those two aspects. The other key is infusing your mana into the hand your using to swing your sword simultaneously." Sword clashes and attack roars happened on every other training spot except Daksh's. To the outsiders, Daksh was simply lecturing them so they felt sorry for the duo and thankful that they didn't join his lessons otherwise, they would be wasting a lot of valuable time. [New skill observed] [You are capable of performing this skill, but it isn't as impressive.] Well, as long as I can still do it! Trevor thought. In his mind, he had made out an imagination of how the skill actually looked like. If he were to perform it, it would be an extremely fast s***h with even after images but his sword wouldn't be invisible to the naked eye like Daksh's. The two got straight to it and did as Daksh had told them. But they never got it right even once. Daksh had even pointed to them that tge mistake they were doing was poorly timing the mana infusion. Eventually though, by the end of the lesson, they perfected the timing and were able to do the accelerated s***h. It was just as Trevor predicted it would look. [New skill acquired: Accelerated s***h: skill level 1] "Sir wait," Trevor called out to Daksh when the lessons ended and Logan had gone. "What is it?" Daksh turned around and looked down at Trevor who stood at attention when their gazes met. "Sir, I am extremely sorry for earlier. Sir actually, I do know that the council intends to take over the Southern continent. I wish to help you sir. If its your goal to stop them!" Daksh was utterly surprised by the confession. For such a young boy to know this much in such a short period of time. That information was classified top secret and only a few government officials could know about it. Daksh himself had only found out about it after much difficulty. He wanted to ask how he had acquired thus information but remembered that he had outrightly rejected his question earlier so he could only forget about that matter now. "And why do you wish to help the Southern continent?" "Because I'm on a quest to save it!" Trevor's replies where leaving Daksh in one shock after another. "A quest, but you are still so young and weak" "That's why I need your help to grow stronger, will you help me sir? I promise that my goals are aligned to yours and do not clash at any point." "Did I say I wanted to save the southern continent?" Daksh's question had taken Trevor aback for a moment but he soon got back to it. "No sir, but the Southern continent is a safe heaven for non magic users. Sorry to say this, your family inclusive. If you truly didnt want to save it, that would mean that you are giving up the safe heaven your family lives in." 'At it boy! You finally answered a question without being childish and approached the matter more maturely,' Ephraim spoke in Trevor's head. Daksh was dumbfounded by the boy's analysis of the situation. Not to mention the fact that he already knew a lot of information about him and the council. "Well, did you know by siding with me and Southern continent, you would be going against all the students being taught in this school and all the other schools in Northern continent. Are you sure you will be able to grow and surpass the strongest of the Northern continent?" 'Going against all the students? What does he mean. Does the council intend to use the students enrolled in the gladiatorial program as an army? ' Trevor thought inwardly. Seeing that Trevor had a puzzled expression, Daksh chuckled," I guess your useful informant left out that part. You see, the reason why this gradiatorial program was proposed in the first place was because the council wanted a strong army that could help them capture the southern continent." Daksh crossed his arms over his chest and asked again,"So I will ask you this again, are you capable of growing stronger than the strongest of the northern Continent?" "Yes sir!" [Quest accepted; fight for the freedom of the Southern continent.] [Limited time hidden gem. You have gained Daksh's trust, he will now teach you everything he knows so you can get stronger to protect the southern continent] [Time of acquiring gem: 2 dungeon days before expiry.] Trevor was so thankful for the system after that series of notifications. If he had acquired it later, he probably would have missed the opportunity of learning everything from Daksh. The system had been so useful to him so far but little did he know it was just a packaging antic. "Good!" Right above where Trevor and Daksh were having their conversation, a little black bad flew, focusing his gaze on the both of them. * "Woah, now that's interesting. Never in my wildest thoughts would I have thought that that gladiator is against the wizard and is one of us. Forget about that, the council's plan all along was this. Guess I'll have to pay a visit to headquarter. Let's see if they boy can become as powerful as he said he would become. " Merza mused in his office, staring into thin air with glowing green eyes.
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