Chapter 3

2672 Words
I went back to the club after seven full days of being with my mother in the hospital. Aunt George came back and she’s in-charge now. I’ll work a little harder. My mother has a healthcard but it wouldn’t cover for all the cost of the operation. “Welcome back,” Des beamed at me when she saw me changing into our waitress clothes. “How are you?” she asked. I smiled at her as I tied the apron behind my back. “Good, I guess…” “Your mom?” she asked, sounding so concerned. My smile fell a little. “She’s doing well, too,” I replied. “Although we’re advised that she needed to have the operation as soon as possible.” Des sighed hard and then looked at me sadly. “If only I can help…” she drawl. I waved my hand and shook my head. “No, Des. It’s fine. I just need to work a little harder now.” Des smiled. “Yes,” she agreed. “And speaking of which, there’s a man who comes here every night and constantly asks for you…” I narrowed my eyes. A man? Could that be…? Des looked at the direction of table four and that confirmed my intuition. “There he is again…” she said before looking at me. “He always takes table four.” I looked at table four and saw Chadrick there, alone and drinking whiskey like the usual. His brows are furrowed on his drink while he swirls it around. He looked so serious while doing that but he definitely looked like a model because of his prominent features. Des cleared her throat. “I guess, he’s the same guy you entertained when we have a shortage of escorts,” she continued. “Miss Bea has been giving him different choices every night but he refuses everyone.” I narrowed my eyes at Chadrick. He refused everyone? Why would he do that? But then again, that’s not the scope of my business anymore. I am here to work and earn. And that’s what I should do. I inhaled a sharp breath before walking to the counter and taking the ordered drinks. I delivered the drinks to different tables until I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. “Blythe.” I stopped and looked at Chadrick who followed me. I turned to him then to the table that he abandoned, then to him again. I smiled curtly. “Hi! Anything you need?” I asked politely.  Chadrick pursed his lips in a thin line. “Are you okay?” he asked me. I narrowed my eyes at him. “What do you mean?” “You were gone for a week. I figured you must have gotten sick or ran into emergency,” he explained. “Are you okay?” he asked again. I stared at him. Worry is so evident in his face but I can also see relief. It’s been a week since we first met but I can see how his hair grew a little. He also has stubbles now. I smiled reassuringly. “I’m fine. I only have to be out for a while but I’ll be here every night from now on,” I told him. I saw his Adam’s apple move while he looked at me from head to foot as if confirming for himself that I am indeed alright. I smiled widely at him so he wouldn’t stop suspecting. “Do you need a drink?” I asked him. He sighed hard before pursing his lips. His eyes bore into me like he wanted to tell me something else but then he nodded at my question. “Whiskey, please,” he told me politely. I smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Chadrick. Please wait for your order,” I told him before turning away from him to go to the counter. I immediately prepared for the drinks ordered. Our bartender, Homer, still isn’t here and I wonder when he’ll come back so it wouldn’t be our responsibility to prepare the drinks as well. Miss Bea said that he met an accident and he needed to recuperate first. He’s expected to be back after two weeks but it has been fourteen days and he still hasn’t reported to work. I sighed as I poured whiskey onto the glass. “Oh, you’re back now, Blythe!” Miss Bea’s very excited voice welcomed me that left me a little startled. I looked at her and smiled. “Good evening, Miss Bea,” I greeted. She grinned widely and then leaned on the counter. “Do you want to be an escort?” she asked me while looking at me head down. My eyes widened in shock. Escort? She’s asking me if I want to be an escort?! “Ma’am?” I asked, confused at what she meant. She shifted on her position and looked at me with eyes full of determination. “You know, escorts earn more the waitresses. You can use the money for your mother’s expenses. You can save more, Blythe.” My mind is in haywire. I feel like the world is spinning with Miss Bea’s words written and jumbled up in the air. Escort? More savings? Mom’s expenses? What? “You can think about it,” Miss Bea chimed. “If you agree to it, then just give me a call. I’ll explain everything to you—the contracts, the customers and the process.” I nodded without thinking. Miss Bea smiled at me and then left to go to the changing area where most of the escorts are preparing. I sighed and then stared at the drinks in front of me. I’m sure being an escort is not my forte but it pays well and better. And since I needed to save faster, it would be an advantage. But…can I do it? I inhaled a deep breath before shaking my head to gather my thoughts together. I have to think about it at home and not here. I went on to deliver the drinks to the customers and did my job diligently and to the best of my ability. I need to perform well and get tips from people. “Are you okay?’ Chadrick asked me as I gave him his whiskey. I looked at him and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good,” I replied and started to leave when he suddenly held my wrist. I stopped and looked at him only to see him smiling at me. He let go of my hand but I was pretty sure I got jailed in his eyes. “What time does your shift end?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. “What?” He frowned at me. “What time does your shift end?” he repeated. “I’m up until closing,” I replied. “So until three?” he asked again. I nodded. “Why are you asking?” He grinned and then exhaled. “Want to grab coffee afterwards?” I almost scoffed. “Are you kidding me? You want coffee after drinking whiskey?” I asked to confirm if I understood it right. He chuckled and nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with that!” he beamed. Now, I scoffed. “Whatever you say, Chadrick…” I shook my head and then started to walk away. “That’s a yes, right?” I heard him ask. I stopped and rolled my eyes. Obviously. *** Chadrick really waited for me to finish. It was almost four in the morning and I saw him leaning on the wall beside the door. His hands are inside his pocket while his head is low. “You’re still here…” I uttered, making him look at me. He smiled at nodded. “I told you. I’m taking you to coffee…” he replied as he walked towards me. It’s a little colder now because it’s already November. Winter is almost here. Chadrick is wearing a black leather jacket, a white inner shirt, a pair of black pants and a pair of caterpillar boots. He’s wearing ordinary clothes but his aura is different. “Let’s go?” he asked me. I nodded and then he led the way to the parking lot. I hugged my mustard coat and followed him. Like him, I am wearing a plain blue shirt, a pair of faded jeans and a pair of brown boots. Chadrick stopped in front of a black car. My eyes widened when I saw the logo. Jaguar. A freaking two-door Jaguar! I looked at Chadrick in shock. Wait…this is his car? Chadrick must have noticed my look on him because he narrowed his eyes at me. “Why? What’s the problem?” he asked worriedly. I shook my head and then looked at the car again. My look went from him to the car…then from the car to him. I can’t deny the fact that I am in utter shock now. I mean, how many people do I meet everyday drives a f*****g Jaguar? “This…this is your car?” My voice trembled because my mind is still in disbelief. Chadrick c****d his head to the side. “Yes,” he replied nonchalantly. “Is there a problem with it?” he asked again. My eyes widened and I gulped hard. I looked at the Jaguar again and with trembling hands, I touched it. Sure, my father used to let me ride his expensive cars but I have never ridden a two-door Jaguar in my whole life. I blinked several times before urging myself to snap out of it and be sane. I mentally slapped myself before I tore my gaze off of the expensive car and turned to Chadrick who’s looking so weirded out because of my expression. “Sorry,” I told him. “I’m just…a little…overwhelmed by your…car.” I looked away because I feel like he’s trying to burn me with his gaze. I heard him chuckle softly before opening the door. “Get in. We’ll buy coffee and then I’ll drive us to one of my favorite spots in Michigan.” I paused and looked at him. “You have a favorite spot here?” I asked him. He smirked and nodded. “Of course. I bet you…you’ll like it.” He winked at me and assisted me inside his car. I got inside and watched him run over to the driver’s side. He slipped in smoothly and buckled his seatbelt in a swift motion. He revved the engine and the next thing I know, we’re off to buy coffee. “You sure could drive well when you drank whiskey,” I commented while we were waiting for the traffic light to turn green. He glanced at me quickly and smirked. “I needed more to be intoxicated, Blythe,” he told me before stepping on the accelerator. I shrugged it off and just looked at the lights of the buildings that we’re passing by. It’s so beautiful at dawn. And it’s quiet and everything seems to be at peace. We went on to buy coffee and true to his words, Chadrick drove us to his favorite spot. In front of me was the view of a lake with its water surface twinkling with the moon’s light. Chadrick stopped and then turned to me. “We’re here…” he told me as he unlocked the doors. With the coffee in my hand, I got out and walked towards the edge of the lake. I looked around and saw that this place is secluded. It seemed like a private property because the trees seemed to be trimmed and taken cared of well. There is also a hammock that seemed to be working just fine. Well, if this is an abandoned area, the hammock should have looked worn out but it’s not that way. It actually looked brand new. On the left side was a small hut. I can’t be mistaken. This is a private property. I heard Chadrick’s footsteps behind me. “It’s quiet here…” he uttered. I kept looking around. “How did you find this place?” I asked him. “I was just driving through and then saw this place,” he replied. I looked at him with narrowed eyes. “This is a private property,” I told him. He nodded. “But no one can see us here because it’s already dawn and there are no CCTVs around.” I raised my brow. “You have actually surveyed the entire area,” I told him. He smiled and nodded. “Of course. I have been coming here every day.” I sighed and nodded before walking to a huge stone and sitting down. I took a sip on my coffee and just savored the beauty of the view. Chadrick sat beside me quietly. I can hear him sipping on his coffee but he didn’t utter any word. And somehow, the silence was relaxing. All we could hear is the sound of the leaves dancing with the wind and the occasional chirping of the birds. I shut my eyes and thought about Miss Bea’s offer again. She’s right that I need the money. But can my conscience take it? I heaved a sigh and then opened my eyes. Why am I even thinking about it now? The money is for my mother. The money is for her operation. If I don’t get the money as soon as possible, her chance of survival will get lower and lower. I nodded to myself. I can do it. I have to do it. “Are you okay?” Chadrick asked. I looked at him and smiled. “Yes. I’m fine.” Chadrick stared at me like he’s studying my face. His gray eyes seemed to tell me something. I blinked several times that made him smile and then look away. “I want to tell you something but I don’t want you weirded out,” he said. I chuckled. “What is it?” I asked. I saw his Adam’s apple move up and down and he took several deep breaths more before he looked at me. His eyes bore deep within me before they traveled down my lips. “I wanna kiss you,” he whispered. My eyes widened together with the loud thumping of my heart against my chest. He licked his lower lip before looking into my eyes again. I gulped hard when I saw him angling his head and leaning closer. He slowly shut his eyes and I stiffened. “Wait,” I said and he stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at me. “Is this your first kiss?” he asked me and my eyes grew even wider. He smiled and nodded. “Good, then I’ll show you kisses are done properly…” he uttered before crashing his lips onto mine. Oh. My. God.   
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