Chapter 4

1819 Words
  Aura POV:     I was amid my duties. I was half scared as last night's dream came to my thoughts. But the shift was smoother than usual. So I headed back earlier and finished my record book which Mr Drake had asked for. While preparing it, I couldn't help but wonder about him. The way he looks at me with his serious face, how he smiles like a grin sometimes… How he wrapped his hands over my waist in my daydreams… I could not help but feel tingles all over my body as I thought of him. And I don't know when I will sleep.     I was awake earlier than usual due to the cold wind… hm… I don't remember when I had kept this window open. I quickly finished my routine and headed towards the bus stop. There was still time left for the bus. Then I saw Cyrus stopping by near me along with Hailey. I wanted to ignore him, but I can't ignore my best friend.     "Aura, come on, get in…" she shouted at me.     I had no options now, so I got in the back seat. I often saw Cyrus looking at me through the mirror, but whenever I caught him, he would turn his face away from me. That's not the usual him. That was when Hailey started her blabbering,      "Aura, I thought about calling you last night?? How was your special session with Mr hottie Drake?? " she winked at me.   Urghhh… wrong timing… Hailey… I wanted to shout it out. But somehow, I think she took the topic purposefully so that I saw Cyrus's face stiffen.     "Hailey… " I had shown my puppy eyes to shut up. Or else she will keep on embarrassing her in front of her jerk cousin.     "What!! Oh, because of this jerk, you can't say the details right…!! I am sure you must have got something interesting to say… after all, he is a hottie masterpiece… I envy you, girl... "     Oh lord, she doesn't plan to stop. I heard the car screeching, which made us focus back on Cyrus.     "Hey Cyrus, why are you silent now… Are you boys pissed that there is a real man in our high school??" Hailey taunted him directly.     "Only because you're my cousin, I am not giving you the exact reply…" he retorted. I think someone's ego was touched so badly… Ouch...     "Oh really… then don't talk to to Aura, let me listen...or else the ride is getting boring… say something Cyrus, let me enjoy...  I thought you wanted to flirt with her to get into her pants… So I am giving you a chance... " she harshly commented. I glared at her, whereas Cyrus only said 'shut up '. And take a sudden break.     "Out.!!" He shouted.     Then only I noticed that we had already reached school. I got down soon and dragged Hailey along with me. I felt his gaze on me until we disappeared into the crowd. I had to show my records to Mr Drake, so I went to his cabin.     When I went, no one was there. So I thought about going later and I turned around so quickly that I collided with Mr Drake and the water in his hands fell into his shirt… I was still in shock, but as soon as I noticed that his shirt got wet, I felt guilty.     "I am so sorry Mr Drake, I didn't see you…" I started wiping his wet shirt with my handkerchief. The wetness had made the shirt stick to his skin, which gave me the exact idea of his perfectly toned muscles… my hands were unknowingly moving to and fro wiping the wetness, and I didn't notice that I was trapped between him and the table. And we were so close to each other that his breath was fanning on my face.     I looked up and saw him looking at me as if he was reading me. I bit my lower lip in tension and said,      "I am sorry… it's time for my first session, I had better leave..."  I said while my body was trembling due to his closeness.     Before I could complete the sentence, my lips were captured by him and his hands took me by my waist and placed me on the table… His lips were like a wine that tasted better than addictive… Ummm… I don't know when I started responding to his lips… my hands clutched his wet shirt more tightly and dragged him closer to me…     Oh my God, I must be dreaming again…  if it is a dream, then I wanted it to bewilder me…     I took my courage and made the kiss deeper… I felt his hand over my body, caressing it…     Once I felt out of breath, I moved away… and this time I closed my eyes… as I know, I must be hallucinating again…     And when I opened my eyes, I saw Drake again… so close to me and I was in his arms… so this is not a dream…!! before I could think of anything, our lips collided again… with more urgency… I made an aggressive move to get out of the kiss to breathe again, which ended up with him nipping my lips. I could feel the taste of irony on my tongue… And he has kept me closer than before. I struggled for breath. And I pushed him away and he turned around in the next second. It was like he came to reality and muttered    " Aura, you should leave now…"    I was surprised by his sudden change. And furious too...I felt like being used, even though I know it was a mutual thing. I moved out of there the next moment and rushed to the girl's washroom. There I checked my face, I was almost pink. Both with blush and fury…     Did that happen?? Of course, it was real… Then I heard some girls entering the washroom and I hid in one of them. I can't face them now as my face looks so flushed. By the voice, I recognised the group of girls who came inside. It was Melissa and her minions.   "Mel, Did Cyrus truly dump you for getting into Aura's pants??" One of them asked.   "Hm… Looks like that. But I don't mind now as I have got a better option, Mr Drake. This evening, during the last session, I will go to his office with some questions about the experiment… and you know my talent. By the time I complete the experiment, he will be mine…!!" She claimed and the rest cheered.    She is planning to seduce Mr Drake… That thought disturbed my mind. I know Melissa very well, she will do anything once she fixes the target.  She would stop only after getting it.   After they left, I quickly washed my face and got into my first session. But my mind was somewhere else… His lips, that kiss, his aggressiveness under that strict person's looks, his muscular toned body… must be a mistake of the moment for him… I was so close to him drying his shirt, so the first mistake was from my side. I shouldn't have done that, as the gesture was a bit intimate. He doesn't want to accept the reality that he kissed me. That's why he didn't face me later. And told me to go away…!! That last part made me sad. Hm…. The rest of the class was boring, but I was lost in my world… Even though Hailey asked me about it yesterday, I didn't say anything except that he was a good teacher. He is indeed a good teacher, but now I know he is a better kisser too...   As it was the last session, I started to feel restless. After the morning incident, I haven't seen him. And Melissa's plan made me nervous. Why would I get agitated, it's none of my business?      As it was time, I couldn't help but go near to his office. I hid behind a beam and waited for Melissa. As expected, she was coming to his office. Her skirt was tucked more to give a view of her beautiful thighs and then her shirt's few buttons were loosened, to give the best view of her cleavage. Damn it, she is doing everything purposefully. After seeing her stepping inside, my body temperature dropped due to anticipation. It's been two minutes now, and I was waiting there for God knows what.   Then I remembered that my lab record was on his desk as I forgot to take it due to the rush and tension in the morning. Finally, I got an excuse to get there. But I wasn't sure about how to face him.    Oh God, here goes nothing…!!   I walked directly to his office and from the door, I saw Melissa bending in front of him to show the record. But she intended to show off her deep cleavage and round ass… tempting him, but to my surprise, Mr Drake's eyes were only on the records. And when he saw me, his face had a mixture of emotions, whereas Melissa's had a big frown that spoiled her plan of seduction.   "Come in Aura. You are here for the records, right ??" he asked.   "Yes, Mr Drake. "   "Okay, Melissa, do one thing. I explained the solution to this problem. If it's not clear, you can ask Aura. She did the experiment well yesterday."    "No Sir, I mean now after trying the way you said, it's clear now…"    "Then Good. Aura, I am halfway through the last experiment of your record. So after checking it, I will give it back. Now you can both dismiss me as I have some other work pending…"   It was a relief. I saw Melissa glaring at me. I know she was planning to stay even after I got with my record. But as Mr Drake bid bye to both of us, she didn't have any other option but to leave.   After getting out of Mr Drake's office, Melissa caught me by my hair. She only verbally abused me. This is the first time it got physical.   "What the fuvk have you done b***h?? You spoiled my whole plan… " she clutched my hair so hard that I had to stop her. I took her hand and with a slight movement twisted it, so now it was her turn to grunt in pain.   "Melissa, I am not interfering in your business. You also do the same. And by the way, my hands aren't as soft as yours because of hard work. So don't try anything physical with me, because I can promise you that you will be the one crying at the end. " I dropped her hand and went to the library to ease my mood.   Too much drama for a day…!!                                             
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