Chapter Three

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    The Fates were eyeing the watching pool with interest. Clotho just wanted to end this fool's life, but for some reason, Atropos and Lachesis wanted to keep him around. She hoped it would be worth it.      "He's a slimy eel, why do you want to keep him around?"      Lachesis's face gave Clotho the shivers, she looked positively evil when she spoke. "Because I like playing too," she said with a hint of darkness to her.      Atropos smirked, "Yeah, what good would it be if all the bad guys had all the fun?"      Clotho stared at her sisters, sometimes, they truly scared her. Especially when they acted like this.      Lachesis and Atropos gave a small cackle, "Besides, once they leave here, Hades and Hecate get all the fun. And that's not fair."      Clotho shook her head softly, "Just be careful what you breed. It may come back to bite us in the ankle!" She gave her sisters her warning and turned back to the tapestry. She was beginning to weave some pleasantness in the lives of two humans.      Atropos leaned in and whispered to Lachesis, "She's no fun, she needs something to loosen her up a bit."      "Or someone," Lachesis whispered back. The two fell into a fit of giggles at the last remark.     ************Two days before the Boyets party*************     "Have you devised a plan?" Thadius asked impatiently. He wasn't in the mood to play games with this blasted witch.      The cloaked figure smiled, "But of course, I always do." The voice in the cloak was neither discernibly male nor female thanks to the spell they used to disguise themselves.      Thadius approached the witch, his finger up in a warning, "Don't you mess this up," he suggested gruffly.      The cloaked figure howled with laughter, "Or what? You're nothing here, just like you were nothing in your previous pack. And if you continue this way, you'll be nothing anywhere!"      The witch's mocking tone was enough to cause Thadius to ball his hand into a tight fist. As he was preparing to draw it back and throw it into the face of the cloaked figure they disappeared into a cloud of deep grey smoke.      Thadius thrust a frustrated hand through his greasy, slicked-back hair. "He better not let me down," he uttered. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out his cigarettes, putting one in his mouth and lighting it. He inhaled deeply, allowing the calming nicotine to run through his lungs.      ******     Tillie was pacing outside her son's door, she was nervous. It took a month to convince this child to attend the party and she wanted to see him in his suit.      "Aye, boy hurry up would you?" She called impatiently from the hallway.      Kane was standing in front of his mirror, "What the hell did they use to make this suit? Itching powder?" He mumbled to himself, "Hang tight, ma!" He scratched his chest again and adjusted his tie. He looked damn good, it was just itchier than anything! His suit coat was a deep grey, with a crisp white shirt. His mother convinced him to get a teal green tie and it truly accented his skin tone.      He walked over to the door, scratching his leg on the way. He opened the door, "Okay, ma. How do I look?"      Tillie's eyes filled with tears, "You look amazing son," she said.      Kane smiled softly at his mother, he was their only child and he knew that moments like this were important to her. He leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek.      She turned to him alarmed, "Son, are you feeling okay?"      "Sure, this suit is just crazy itchy," He scratched his chest again.      "Oh, sweetie, I don't think so," she said, reaching high to place her small hand on his forehead. "You feel awfully warm. I'm calling the pack doctor," her voice was full of concern. "Get in that room and out of the suit. I'll be back in five minutes."      Kane didn't have to be told twice, he turned around and stripped out of the suit, hanging it carefully on the hangers. He threw on a pair of basketball shorts and sat on his bed, scratching at the welts that were forming on his legs and chest.      Tillie walked in with the pack doctor, a kind older she-wolf. Tillie gasped when she saw her son. Not only was he covered in welts, but he had a tattoo on his shoulder!      "Young man, what is that?" she asked pointing at the tribal tattoo on his shoulder. She tapped her foot, impatiently.      Kane had the decency to look at least a little sheepish at his mother, he knew that he wouldn't have been able to hide it for long. He just hoped he'd have had a little longer.      Tillie looked at the old she-wolf examining her only son, "Is this from that tattoo on his shoulder?" she asked. "I knew that they were bad news! How do we get it off of him?"      "Luna, relax," the kind old doctor said calmly. "The tattoo has nothing to do with all the welts on Kane." She was still looking over the young man and she looked at him, "Who all have you been hanging out with?"      Kane shrugged his shoulders, "Gregory, Sheila, Fillan, Ashley," he said spouting off the names of the fellow seniors he'd been hanging with.      "Stop right there, Ashley?" she asked.      Kane nodded, "Yeah, we are in the same history class," he said, "Why?" He left out the fact that they were making out after school at her house.      The doctor looked down her nose at the young wolf, "Were you at her house?" She asked.      Kane nodded, "Yeah, we were," he paused, "studying." He said.      "Mmhmm," she said. She turned to Tillie, "No worries, Luna," she assured the worried mother, "He has wolf pox," she said with a smirk. "No school, no partying, and no 'studying', " she said pointedly to the young man seated in front of her.      "Wolf pox?" Kane asked, "That's a kid's sickness," he protested. "And I had it already!"      Tillie shook her head, "No, dear that was chickenpox," she corrected him.      The doctor looked at Kane almost sympathetically, "They're very similar, but this is most certainly wolf pox. You didn't notice her brothers and sisters?"      Kane blushed, he knew his jig was up, "No, we were studying in her room." At his mother's disapproving look, he insisted, "It's quieter!"     "Well, no more!" she said. "And I will call Tatyana and let her know that we will be unable to attend the girls' party."      "Can't my mother go?" Kane asked. He felt terrible that he was preventing his mother from seeing her friend.      "Yes, she can, but you mister," the doctor wagged a finger at him, "Can not. Now, I have to go find, Fillan, Gregory, and who was the other young pup with you?"      "Sheila," he said as reached up and scratched his chest.      "Right, Sheila. As for the itching and fever, here, take these," she thrust two small pink pills at the teen.      He swallowed them back and laid down, "I'm sorry ma," he said. And he was shocked to realize he really was sorry that he wouldn't be attending the party for the triplets. He had yet to meet them and really wanted to.  It was as if he were supposed to meet them, and he wasn't sure why.      "It's alright, Kane dear," she tucked her son in. She knew these days were numbered and this would likely be the last time she would be tending to her son like this. "But next time you decide to 'study' with Ashley, keep the door open, huh?" She winked, she knew what it was like to be a young teen. "And when you feel better we'll discuss that tattoo."      Kane grimaced and allowed his mother to tuck him in. He settled in and allowed the medicine to work its magic.      Tillie and the doctor exited the room, "How long will he be like this?"      The doctor smiled, "About two weeks," she said. "He should be fine."      "Should be?" Tillie asked.      "There are rare instances where wolves have been rendered unable to have children." At Tillie's worried look, she quickly continued, "But it's very rare, and he's Alpha born, so he should be fine!"      "When will we know that?" Tillie pressed.      "When he finds his mate," she said. She placed a comforting hand on her Luna's shoulder, "For now, go to the party, have a great time and let him get well."      Tillie nodded, she just hoped that her only son would be able to have children.      *************The birthday party******     The girls were in their gowns, each in a lovely shade of teal. The color complimented their skin tone nicely, making them glow.      "Do you think our mates will be here?" Alyona asked anxiously.     Irina smiled, "I almost hope so! The anticipation is starting to kill me!"      Isabella looked at her sisters, she didn't understand why they were so obsessed with mates. The whole thing seemed more archaic to her than anything. Especially since she knew all about 'mates.' She was just thankful that Thadius has been gone for almost a full year now.      "You're awfully quiet, sis," Alyona walked over to Isabella, "What gives?"      Bella shrugged, "I don't think I want a mate as badly as you two," she said simply. "I want to be in charge."      Ally hugged her little sister, "Your mate is going to be everything you ever dreamed of! I just know it. Now let's get out there and have a great time! Even if we don't have our mates tonight, we have each other."      The girls smiled, that they did.      Tillie approached her friend and her mate, "I'm so sorry," she began as she greeted Tatyana and Alexei, "Kane came down with wolf pox, so he won't be here."      "Oh, dear," Tatyana exclaimed, "I hope he recovers quickly!"      Tillie smiled, "The pack doctor said he would be fine in about two weeks." She waved her hand and tried to push back the feeling of sadness that tugged at her heart. She just hoped he'd make a full recovery herself.       That night, the girls danced and had a great time, even though none of them found their mates that night. Not even Bardik, who is still waiting oh so patiently to find her. As the girls opened their gifts, everyone making a fuss over the gifts Isabella grew quiet when a small rectangular gift was placed in front of her.      She could smell the sickening aroma of cheap cigarettes fill her nostrils. She didn't want to open this, not one bit. She swallowed the lump in her throat, as she politely opened the festive wrapping. There, in front of her was the brightly colored game that would set on the desk of Thadius's desk when he would want to 'play'. She quickly pushed it off to the side and made the decision that very night.      Tomorrow, she becomes a warrior. Mate or no mate she was in charge. Period.                
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