Chapter 39: Void

1149 Words
"Wait, you know my name?" "That is not the question you should be asking." The gatekeeper raised up his hand and folded his palm in a gesture as if he was about to snap his fingers. "Wait wait....." Trevor stretches out his arms to stop the gatekeeper. But in the next moment, he snapped his fingers, and Trevor got sucked into the ground. Falling into an unending abyss. The world around him started fading out slowly until it was completely dark. Slowly opening his eyes, he realized he was back to reality. He sat up on his bed as he rubbed his eyes to remove whatever sleep he had left in him. He looked around the dark room and discovered that he was all alone. "Crap!" he quickly pushed the blanket off his body and jumped down the bunker bed. He wore his pair of boots he got from the school and quickly ran out of the room. At the training ground, everyone engaged themselves in vigorous activities though it was still dark. There were a few running laps around the school with logs on their shoulders. Others did extreme pushups while others engaged themselves in combat. In just a week, the school had turned into a military base camp. Daksh stood at one corner of the field yelling frivolously when he noticed Trevor pick up a log and join those making laps. He patiently waited with a serious look for Trevor to make his way to where he was. "TREVOR. COME HERE NOW!" he growled. Trevor unwillingly went walked to Daksh. "Your one hour late. Your training has been doubled." Trevor could only helplessly agree. After the training, Trevor walked with Isaac back to their room. "Bro... I tried to wake you up but you were knocked out dead. I had no choice but to leave you there." "Huh. I was just really tired." "You should stop staying awake all night. Now, look at you. You look like all blood has been sucked out of you." " Yes, I will try." "..." Later that day, Trevor made his way to the library. He had to make use of this dungeon to learn everything there was to know about magic. After a week of constantly visiting the library, he didn't need any help from the librarian to locate a book. Trevor browsed through the shelves, looking for the best suitable book on herbs. But then, as he passed by a shelf, a book fell from it. Turning back, he picked up the odd-looking book and inserted it back on the shelf. And just as he turned to continue with his way, it fell down again. Halting his steps again, he turned around and picked up the book. "What the hell is wrong with this shelf?" he pondered while putting the book back on the shelf. And the next moment, a similar thing happened. This time he knew something wasn't right. Examining the book, he realized it had a lock. He tried to pry it open with his fingers but couldn't manage. Circling that particular shelf, he checked if there was someone on the other side of the shelf intentionally throwing the book off the shelf but nothing was there. He walked back to the font of the shelf and put back the book in its empty slot. But this time, he watched the book to see if it would fall down again. After watching it for a full minute, nothing happened. "Hmm... Odd." he decided to let the matter slide. After taking five steps ahead, the same book hit him at the back of his head before falling to the ground. Trevor winced in pain as he tagged at the spot the book hit. Turning around furiously, he swore he would make the person that was playing with him suffer. But all he saw was an empty space and the book on the floor. He picked it up and examined it again. And just then, the book clicked and the unlocked its self. He moved his hand to the front cover of the book and opted to open it but it suddenly opened its self and flipped through pages quickly before stopping at a particular page. And the first words Trevor saw were "VOID." Immediately he read that, the book started turning pages wildly all of a sudden. But I didn't stop there, the pages pulled out of the book and started floating around the book in hyper speed. Trevor subconsciously threw down the book but it didn't stop what it was doing. "Oh no... That's not good!" he cursed. A book emitted a fist of wins that tagged at Trevor's hair and clothes. And almost immediately, Trevor was sucked into the book in a second. Later, all the pages that floated reattached themselves to the book and it closed itself. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Trevor screamed as he fell from the sky at a terrible speed. At this rate, if he landed on the ground, he would surely splatter blood everywhere. "Ahhhhh... Aaahhhhhh... Why aren't I stopping? Ahhh. I pray I don't stop." Trevor panicked as he fell through the air. After a minute of falling, he could finally see the ground. He didn't know whether he should be happy he was about to stop the fall or scared that he was about to stop the fall. " Please let this not stop. I'm fine if I keep on falling. Please don't kill me. Great Book... Ahh.... Esteemed book... Whatever please don't end me." Trevor spoke a lot of words in a short second. His life in danger has made him a rapper. "Please please please," he begged as he saw the distance between him and the solid had ground shortened. Moreover, he had a hard time trying to keep himself stable in the air. He was already falling headfirst. His brain would surely come out through his legs at this position. He subconsciously put his arms over his head. Just a meter away from the ground, he made his last wishes as he shut his eyes tight. But the hard ground he had expected didn't hit him. Instead, he felt like he had dived into the water. Opening his eyes slowly, he realized he was floating above the ground. And the whole world had turned upside down. With the gravity pulling upwards instead of downwards. When he looked above his head, he could see a purple sky. And beneath his legs, he could see the solid flat ground. He had literally fallen into a parallel universe. He adjusted his mind to the new change of direction and floated up to the ground. At least now that everything was upside down along with him, it gave him the illusion he was in a normal world. "Alright..... Let's see...." Trevor surveyed his surrounding. And noticed an old house a few blocks away.
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